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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. They were a vile gang who committed terrible acts of depravity. No one argues with that. However, because Yaxley banged his drum you think he had something to do with their conviction, whilst in fact the opposite is true and he nearly caused their trial to fail. Al because of his own selfish actions. And all so people like you would spew his nonsense verbatim and donate to his (personal) cause. He takes you for fools. And for good reason.
  2. The Airport link has always been open. Nothing has changed. If you mean the three airport connection (DMK, BKK and Utapao), then no. But the airport link in Bangkok is working as normal.
  3. I have said it before and I'll say it again - Yaxley doesn't care about vile monster rapists - as long as they are white, and even better if they were part of the EDL. He protected paedophiles, stood up for them, even protested to have them released from custody. What are your thoughts on this? Please answer. Yaxley didn't expose the Muslim gangs. He had nothing to do with it whatsoever. But he saw a bandwagon he could jump on to raise money (for himself). Please discuss. How did he expose these gangs? He didn't. This is just racist nonsense that doesn't deserve a response. Can you debate using adult words? "Left wing bedwetters", "vile Muslim monsters", "Islamic state". Can you actually make an argument that we can discuss?? Or do you just want to throw out racist and right wing cliches? Waiting.
  4. Samet is clean and beautiful. I used to go often, starting from 28 years ago. I agree it got beaten and maybe 15 years ago I checked out of a three night stay - at a good resort - after one day because it was filthy. I was with my parents and it was embarrassing, we checked out and went to Centara Grand Mirage in Pattaya! Yeah, it was that bad. I didn't go back for maybe 17-18 years but went back a few years ago and was very pleasantly surprised. Been back a few times since and it is spotless, clean sand, clean water, great restaurants. My kids love it, I would recommend it to anyone (after definitely not recommending it for a long time). Thailand has cleaned up its act in many respects. Samui is another place I used to go to regularly when I first came here but stopped for a long time. Now I love it again, clean and pretty.
  5. What the hell are you talking about? I replied to, and quoted, a poster who said: "After reading that lot, your true self has come to the fore, and it ain't pretty." And I asked if Yaxley was pretty as that was the insinuation of the poster. That was clear, don't make up claims for me please. Grown up arguments only, don't make things up.
  6. Yaxley-Lennon does not care about paedophiles, full stop. He cares about brown ones as it gives him a bandwagon to jump on and some good fund raising opportunities. He has a history of, at best, ignoring paedophilia is his own organisation, or, at worst, defending paedophiles in his own organisation. He not only defended Richard Price but he led campaigns to have him released! Disgusting paedophile defending hypocrite. He also - despite warnings - jeopardised the trials of the grooming gangs and almost caused them to be released or re-trialled.. All for his own ends. No concern for justice, only concern for his bank balance. And yet his knuckle dragging followers think the grooming gangs were caught because "he wasn't afraid to speak out" which is just laughable. He didn't care / didn't know and only got involved when the case was very advanced and he saw a bandwagon. And then he nearly caused justice not to be done. Yaxley-Lennon is an odious thug who plays the game for his own enrichment. Nothing more, nothing less. But of course the racists love him and believe everything that comes out of his lying mouth.
  7. Yet Yaxley-Lennon is pretty? Hypocrisy at it's best. Only YL can use that kind of language or tone. The right are such snowflakes, ironically, as that is what they constantly spout about the left.
  8. Wow, that's quite a smash. Why didn't it burst in to flames? Isn't that's what's supposed to happen?
  9. No, it was definitely a Seal U. Red plates. Maybe it's an advance model for dealers, not sure, but definitely was a Seal U. I was going to take a photo but we were driving in opposite directions and by the time I got my phone he'd already gone past. Ah thank you, this is helpful. Looks like it's not released so it must be either an advance for the dealers or perhaps a grey import? It was on Thonglor so I'm going for hi-so Thai wanting one first so importing it through the grey market. But just a guess.
  10. Back to EVs in Thailand, I just saw my first BYD Seal U on the road. Looked pretty nice, it was all black and very shiny. Does anyone know the spec or how much they cost? BYD's Thai website is pretty poor, it only has the Atto 3 on there. https://www.byd.com/en-th
  11. The cult is strong. (And I am not talking about the "woke bedwetters")
  12. How long is it going to take exactly? Just around the corner, right? When are these benefits coming and what are they? I would love to hear.
  13. Partly agree, but it's because Labour have gone right, describing anything related to the Tories as remotely "left" is hilarious.
  14. That is quite funny, but it is fake. When we cut to "20 minutes later" the shadows haven't moved an iota so it is clearly 20 seconds later at best. But still looks funny.
  15. That was built in the ocean which is pretty stupid. Thailand is building them on reservoirs. Pretty sure big waves aren't a problem there. Right?
  16. You're only about the 16th person to make that "joke".
  17. Compelling argument. "If we didn't let them in they couldn't rape our women." So out of those convicted, how many were born in the UK? See, that's why it is pointless arguing with right wingers because they always bring in ridiculous comparisons or arguments. So you inferring that because I think Yaxley-Lennon is a selfish hypocrital thug that is only interesting in his own wealth, then that means I don't think girls should be protected from rape. Right. I must admit, you got me there - yes, of course I believe we shouldn't protect girls from rape, well done, I walked right in to your trap and now I feel so foolish.
  18. Who am I apologising for? The were vile creatures and committed sickening crimes. My original post was highlighting the fact that you thought you needed to mention that they raped white girls, like it should make any difference what colour their victims were. Just an odd thing to highlight (for most people). Yaxley-Lennon had nothing to do with them being caught by the way. In fact he came very close to seeing them set free by his reckless, self serving actions (which boosted his donations nicely no doubt). I said it before, I'll say it again, he doesn't care about paedophiles. He only cares about himself and his bank balance and the goons like yourself who contribute to it.
  19. That's because it is in the middle of nowhere and it is a load of poo. Took my kids there a few years ago and it was dreadful.
  20. Right, so here are the Scots taking away the groomers early doors. Good job they couldn't get away with it in their communities - the Scots wouldn't allow it. Er, oh. https://news.sky.com/story/seven-members-of-paedophile-gang-guilty-of-running-monstrous-child-sex-abuse-ring-13008082
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