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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. My mistake. He said he would abolish the current system. He pointed out that his leadership campaign of free University is not possible. Surprise surprise. He said there would be a fairer system but, once again could not come up with a funding plan. So many twists and turns it's difficult to keep up. Especially when his deputy and members of the shadow cabinet contradict him.
  2. How do you know it "was" a ridiculous scheme? It was never implemented.
  3. It seems it's not up to parliament. As can be seen by the blocking of recent policies.
  4. Exactly right. It should be up to the UK government what they do with illegals but, sadly, it isn't
  5. Indeed they were. Some of which are working well. Sadly, the left have derailed the migrant boat situation.
  6. Finally. Finally you agree that brexit cannot be deemed a failure as it's not finished. Or did you not acknowledge that bit because you don't like it?
  7. When will al this happen? It's about time we witnessed that rare beast. A bit of lefty foresight.
  8. So please tell us what the majority public opinion is. It's getting to the point where you seem just as confused as your mate Capt Hindsight.
  9. He's already said he applied for a 60 day extension based on marriage. It's one extension per entry.
  10. As usual, Starmer says he has a plan but gives no details. He must be confused. Still adamant he won't seek to rejoin.
  11. Not the ones I've been too. My brother in law often returns with thousands. It's big business. Last time I went was in Khampengphet. Lots of shiny pickups with registration plates showing many had traveled a fair distance. This one didn't get raided. Local police had been informed and paid to stay away.
  12. Seems we all believe the same as your mate Starmer. If he believed you, he would make sure it was part of his election campaign. Imagine that, on just one policy he has the majority of the electorate, apparently. Oh wait, he hasn't done it. That suggests he is concerned of a negative impact such a move might make.
  13. Are they really? I hope, for his sake, Starmer's wife doesn't find out. ????
  14. I agree. Seems to be all Starmer and his cronies are doing. He was in my old home town the other day. Talking to students about university fees. He's going to make them all free. Decided not to tell how, when or where the money is coming from. A couple of days later Rayner was saying how they can't make promises about any spending. Left hand and right hand.
  15. So you want it both ways. Why didn't you say from the start?
  16. If it were so important and detrimental to the economy as you suggest, Capt Hindsight would be using re-joining as part of his election campaign. He has already said he won't be but will be tackling the cost of living. So, Brexit is linked to cost of living under the currents government but Labour will be able to miraculously make things all rosey without mentioning it or doing anything about it. Have Starmer and Raynor been taking lessons from Penn and Teller?
  17. It must also be linked to Brexit, the topic of this thread, otherwise it's off topic and should have a thread of it's own. A popular view amongst certain posters.
  18. I've looked through and can see nothing about bribes or pimping. Just because one culture is different to another it does not make it wrong.
  19. I have. Nothing about re-joining the EU. If, like you say, there is so much support for it, Labour would be jumping all over it. They know it would be detrimental, so they don't mention it. Strange how "cost of living" is on your list, something that is constantly linked to Brexit by you, yet you feel no need for Captain Hindsight to mention it in the run up to the election.
  20. The general election is due in a year. If Labour win they get 5 years. I'm sure you'll agree they need to be given their full term to attempt what you have posted. If the naysayers piped up after 6 months, saying Labour haven't done what they promised, supporters like your self would be up in arms. No crystal ball. Simple mathematics. 5+1=6.
  21. Such an out pouring of support for rejoining, apparently, yet Labour will not commit for fear of throwing a spanner in the works at the next election.
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