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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. So the education minister turns up there ,not to assist the university but to speak on stage with the likes of Jatuporn and all the other thugs sums up this government .Keep up the protests suthep and the people of thailand . This core rotten group need exorcising from power.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Yes. The Interior Minister (the one in charge of the Police) was also on the Red stage when the police told the RU president Wutisak Lapcharoensap it was not convenient for them to rescue the students.

    Ramkhamhaeng rector said 3 students were killed in political violence. He criticised police passiveness Saturday night RT

    The Nation

  2. So the education minister turns up there ,not to assist the university but to speak on stage with the likes of Jatuporn and all the other thugs sums up this government .Keep up the protests suthep and the people of thailand . This core rotten group need exorcising from power.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Yes. The Interior Minister (the one in charge of the Police) was also on the Red stage when the police told the RU president Wutisak Lapcharoensap it was not convenient for them to rescue the students.

  3. If she resigns now, this would lead to an endless story of come and go come and go, dancing after whoever fancy to start a personal vendetta against the sitting power to be. When it comes down to Thaksin and his family just about the only thing they havent been accused of is the high fatalities in traffic accidents. Who will be the next target of the street mob. Surly a country can not be run like this, that whoever feels a fancy, start street protests and demand incredible stupid things like a peoples council. Tell me someone, where the hell in a modern society would this pass for good value. I cant think of anywhere except maybe one of the piss poor African countries. It is one word, and one word only for the things set in motion by Suthep these days, and that is anarchy, and he seems well on the way reaching his goal. I just hope for the Thai people that this will end peacefull, but i have my doubts.

    I mostly agree with you but which modern society would accept a government controlled by a criminal fugitive who's only goal is to eliminate all checks and balances?

    Not even mentioning those notorious MIB who showed up again last week Saturday.

  4. What a bunch of sad and miserable looking people they are.

    I was thinking the same. So sad that Thailand is "managed" by these controversial, corrupt and lying politicians. I just can't believe that anybody would put these people in charge of a country with the best intentions in mind. They are chosen because they can serve the Shins very well. That's all there is too it IMO.

  5. These new 650 are the best value for money ever in Thailand. These bikes can do it all with a very comfy seating position and great engine. A no brainer for me.

    Note; I am a hardcore Ducati (and if not Ducati, Honda) guy but the seating position of the Hypers is not for everybody. I couldn't live with it. And a race bike like a 1000rr in Thailand, no thanks!

    I am currently driving my friend's cb500X. I am pleasantly surprised with that bike.

    Good luck!

    • Like 1
  6. My sympathies go out to the young lad if indeed he is being harassed at school. He did not choose his parents or his uncle. He can't change them. He probably had little choice when it came to deciding what school he went to. My only hope is that Harrow teaches him well and that he turns out to be a far better person than his family are i.e convicted criminal on the run and pseudo P.M. who doesn't know when to give up and resign.

    I read in the BP this story was a complete fabrication, along with all the other bullshit being posted from many and various 'news' sources here xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.ZBoTdH8LFs.w alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18>

    ...and where are you reading this? I just went through the News"- section of the BP back until Thursday and couldn't find anything.

    Also there is no prove by that other guy, who constantly claims, that the boy is not even in Thailand.

    I started out being very sceptical about this story...not so much anymore, with all this non- prove!

    So a mother supposedly blew a whistle close to her son...... Any normal parent would not bring this into public. These issues you solve internally with the school unless you want to instigate hatred towards people.

    The school has been brought into an uncomfortable situation. The kid has to go back there and everybody will be talking about the incident. Can't imagine it makes the boy's life easier. And on top of it everybody knows where the boy studies.

    This proofs again that Yingluck is a not capable of managing any kind of situation (unless the whole thing is a set up and she knows her son will leave the school soon).

    The school is in an uncomfortable situation?

    Yeah...poor school- screw the boy!

    I tried to teach you something Mr. Impulsive but with a comment like that I will give up.

    • Like 1
  7. So a mother supposedly blew a whistle close to her son...... Any normal parent would not bring this into public. These issues you solve internally with the school unless you want to instigate hatred towards people.

    The school has been brought into an uncomfortable situation. The kid has to go back there and everybody will be talking about the incident. Can't imagine it makes the boy's life easier. And on top of it everybody knows where the boy studies.

    This proofs again that Yingluck is a not capable of managing any kind of situation (unless the whole thing is a set up and she knows her son will leave the school soon).

  8. What a coincidence. Jatuporn warns students, Arisman (while holding the Interior Minister's hand) on stage said that they would deal with the anti-government protestors.

    A bit of collateral damage but the fear has been created by introducing a third party (snipers shooting at students). Yingluck government issues statement later in the day for protestors to stop because of a third party...(she is concerned about their safety). According to Ramkhamhaeng Uni Director police was not convenient to help and the students had to wait more than 12 hours for the army to free them from their campus.

    This is a very interesting situation. Police will start investigation and soon the case will be handed over to the DSI, who will drop it within a few months because of lack of evidence and the MIB again will never be revealed.


    • Like 1
  9. YES, Yingluk shows great restraint, VERY Unlike the previous yellow government...

    Previous government started using force when half of Bangkok was burning and a dozen of their security forces were killed. You got it wrong again my Aussie friend.

    Really,,, "half of Bangkok was burning", reckon it would YOU who is wrong again my friend:whistling:

    Correction. Only 36 sites were attacked during the Red rallies in 2010, not half of Bangkok. You are right.


  10. The Chinese love the Shins. Thai government buys rice expensive and sells cheap to the Chinese (for a small fee).

    Winners: Chinese and the Shins

    Losers: Thailand's tax payers

    And you have or can produce documents showing the "Thai government buys rice expensive and sells cheap to the Chinese (for a small fee)"

    I think not...

    Well, if they buy expensive and sell cheap(which luckily after 2 years of asking, the government is admitting), A bit of common sense would conclude that..... Never mind Aussie. The Chinese and Thais would never do something corrupt. You are right.

    • Like 1
  11. He cut himself on their own razor wire? So not at all the demonstrators fault, right?

    Not sure how accurate that is yet - and I guess it could be said that he wouldn't have if the demonstrators hadn't been there. I am sure at the end of the day there will be 3 dozen explanations of what happened to him (but it certainly looks like a wire cut - so could be some credence in that).

    And the military grade razor wire they use is very very nasty and made to cause terrible wounds)

    (Different than the civilian razor wire which hurts but doesn't cause nasty wounds......)

    Let me guess....the people-loving Dems used the civilian-friendly razor wire 3 years ago, correct?

    Why do you think that??

    • Like 2
  12. With Suthep it is never about Thailand. It was never about the people in the 90's when he stole land and gave it to his friends. It is now about staying out of jail for killing 90 people and wounding over 2000

    Suthep is a past, a cancer bigger than Thaksin ever will become. Even if the country goes bankrupt the dirtiest politician will claim they are only fighting corruption.

    The Shins are making it very easy for Suthep.

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