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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. No. I quoted a post of yours, at the same time referring to another post. All accurate and straightforward to follow. You misinterpreted. Not me. It's all there on P18. You cannot deny it. It's so simple just to read, follow and reply accordingly.
  2. Yet again, incorrect. It's all here to see. Look back at previous posts. Try to disconnect your selective reading before you do.
  3. I'm right that the plan of removal of 4000 EU laws has not been binned. At least as far as my request for you to prove it is concerned.
  4. However, facts still trump estimates. Chomper will tell you, varifiable data is much better. I don't believe estimates come under the banner of varifiable data.
  5. 3023 is a long way off. Besides, the plan has not been "binned". Adjusted, delayed maybe. Not binned. Interesting to see you know when the next election is going to be.
  6. I love the link. Especially the bit that says figures may need to be revised again. The ONS are so sure of their calculations they put in a disclaimer. Excellent.
  7. Thanks for confirming we'll wait to see. Not binned then.
  8. So not binned then. As I thought. Possibly delayed. Not binned. Glad we got that cleared up.
  9. The report I read said some laws will be removed (your words) by the end of the year, others later. I don't recall reading that the idea to remove (your words) 4000 laws had been binned. Maybe you could share the article that states this. Unless, of course, you were exaggerating for effect again.
  10. Incorrect. I was referring to JonnyF's post 9 hours ago.
  11. On the contrary. I'm not looking at this as a remainer or a leaver. Just someone who understands the situation. Right now it is obvious there are issues that need sorting. It would be difficult to argue that things are not going as expected and some aspects are not going well. If it were the opposite, I would agree that thngs are going well but would still not declare that Brexit was a success. Why would I? It's not finished.
  12. So, where is your post? Was it tracked? Can you tell how far they got? Have you received post from within Thailand?
  13. Please tell me that it isn't ongoing. That everything that needed to be done has been done. Show me. Just show me that there is nothing outstanding.
  14. Maybe he will, if Brexit fails. Like many who can see reality, it's still ongoing so, as yet, hasn't failed.
  15. I can't help with the pension questions but curious as to why you believe the post not arriving the fault of Thai post. Due mainly to strikes, Royal Mail are well behind. In the UK I know people received Christmas cards as late as March.
  16. Oh dear. You must have been sitting at the back of the class looking out of the window. Let me start again, just for you. One poster posted facts. Figures that have been confirmed as correct. You attempted to counter those claims and debunk the figures using forecasts. I pointed out what you were doing and questioned this,as facts are facts and cannot be disproved by forecasts. The clues are in the words.
  17. I gave you an answer. I thought you were confused with the meanings of words i used as my original post was straight forward. I was showing the difference between forecasts and fact.
  18. I said mentioned, not suggested. You have confirmed you have asked many times what the laws are. That certainly means you have mentioned them.
  19. Impossible to say. As we have discussed several times on this thread alone, there are still issues to be dealt with. As an example, you yourself, have mentioned a myriad of times that there are many laws to be changed. Thus, Brexit is unfinished business and cannot be deemed a failure. Even if your newest bosom buddy Nige says so.
  20. Forecast. Assumption. Facts. 3 words for you to look up in the dictionary. Once you know and understand the meanings, you'll understand my point. If you don't, you are in denial.
  21. However, it is a forecast. Including, by your own admittance, "assumptions". Oh dear.
  22. That's a forecast. JohnnyF has been posting up to date figures. IMF made some forecasts about UK in recent months. Look what happened to them.
  23. I agree. You're going round in circles.
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