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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. He's just announcing that he's going to enforce the law which seems a perfectly reasonable thing for a democratically elected government to do.

    ...any person and business which provided them any facilities would be tantamount to supporting the criminal and should also be arrested, Surapong said.

    Which is a bit strange coming from a guy who give the financier (and fugitive) of the 2010 mayhem back his passport. But of course Thaksin is his cousin and then different laws apply for the democratically elected government.

    Trying to close down channels that report the protests is also very democratic indeed.

    There's a big difference between reporting protests and inciting criminality. The latter is not allowed in any country.

    Then we agree.

    I haven't heard Suthep (and Blue Sky) say that the protestors should burn down buildings or anything else in that range..

    So CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera will be next on Thaksin's cousin's list I guess.

  2. How is the Interpol request going?

    How the hell did this guy get into the conversation. Last I heard he was lost in the basement of survanabhumi with a foot clapper begging for someone to show him the difference between his ass and his elbow.

    ฺBack to the article, Kasit hit the nail right on its head. Well done!

    Looking at the format of the Aljazeera page, with Yingluck's intellectual interview in the middle, there is hope that finally the (whole) world is starting to know with the Shins are all about.

  3. And this written by one of the leaders who took over the airports in 2008? So so surreal......

    Well well, he was there once or twice as a speaker. He wasn't a leader. Like all politicians go to the stage now and then. Last Saturday the current Interior Minister was singing a song (while holding Arisman's hand) on the Red stage. So please don't dramatize the whole thing.

    Fact is that the contents of Kasit's story is fair and correct.

  4. The NACC panel said the G2G trading was believed to have caused losses to the rice-pledging scheme because rice would be sold at less than the market price.

    Here it is guys! Thailand sold rice to other governments below market price.........and somebody must have received the difference between selling price and market price...

    Now please pay attention, I'll only say this once:

    It's the difference between pledge price and selling price can counts whistling.gif

    No. It's the difference between pledge price + all associated costs (storage rent, computer systems, transport etc etc etc) AND selling price that will establish it's total loss.

    To be fair, any kind of farmer's support system would incur losses. This government has chosen for pledging, others might prefer to give money directly to the farmers.

    The big question is were is the corruption in this scheme and why is so much money being lost on it. One very easy way is looking at selling vs market price.

  5. It may be off the table for now but it hasn't been torn up yet.

    It's just been hidden away to be produced at a later date.

    She was asked that exact point - that it could be brought back after 180 days, or something like that. She said it wouldn't.

    However, the main reason I came to this thread was to comment about how badly she conveyed her answers to the interviewer. A lot of the time the interviewer had a deep frown on her face as if she was trying to understand what YS was saying.

    YS was just babbling, almost panicking, and saying the usual words without forming many coherent sentences. It really was a poor performance. Even worse than her brother.

    I just found the video. Watch it if you have the mental fortitude. The amnesty bill is discussed is at about 11:30:

    Wow this is just horrible. Out of all the decent and qualified people in this nation they picked Yingluck to represent and lead the country. Just unbelievable

    It is even horrible without sound. Those facial expressions....blink.png

    It is really very sad indeed that this incompetent liar is the leader of Thailand.

  6. With all the new models available and soon to be available here, I wonder how long before we have a dedicated bike show in Thailand?

    we have it in Bangkok every year dedicated to bikes only and related gear and accessories.

    Actually, this bike show held at Central World Siam Square is much more better. Location is also nice and all bikers park together so chance to meet with other bikers and check their bikes for mods etc.

    All accessory and gear shops in Thailand nearly, all bikes sold in Thailand with all makers, shows and stunt shows, beer garden, concerts, classic bikes, nice girls. What else a biker needs?laugh.png

    it will be between 5-9th of February, 2014 nearly the same time every year.


    be there man!


    They made a nice poster for the show this year.

    Yeah this one is the only one I go to nowadays. It's a nice event to hang out.

  7. Hitting her with a premeditated murder charge is the only fair thing to do. If she wouldn't have masterminded the whitewash-all-criminals bill, this would never have happened. Also, if she and her brother would not have looked for a confrontation with peaceful protesters this would never have happened.

    Yingluck you can't hide forever!

    • Like 1
  8. This hypocritical sycophant is truly shameless.

    What else would you expect from Thaksin's mouthpiece (and relative).


    he is also a relative? How many relatives does Thaksin have? And as it seems all are in politics. Two sisters, brother in law, wife, etc etc

    He is Thaksin's cousin in-law because Sumalee Tovichakchaikul (Surapong's aunt) married to Satien Shinawatra, Thaksin's uncle.

    When Surapong was put in charge of CAPO many were saying that it was a confirmation that Thaksin is calling the shots and that the fight is far from over.

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