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Posts posted by mania

  1. Just curious if anyone has been to the local gold shop today or yesterday to buy (or sell!) and can report on availability/liquidity during these wild price swings...

    I did see some shops are open but they have the last business days prices still up.

    Meaning the price before songkran started

    So I am sure they will sell to you at that 21k THB per baht or what ever it was

    But I also bet they will not buy your gold at the buy price listed smile.png

  2. True Move Intersim

    Been using it for many years always 1 baht per minute

    You need to put 00600 in front of the number your calling

    but easy enough once you set up your speed dial phone book

    Buy these anywhere that sells phone cards & top up as needed


    PS: I never paid the higher rate for supposedly

    better quality as the 00600 quality has always been fine to the USA

  3. If your replying to Yankees black commentThose pics I posted are the zx1400r's not the z1000's

    I know- I've got one on order in that color and should have it in May- I was just commenting on them.
    Ah I see,Interesting

    It sure looked black to me initially although I did not look from angles.

    May I ask,

    What attracted you to that model? Also

    What type of riding do you like to do?

  4. Those are actually metallic midnight sapphire blue- they look black in anything but direct sun or strong overhead lights.

    If your replying to Yankees black comment

    Those pics I posted are the zx1400r's not the z1000's

  5. What are people realistically expecting with a pipe, fuel controller and air filter?

    Does the US version have more HP? if so, how?

    15-20% is a quite reasonable expectation.
    Will be nice if a pipe,filter & ECU can gain 20%/9.4 HP

    But I think that 20% off those mods may be hopeful these days.

    Cams, porting etc? yes possible to see the 10hp+ gains

    Pilm, there was a rumor originally that the US got a 54hp version rather than the 47hp

    but that was just a rumor it seems.

  6. So what do they do? They create an extra $85 Billion per month to counter their own fiat debt creation laugh.png


    that is one of the typical wrong assumptions/claims spread by gloom&doomers to BS ignorant the not so informed public. the FED neither prints nor creates actual cash. i admit that fictious billions are put down in some ledgers or rather in digital form to absorb U.S. sovereign debt in order to suppress interest rates. the learned gurus have agreed to disagree whether this is beneficial or not in the prevailing situation. the problem is that those who disagree can't come up with an alternative. all what they are able is presenting yada yada yakety-yak and the day of reckoning is looming around the corner.

    do they have a solution? no, they don't! dry.png

    Yes understood.

    I used the term "create" loosely to mean created as a ledger input/cross ledger cancellation etc.

    Yes no solution in sight

    But I do not see a USD collapse any time soon as there is no viable replacement.

    Not to mention for something to collapse it needs room to fall.

    There is so much worldwide crap under the USD it cannot even fall of its own free will. :)

    But they can devalue it till repayment of debt is managable

    So to morrowbay's question

    So why cant anyone stop this Bernanke ? He should be taken away and locked up for treason.

    It is because Bernanke's crime? is against the citizens who will be made to repay not the government who appointed & cheers him onward.

  7. Yeah Valentino got off line early and paid a price for it I thought. If had stayed in the train what would have happened, he would have passed the Honda's earlier and challenged Lorenzo?. Did you see the cloud of sand that fumed up every time someone got off line. I realise they race there for politics and money but please don't conclude the season based on it. In fact what a crap track. VR46 though has emerged better than anyone except Lorenzo though.

    Tom is on pole for today, Brits galore, Laverty, Davies etc

    Lickey whats going on at Thruxton

    Yes I saw that dust off the main line & yes what a crappy environment to be doing

    those speeds.

    I imagine Moto 3 had it worst

    You know one thing about that GP race was from the start Pedrosa was right there

    & the race was his to lose

    Is he still suffering from injuries?

  8. How many posters celebrate Christmas every year?

    Do you all visit Church, or hold some kind of religious acknowledgement to the reason behind the event?

    I think the way Songkran is changing is one of the results of 'westernization' of Thailand.

    Funny as I was just saying this to my wife the other day.

    She mentioned that on many Thai Forums she reads that many Thai's were not

    thrilled with what Songkran has become.

    I mentioned the exact analogy you did.

    Except I used Christmas to illustrate many did not like what

    it had become over the years

    I said Christmas was once a marker for the day a man named Jesus was born

    Today it is a marker for the arrival of some fat guy in a red suit & a white beard.

    They pound the population for months in advance with get your shopping done

    advertising :)

    I also told her, what is even more odd is Easter once a marker for the day that same man

    from Christmas origins died is now a marker for some Big Easter Bunny who leaves candy eggs for kids.

    She did not ask why a Bunny leaves eggs instead of a chicken :)

    • Like 2
  9. The US fed is printing $85B a month, that doesn't concern you?

    What is almost funny about that is they are in a sense

    creating counterfeit counter-fiat smile.png

    At one time ( when the system was healthy ) they needed to sell Treasury notes or bonds

    to pay for the debt created by USD fiat creation.

    Now they have created too much debt & there are not enough

    legitimate buyers to keep pace with their printing/creating

    So what do they do? They create an extra $85 Billion per month

    to counter their own fiat debt creation laugh.png

    The Greatest Nation On Earth is pulling the Greatest Ponzi On Earth

  10. What can we say about VR46, he certainly closed a few mouths in the racing world, Has Been, utter squit and <deleted>, Rossi is back on a bike he knows and can ride to its max, wonder what would have happened if that little mistake early on hadnt happened??

    I think if he had qualified better & did not slip up

    ( I know that is two if's ) smile.png

    but I tend to think judging by his lap times while bridging up that we may have been treated to a Yamaha/Yamaha

    battle of a race. Whether or not that would be a good thing for that team at the 1st race is another story

    especially if a mishap was the result.

    But between Rossi being back & Marc looking so good early on like this...I think

    it will be a fun season to watch. Not to mention Cal if he gets just a bit more hp

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