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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. No. Talking up having won the next election without having released a manifesto. To think PMQs is "unmissable" is sad.
  2. This comment should have been included in your original comment. As for Thai price or Farang price. There is only a difference if the Farang allows it. I believe we paid 300b a metre. Minimum of 5000b. Total, with pump and pipes was around 18000b. 18m deep.
  3. Just a suggestion. Do you have evidence to suggest other reasons as to why he did it?
  4. No insults at all. Facts. Not insults. It seems Starmer is the one who doesn't understand the need for manifestos. He's got the victory in the bag already, so he says and says and says and says and says.
  5. Did he look ignorant? Seems is was done in jest. Got ta all though, didn't it? 55
  6. It seems Starmer would disagree. He has said "the people have spoken". The people have "made their minds up". No manifesto but people have already decided. From the horses mouth. 🐎. As apposed to, from an internet troll's mouth.
  7. If you paid, or know someone who has paid, 100 to 200k for a bore, you or they have been taken for a ride.
  8. Without knowing the water table, suggesting lack of wealth as a reason is churlish. In our second Isaan home we have a borehole with a pump for all household water. The bore is about 18m. It's never run dry. Even now, after all the heat and no rain, the pressure is excellent.
  9. That's strange. Starmer has been banging on about how the people "have spoken" during the local and mayoral elections, also every single by election, and how they want a Labour government. He's been calling for a GE because the people want him and his party as the next government. All that but no manifesto. He must be deluded.
  10. I didn't say I would imagine. I'm not imagining. Starmer and his merry wo(men) have been talking about how much of a better job they'll do in so many areas. Were they lying? Oh dear.
  11. Newsworthy? Really? Maybe that's why he did it, to get himself in the news, and ya all fell for it.
  12. You clearly didn't read all of my post. Nice, attempted, segue by the way. Sadly, for you, it stuck out like a sore thumb.
  13. The next few years will be interesting. It's looking very likely Labour will win the election but, by will they have a majority? The local council losses by the Conservative party were shared across a few parties. If labour win and manage to achieve everything they say they can, we'll all be thousands of pounds better off. Universities will be free, nurses will be earning 40k a year, minimum wage will be £15 an hour, NHS waiting times will be minutes and there will be no asylum seekers left as all applications will have been processed, to name a few scenarios. It's all a bit unlikely. If Labour win and fail to achieve all they say, when they announce they'll have to raise taxes or cut public spending, when they realise they need to make a few more Uturns, voters will realise it was more the situations getting worse by outside pressures rather than government making them worse. Then, hopefully, someone will have the balls to admit taxes collected are not enough, across the board, and will raise them. Also reform the benefits system. Simple economics. There is more going out than coming in. The burning question is how long, after Labour win, will it be until the current bunch of naysayers stop saying "It's not Labour's fault they can't do this, or can't do that"?
  14. Only if you intend to, or imply you intend to, stay in UK. The same for any expats.
  15. To be accurate, the perks are with UK treasury. To the tune of, circa, £200 million a year.
  16. Different to Eswatini and Lesotho. He's a constitutional monarch. Not absolute. Also different to Tonga with regards to constitutional powers.
  17. What decision? What did the people of Scotland vote for?
  18. Not trolling. No. Just correcting you. You compared Scotland to UK. The two are not comparable.
  19. What was the result of the referendum? The decision of the people of Scotland?
  20. And, what did the Scottish people think about independence? I believe there was a referendum.
  21. Seems the idea the policy is a deterrent could have legs, just like many have previously suggested. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68918250
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