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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Actually, the Crown estates is a net contributor to the treasury. You've been reading too much propaganda from Republic.
  2. He is a teacher. I'm sure he has the intellect to separate the wheat from the chaff.
  3. One Jewish guy and one other guy. How many people walked past? That doesn't prove the pro Palistinian demonstrators are dangerous.
  4. It makes sense to stop the guy in his tracks. Avoid a possible altercation. How many in the march are there more as anti Jew than pro Palistine? It's just like football fans being segregated. It only takes one person or a small majority of idiots to start. The police took the correct decision. And, yes, I believe if a Muslim tried the same thing during a pro Isreal march, the police would do the same
  5. Google. Tell him to type " Teaching jobs in Thailand".
  6. I agree. I believe it was you that asked the questions. You that has focused on me.
  7. I don't recall telling anyone anything of the kind. I simply expressed a preference. More exaggeration for effect from you. Something I chose not to do, despite your apparent advice to do so.
  8. Interesting, rather outdated comment. I guess you have DNA to back that up?
  9. Funny. You can't decide so you resort to underhand remarks. You want to feel hatred for someone you don't know, have probably never met and who has no affect on your life. I prefer to feel love for those closest to me. That's the difference.
  10. The gutter press don't care what he's called. If he and his family changed their names and moved away to a far away land, the press would follow.
  11. Please reply to my comment. . Just that comment. No need to ask me questions.
  12. Losing his titles won't make any difference. He's still Harry, son of King Charles
  13. The kids are living in the country of their mother's birth. Lillibet in the country of her birth. My wife, I and our daughter live in UK right now. Our daughter was born in Thailand. I didn't realise that makes be a bad father.
  14. Really? You know every member of the British Public? We are? Who is we? The easiest thing to do to "stop hearing about him and his trashy wife" it to stop reading the articles about them. Yet, here you are. Strange. He isn't and never was a tax pilferer.
  15. Suffered? Really? I have to say, I don't feel I've had any suffering. He gets on with his life. I get on with mine. I beli
  16. Renouncing his British citizenship would deem him stateless. Why would he do that? Regardless of the hatred on this topic, it should be remembered Harry is a father and needs to take care of his family.
  17. The fact the embezzled money was supposed to be used for a second referendum, it seems the leaders at the time weren't really interested in independence anyway.
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