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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. "bedwetting, gender indeterminate, latte guzzlers at the BBC...." You missed the word "woke". Must try harder with your meaningless cliches next time. They were very bad men and committed very bad crimes and deserved very bad punishment. But until Yaxley-Lennon I think all child abusers deserve harsh punishment, not just the brown ones. Did you see him organise any marches against those in his own organisation?
  2. Er, right, ok. Joe Bloggs is generally used to mean "average Joe", or "Joe public" or as an alias for someone who wishes to remain anonymous. Do you think it's my real name?
  3. "and the rape of young white girls" Why even mention "white"? That's a bit odd. "And their rape of young girls" would be better, no? Or are white rapes different? ...........and lets not forget his chums, all in the EDL - some of them very close to good old Stephen Y-L - all who got convicted for grooming, child sex abuse or other crimes against minors. And the "leader" didn't condemn one, in fact he even publicly defended his convicted nonce mate Richard Price. https://hopenothate.org.uk/2022/01/11/tommy-robinson-is-a-hypocrite-when-it-comes-to-opposing-child-sexual-exploitation/
  4. And a nonce apologist. But please we should call him by his name, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon. He changed it because it sounded posh and non "geezer of the people" which is the image he wanted to cultivate. Can you imagine a Stephen Yaxley-Lennon inspiring the far right? Sounds a bit posh and forrin', innit.
  5. Who even checks their emojis or goes further and gets upset by them? I have never understood this.
  6. You mean like I did here: Than I was asked for link to so I gave one. Isn't that what we're supposed to do?
  7. True to form, refuses to read or acknowledge anything that contradicts your view. Understood. Waste of time engaging with you, I don't know why I keep coming back.
  8. Erm, right. I know of these incidents, they are public knowledge, and the convictions are in the public domain. I was asked for a link so I Googled and found a link. I didn't go through each result to see which one was "best" or that transam might like. I assume you didn't read it as you usually point blank refuse to read any link if you disagree with the narrative. Like in the BYD quality thread, quite laughable you are.
  9. Here's one. Lots more out there if you don't like the source. https://hopenothate.org.uk/2022/01/11/tommy-robinson-is-a-hypocrite-when-it-comes-to-opposing-child-sexual-exploitation/
  10. He didn't "expose them". He came in after most of the investigation was done - he saw a bandwagon and he jumped on it. And he almost caused their trial to collapse which could have seen them freed. See my post above about his defence of convicted paedophiles within his own orgnaisation.
  11. Oh please. Yaxley-Lennon doesn't give a stuff about grooming or paedophilia as long as it is white people who are doing it. His good friend and senior EDL colleague and founder member Richard Price was convicted of paedophilia related charges for making child porn, and possession of cocaine and crack cocaine. Yaxley-Lennon not only refused to condemn him, but publicly defended him, even leading an EDL campaign to have him released! Released from detention because of child porn! Then there was Leigh Mcmillan, another senior EDL leader under Yaxley-Lennon (and friend) who was convicted of abusing a 10 year old girl more than 100 times. In fact the EDL had a disproportionately high percentage of members who had been convicted for child sexual offences. Quite an organisation he led! Lots of others inside convicted of child sexual abuse. Oh but the Muslim grooming gang! Yeah! Brown paedos are a thing! He cared so much about them that he nearly caused their trial to collapse with his theatrics that could have seen them potentially freed! His actions on that occasion were extremely reckless and put the whole trial at risk. He knew that. He didn't care as it is only about him and how much money he can get his legion of feckless followers to donate. If there was any single part of him that wanted to make sure they were convicted he wouldn't have done what he did. But the views and clicks and extra donations he got made it worth it. And he didn't have any part in getting the gang caught as he only got involved when the police had done their work as he saw a bandwagon that needed jumping on. He's a paedophile defender at worst (well, he defended a convicted paedopjile and campaigned for his release). A paedophile ignorer at best.
  12. I retract my advice to go for the Fiesta. (And another poster above who wrote about the transmission trouble).
  13. He's just a hypocritical racist thug who likes whipping up the masses so they donate to this cause. Sadly they are only too eager and he is very wealthy. He's not as stupid as he looks.
  14. Nah, it was always temporary as that land was owned by The Mall group and leased to the dinosaur people on short term contracts.(Initial contract was 10 months). Emsphere was always planned to be built there. Regarding the fire there was a ferris wheel gondola that caught fire when (luckily) no one was on it. Then there was another short fire while the park was being demolished. WS did have more dinosaurs in it though.
  15. Thank you. I remember you sending a link but couldn't remember whether it was the Wuling Air or not. I was looking through the motoring forum EV threads. Cheers.
  16. Do you use your keyboard as an ashtray??
  17. Yep, I wouldn't buy an American product either. Right on!
  18. If those are your only choices go for the Fiesta. Good little car. Early MGs - circa that time especially - were reknowned for poor quality. They are much much better now but I wouldn't trust a 2015 model personally. Personal opinion only, I am not necessarily right at all.
  19. Yes, one in several tens of million chance events can happen. Do you own a mobile phone?
  20. Miserable rubbish. Some people like to experience different things, different cultures and different cuisine. I have been eating street food (not daily, but regularly) for 28 years and have never got sick. I have had food poisoning once in that time and that was from oysters at the seafood restaurant on Suk 24 ("If it swims we have it"). Never went back. If you want to stick to McDonalds that's fine, but don't spoil other people's threads - why post when you have nothing constructive to say? I agree with the poster above who suggests Ratchada train night market although I haven't been for a few years. I used to work near there so went regularly but now I work in a different part of the city so haven't been back.
  21. Please stop now, you are embarrassing. Posting nonsense and insulting people, just bore off.
  22. There was a guy asking about mini EVs in RHD but I can't remember which thread it was in - I thought this one but I can't find it. Anyway, saw one of these little guys yesterday - it looks quite funky. Good for pootling around the city but probably wouldn't want to go too far in one.
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