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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Peaceful yellow shirts approaching people in an enclosed area who were holding a peaceful rally in private. Now 4 have lost their lives which wouldn't have happened if the yellows had not attacked. More blood on Sutheps hands

    This sort of blatant ignorance is really silly.

    Firstly, 4 people died which is immensely sad.

    2ndly the "yellow shirts" label is completely irrelevant to the incident and shows that you have no idea what you are writing.

    3rdly, most informed people know that like most incidents of this nature we are unlikely to have many facts for some time and most know not to rely on the usually inaccurate thai press for correct info nor police statements.

    Ram Uni is the largest public uni in BKK. It is predominately a campus of students from low socio-economic areas who can't afford private uni fees. That means many students from the NE and the south. RU also has many students who didn't finish high school doing a uni based bridging course.

    The Students and Peoples Network for Thailand Reform (SRT) who have been based at Nang Lerng opposing the amnesty bill don't even have many members from RU being predominately other unis. And there are a bunch of students groups involved currently in the protests. There was no organised rally planned for that night. it appears that somehow some initial incidents occurred and then things escalated from there in a spiral of counter attacks. Most of the violence reportedly occurred at the rear on soi 24 than on Ram rd side.

    The were some reports by RU students that a female student wearing an anti-govt neckband or something similar was harassed by some males, supposedly red shirts, going to Raja stadium. Some male RU students then reportedly retaliated and things escalated from there. A very unfortunate and horrific incident then occurs where a bus and taxi are attacked on Ram rd by a number of young males.

    I don't know if that sequence of events is somewhat accurate but it would make some sense and seems a reasonably understandable overview. Thai guys finding an excuse to fight over a relatively small incident and then everything escalates from there is a very typical event as we all know. We are talking about a city where attacks on buses by rival tech students resulting in fatalities is not uncommon (in fact Bangkapi up the rd is an area where they occur).

    I really felt for those pax in the BMTA bus, it would have been terrifying. In the evening things really start to escalate and intensify with projectiles thrown. Later, unknown individuals then start to use guns. Some RU students then report being shot at in their dorms which are located on campus. Red shirt guards also report coming under fire.

    The fact that many students were then stuck in their dorms during the night and that police failed to intervene to ensure that the confrontating groups were separated and secure the whole area is not in dispute. Police had previously stated that they have mobile riot police who can be deployed to any area of BKK promptly for just such incidents. Students then needed a military escort to evacuate from the area late morning the next day. That the red shirt leaders (not a homogeneous bunch btw, there are many factions & they have had political & power disputes) decided to leave Raja stadium on Sat night is to their absolute credit as it helped to deescalate the situation.

    Was this politically motivated violence? most likely not. Was politics involved in some way, obviously yes. Do we know the facts of what occurred that night, no we don't and anyone silly enough to attribute blame beyond the police is showing themselves to be a fool.

    In May 2010, I personally witnessed & filmed pitched battles at the intersection of Silom rd and Rama 4 involving rock, bottle and other projectile throwing between red shirts who had extended their barricade down Ratchadamri rd to Rama 4 and a large group of people on the Silom rd side. This occurred over a number of nights without police intervening though they were in situ. Eventually and reluctantly they did on one night.

    Now you would have said "oh those yellow shirts attacking the reds". Fact was it was all Silom stall workers/traders and their friends who are predominately from the Klong Toey slums. ie. very poor people fighting the reds shirts. Why was this happening? Well after the red shirts extended their occupation zone down to Rama 4 all of Silom rd was closed. Thus, the stalls were all closed and the stall workers thus had no income though they had rental liabilities to the people who control the stalls.

    That example doesn't at all fit into the simplistic narrative of 'middle class & elite yellow shirts' vs 'poor rural red shirts' which in itself is overly simplistic. There are other examples over the last 7 years which also don't fit such a simplistic view.

    I appreciate that a simplistic and ignorant red vs yellow analysis is an easy one for most to cling onto. Reality is much more complex. Let's wait & see how the DSI investigation into the deaths unfolds

    Keep those posts coming please. We need more guys like you here on TV.

  2. "Fight to topple the elected government"

    All in the name of democracy. Is Suthep the biggest hypocrit to ever walk the earth? I think so.

    All in the name of getting rid of a very corrupt regime who's only purpose is to wipe out checks and balances in order to gain more power, control and money.

    I really thought you knew that.

    All in the name of installing a "People's Council" a power grab by the desperate PAD, don't you know that?

    I thought that but then I followed the last two years very closely and Yingluck convinced me that she is a real Thaksin. Therefor I came to the conclusion that nobody would dare to steel as much as the Shins. Everything better than those self serving Shin elites.

  3. Now that the Ramkamhaeng University Rector has publicly announced that he sought help from the Police to avoid the students deaths and they said they would not help protect the students, the Police are making nice.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    The rector seems to have "been mistaken" about the attack on 'his students', why should he be believed that the police refused to intervene?

    "The victims who lost their lives during nighttime clashes between rival protesters in Ramkhamhaeng district of Bangkok have been identified as one student from Ramkhamhaeng University and three Redshirts protesters."

    Not sure but weren't they all his students regardless of color?

  4. I guess at least some who deem the spraying of poo and pee okay, were going apesh1t over the blood on Abisiths doorstep?!

    Just saying...

    I find both actions 100% despicable, but that is just me, the ol' Thaksin lover and Red- supporter...coffee1.gif

    There is a huge difference between spraying feces (which they haven't done) at the police and trowing blood onto the PMs house.

    Think about diseases and the fact that the demonstrators were allowed to reach Abhisit's house.

  5. The police just got alarming reports that Suthep's yellow thugs now use new tactics to confront the government. w00t.gif

    As everybody witnessed, Suthep and the Dems upgraded their "peaceful" rallies, aimed at completely eradicating democracy from this country, to a full blown insurrection.

    They called on their manipulated Dems' followers, as well as the hired thugs from the south, to seize buildings and do their best to violently provoke the police, while doing everything they can to put the blame on the reds (even though these left the city long ago) and PM Yingluck (even though she repeatedly called for restraint and talks).

    Since the confrontation at the stadium, where three redshirts were shot by Suthep's yellow thugs (disguised, according some reports, in what some call "students"), it has been increasingly difficult for these criminal protesters to put the blame on the reds. It is common knowledge that the criminal yellow thugs consider the reds as dirty, stinky, uneducated farmers and a violent underclass who insists on keeping irrational privileges, such as electing a government of their choice through free elections and not having that elected government overthrown by the Dem's and yellow minorities.

    Realizing that the whole world now see the true colors of these yellows protesters, supported in their criminal actions by the Dems, they turned to the most imaginative way of disguising themselves in order to confuse the police and the press (the neutral one) on who really are the real bad bad bad people.

    As it can be clearly seen on the picture, and as unbelievable (and disgusting) as it may appear, the yellow thugs are now fighting without colored shirts... and without clothes. xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

    Who could ever think of such a machiavellian plan, if not the Dems who have always been very creative in finding all sorts of dirty tricks to attack their opponents crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

    On this little note of humor (take it seriously if you prefer biggrin.png) I wish you all a very good night, hoping that the insane Suthep has vanished from the universe by tomorrow morning when I wake up. Sweet dreams thumbsup.gif

    PS: It has been reported that the yellow thug of the picture has been caught by the police, the brand of his underwear having been identified by a CCTV camera. I wonder what else we can expect tomorrow... giggle.gif


    The guy is in his blue underwear and you call him a yellow thug.

    You are an amazing story maker!

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  6. 1.

    thaksin is much smarter than the yellow mob leaders cause he understood have to pick up crowd (mob) for politics, without crowd there is not power.

    2. who can be the "crowd" for thaksin? off course the poor and under graduated farmers from isaan cause they are enough silly and no-one take care of them before in TH political life, and not last they are enough big crowd.

    3. so, what have to do? have to give them crumbs and have to promise a lot, cause they are like a sponge: hungry for take caring.

    4. breaking point: before this was very comfortable for yellows to keep this farmer class in dull, take their nose and take them to rice work for them, cause the rice traders are the chinese. but this behavior strikes back.

    5. and, the yellows are thinking now, what can they do to this situation. And come a brilliant idea: if we can't win the election simply have to avoid the election.

    But I'm bagging, this year is 2013. and their request could be solution at 30's year at last century. cheesy.gif

    Yellows? Come on dude, it's 2013!

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