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Posts posted by mania

  1. Guys sorry for noob questions, but can you give me tips on finding stuff for my bike, where how, what to look out for, millions of choices I know but which ones will fit? I dont want to buy something that is not compatible with my bike or wont fit.

    Thank you

    I am sure many here will give you suggestions but....

    What are you looking for? You need to narrow it down a bit wink.png

  2. How about the tail? The rear indicators! Once modded the front i believe the rear ones also must be changed. Looks ugly with the rear ones in original. Maybe with abit of patience there will be a good pick out there soon.

    Oh trust me they are out there now smile.png

    One thing Thailand has is hundreds of choices for lights

    Just go look at some of the bigger shops online even at any of the Thai related forums

    Or depending where you live go heck some of the shops

    Tons of light choices & they all install them for 100-200 baht no prob

  3. Yankee, it was not like power limit.

    Engine cuts as there were still some room on the throttle and once i apply it full on 189 kmh ignition was cut but engine was still working so definitely not a stall too.

    Strange really but i am hundred percent sure it was not redline and it is not a fueling issue or power limit.

    I will try again to pass 190 kmh today and lets see:lol:

    And i personally do not find flush mounts super safe, i just tried and i liked them a lot. They look like a part of the bike and i decided to keep them.

    I bought them and sliders from k speed and you can order from them and they post anywhere in Thailand. Just give them a call. Good prices.

    That is a hard one to envision

    You say ignition cut but engine still working?

    I am not sure what you mean or experienced.

    Sup those flush mounts are everywhere & like LL said run 700 baht + you usually need to buy a 80 baht flasher relay

    + roughly 1-200 installation

    LL If you like those but want more safety they also have them more bubbled out but still flush if you know what I mean

    • Like 1
  4. Yeah I have to agree too & as I said in racing yes anything can happen but..........

    In this case Marc dove into a crack that was not big enough or soon enough

    To do so he had to go over his head & braking was so late that when he should have been leaned in he was

    still not only bolt upright but his left foot on the ground, so no chance to tip in

    If at the moment of impact you stop the video & draw an arrow from where their fronts are pointing

    Marc is pointing completely off the track & Jorge is headed down the track.

    It would be inevitable to clash & the only way not too would have been for Jorge to throw it away & head off the track

    if he truly knew Marc could hang that turn.

    Marc could not hang that turn & if not for Jorge acting as a berm Marc would have been completely off the track as he had basically given

    up when he put his foot down at turn in time.

    Actually everyone has seen the head on shots & it is not as good as a long shot like this one IMHO

    When you see this one you can see Marc drove it way off line

    Look at 10-11 seconds & see where Marc finally gets turned & only because of the berm Jorge provides


    Even the upright shots you can see his foot is still on the ground & he is almost off the track well past tip in time

    But its all cool in love & war & if it is a one off no problem

    I do not agree with many who are like sharks with blood in the water & think it is great for the sport

    for this kind of thing to become the norm though.

    There can be plenty of excitement at 200mph with skill there need not be

    mad dash attempts & riding over ones head & hoping for the best....

    At least not when others lives & careers are also on the line.

    Also yeah I am hoping for WSBK tonight....although last couple of times I tried to stream it was shut down.

    Like last nights session was But hope it will be up & if not re-runs will be there wink.png

    Looking forward to Next weeks too

    Rossi & Cal needs to perk up next & we will have a real mixed GP bag!

  5. I know where you're coming from Mania...if the Hyper had been available (or even some firm figures and dates) then I'd have put my money down there and then. But with time to think it thru I decided to go a different way...wink.png

    I remember but did you say what you ordered?

    I remember you said it was coming this summer smile.png

  6. I can't believe there's another thread running!

    Oh yes you can.....oh no you cant.....oh yes you can.

    I know, I think Tywais should have locked it after his pointer post smile.png

    Ok since it is open, I just got a email from Thai assist

    saying they now sell health insurance & anyone buying a policy

    gets free 90 day reports for a year.

    A foreigner has been hired to deal with that department.

    Named Andrew Williams

    Have to admit their industrious & working an area that seems to have business smile.png

  7. Anyways update:

    I went with MSIG (Falcon) insurance


    160k of my 180k value is covered with a 5k deductible.


    2million per person

    10million max

    1million property

    100k for passeneger or me

    5million for bail bond

    Interesting Mine with same folks (MSIG)was 9776 baht per year

    Physical damage fire/theft

    130k fire theft on my 157k value with 5k deductible


    500k each person

    10 million each accident

    Property 2.5 Million coverage

    Personal Accident

    50k rider or passenger death dismemberment etc.accident insurance

    50k each person medical insurance ( two persons )

    300k Bail Bond

    Looks like the big differences in ours is the bail bond & property insurance amounts

  8. DucThailand won't take it in trade? what are u trying to sell that's taking a while to part with? The expat used bike market should be pretty lively with all the comings & goings.

    I have only asked locally at the Ducati ChiangMai & they said they dont take trade ins

    No I don't actually think it would be hard to sell my bike myself either.

    2013 n250 with a few add-ons

    I just thought it would be easy/easier

    I did just see Ducati Rama3 is doing a trade up deal where you bring in a monster 795

    & trade for a evo 848 or STF 848

    I mentioned to the manager to let me know when the low mileage 795's start rolling in smile.png

    He said for sure they will so we will see.


  9. Once you've had Duc, you never go back tongue.png

    They inspire passion because they are designed, engineered and built with true passion, not committees.

    Yes have to agree about the Passion & it must be an Italian thing wink.png

    I say because I have also owned Colnago's & they are the very same to the bicycling world

    as the Duc's are to the motorcycling world

    I imagine the same holds true at Ferrari

    Superbike position I agree too is not easy if not use to it. But also agree a firm setup & positioning can be a thing of beauty

    when called into action.

    Yeah fever still climbing here & I am all but resigned to it now smile.png

    Kind of a hassle as I need to go through the motion of selling too.

    I wish more dealers did trade in's here just to make life easier because we need to do the

    residence paper etc.

  10. Paul also wants to abolish the Fed and put the US back on the gold standard. Uh-huh.

    Very popular with the Unabomber crowd.


    You have morphed into the Henny Youngman of this forum trashing any thread you touch

    with your wealth of nothing

    Would be interesting to know if any of the last few posters are even Americans who deal with FATCA, FBAR etc.

    Actually who cares smile.png

    Also some of you might want to check your facts about FED & Gold standards as you may be confused, again,

    This is Rand Paul not Ron Paul, not that Ron Paul was ever really for a gold standard either not that it matters.

    But aside from that, what the heck difference would any of that make in regards to a bill proposing to do away with some

    useless paper weights?

    I think it is

    Sometimes Always better to add nothing to a thread when you have nothing to add.

    • Like 1
  11. Thank you for this post orang37

    Used DD electric to clean our condo air con today & boy did it need it !

    Called yesterday & booked for 9am today. They were on time with a follow up call right before they arrived

    They were amazingly thorough & tidy.

    Cleaning up after themselves when done.

    Seems like a very good deal for the 400 baht price.

    Three workers each did their section & were all done in about an hour.

    One cleaning main wall unit

    One cleaning compressor

    One cleaning all the parts that are taken off wall unit.

    They have their pressure washer & blow dryer & do a great job.

    Also take great care in not getting your walls wet by using their protective bag etc.

    Very nice courteous guys. Job Well done & glad you recommended them & I will be using them again.

    Thank You Very Much !

  12. Hey thanks I will enjoy following your progress

    You seem to know what goes where & why wink.png

    You also have some experience

    in restricted vs non

    Will be fun to keep up with your project & thanks for posting.

    I think you made the right choice going this route instead of the NC30 too

    Good Luck !

  13. The position Im ok with

    To be honest it is always the price that gets me.

    The Ducati's as well as some 1000rr's are all priced high compared to what I am use too of course

    + the lack of income now living here. SO..... that always makes me hesitant.

    Also I live in a condo & while it is nice being paid up in full it has no personal assigned garage

    parking space

    When ever I see the insurance pays 80% of value here I always shudder thinking man.....

    If you bought an Evo & it got stolen at the condo a few days after buying it you just lost 200k period

    That is kinda rough...smile.png

    I do wish I had given a better look at the 795 monsters or even the 696's

    I did not really take a look at those until recently & their specs are quite decent

    in power to weight as well as bore x stroke

    Both running about 80 hp & not heavy & with decent rpm they could be fun

    Kind of wish I had checked them out a bit.

  14. heheh..... ask about buying a BB gun & they all tell you that you will shoot your eye out wink.png

    I can't help either but do know companies like YSS make all kinds of shock upgrades for scooters.

    Then companies like

    DBS do pipes, cams, bore kits, ecu's etc for scooters


    If you go to a magazine shop & even though they are in Thai there are scooter dedicated magazines

    In them you will see many ad's & websites

    You can basically figure them out I'm sure

  15. Mania those are the least of my concern. I could get those form 250 or something they are almost identical. Both of my fairings are broken, properly broken. My left handle bar is bent. Front indicators both of them broken. I just didn't specify all the stuff in the post above.

    Ahhh sad.png

    Sorry to hear that. Did not realize you had such a crash

  16. Yes mania. I was not near redline - but close - and it cut.

    I thought about a fuelling problem but i redline every gear so why it needs to wait until 189 kmh at 6th gear magically?

    Still cbr500r is smooth and very stable at 189 kmh. Not even a shake and wants to go faster as still there is more room up there. Cool bike.

    Yes I figured you redlined gears already at track etc & why I thought it may be a fuel feed problem.

    Since it is at the top end only ( top end of speed not revs )

    Glad it is going well otherwise.

    I just saw a X or F? yesterday on the road & it looked a lot bigger than I thought from pics.

  17. LL Mine reached 195 on a dyno.

    Anyway I decided to give you update on my insurance. I used Tokio Marine from bigwing, Chiang rai office are dumb ......s they tried to say on the phone they dont deal with bikes, that they dont insure bikes. After calling to chiang mai office and sorting everything out, guy came to my place with a camera to take pics of damage. They tried to push me to do my repair in Chiang Rai claiming some shop here can fix this. I refused and said rather not loose my warranty and let me shop take care of this.

    So on Saturday i drove to chiang mai god it was hard to drive a bike when gear switch always gets stuck in upward position. Arrived at bigwing and they told me let us fix temporary what we can like gear leaver (straighten it out not replacing) and clutch handle and you can come back in a month or so. I was like <deleted>? He took me to the workshop at the back and showed 5 bikes in the repair and said this one is waiting for replacement parts since DECEMBER!!!!! I was shocked. They didn't even have clutch leaver in stock to replace mine which is broken in half. In the end I decided to leave my bike there and they said it will take about a month or more to get it fixed. They also said my handle bars were bent the left one.

    In regards to insurance they told me they will pay for fixing but I need to pay 5000 bht fee + 1000 bht excess!!! Considering my insurance cost me 9200 its a bit steep. But the repair will cost more than 10k they said so it still helps. I told them to claim on every single piece that is broken or even scratched.

    When I was there I saw 2 CBRs 5 CBF and about 7 CBX waiting for pickup:) CBX actually looks quite nice.

    May be late for you now sup but,

    You know those parts you mentioned did not need to be Honda specific

    Clutch/brake Levers,gear shifter lever & handlebar

    Also you probably could have bought all three for less than the 6k your paying +

    your insurance will probably go up big next year due to your claim.

    For this kind of stuff your better off buying the accessory parts & let a shop install for free anyway

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