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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Stop it with your misinformation. Rip currents do not exist (even though you and I have both been in trouble in them). Koh Chang doesn't even exist either, stop making stuff up! It astounds me that the guy is telling us to stop posting misinformation when he is posting the worst most dangerous misinformation and telling people if they are caught in a rip (which don't exist, remember?) then they should swim directly against it back to shore. THIS ADVICE COULD KILL SOMEONE!
  2. Do you need help? Maybe some of the younger people here can assist. But in short, no you don't need to buy a new phone every six months. You can use any phone you like - just make sure the SIM is in your name, it is not a big issue.
  3. Ok, thank you Mr Ocean Whisperer who believes you only get rips where there are high waves and who believes Thailand doesn't have them. Mr Ocean Whisperer also believes rips don't exist otherwise all the water would wash out to sea. Go and peddle your misinformation elsewhere.
  4. So the rip current I nearly drowned in in Kata didn't exist. My dad was with me and he was a beach lifeguard for 25 years. And the rips that kill tourists every single year in Thailand don't exist. You have no idea what you're talking about. Rips do not need massive waves - wave height has nothing to do with it.
  5. Well it was a foreigner. If it was a Thai they wouldn't have said it was a foreigner. Get over yourself.
  6. Oh here he goes again with his dangerous lies that there are no rip currents or other dangerous currents in Thailand. Rip currents DO NOT cause all the water to empty from the shore, it is an idiotic thing to think. A whole bunch of all already disproved your dangerous lies on the other thread, don't go repeating them again here. Anyway this poor guy died in a swimming pool, I'll grant you there are no dangerous currents in swimming pools.
  7. A 20% increase over a typical rainy season, genius. Try reading before making your usual snarky comment on every single thread.
  8. They're coming for you! Seriously, why the big story about letting them come for it, so overblown and ridiculous - you are not that important. Making sure that if you use a bank app that the SIM that receives the OTP is actually yours. It's quite obviously an anti money laundering thing and reasonably sensible and pretty trivial (apart from the paranoid bunch on here). But yeah, they are coming, fill up your cupboards with tinned food, make sure your weapons are loaded.
  9. That's a completely different news story. I am talking about the fire that you posted.
  10. Congrats. As you are the man with the news, do you know how it started? Any context at all? And wondering why two people just casually stroll by without even looking at it. Oh, and I wouldn't buy a Lamborghini Aventador either as it might catch fire too.
  11. Geez, that is one almighty chip you have on your shoulder.
  12. Stupid comment on so many levels, not least being the fact that Christianity also has a paradise.
  13. But having ICEV factories with 90% local content AND EV factories with 30% local content is even better, no? It's going back to the either / or thing.
  14. Seriously? Every single EV I have seen or been in has been RHD. Not sure if you live in a parrellel universe?
  15. I don't have an EV but I don't think there's any issue at all. In fact an EV is probably better in water than an ICE as if you get water in your air intake or the exhaust you're screwed. An EV doesn't have that issue. EV batteries are sealed you know, they don't just dangle exposed underneath the car.
  16. Couldn't agree more. I bought two of his books but they were so painful to read - badly written, full of spelling and grammatical mistakes. I have no idea how he got published.
  17. It's because of the red sea breaks from a couple of months ago. That handles the main traffic between Asia and Europe but since those breaks they rerouted via SEA-ME-WE5, but then that got severed so now things are screwed. If it were not for the red sea damage we wouldn't be using SEA-ME-WE5 as far as I understand. If SEA-ME-WE5 is repaired we might get 60% of our original bandwidth to Europe back.
  18. Start a new thread and go for it - you'll be in charge. Would love to see and discuss.
  19. Serious question: why don't you start an EV fire thread. Then you can post as much as you like and no one will mind. And we might also join in occasionally.
  20. Thanks, didn't know that.
  21. That's an excellent idea! But it's not just asking a question about EVs. I have learned a ton in this thread due to people asking questions about EVs and EV owners answering them - in fact that was the whole reason for this thread in the first place before it got hijacked by the anti-EV brigade. You asked if the charge didn't work and someone explained you can plug it in to any socket. You then expanded by taking it to "but what if your car charger didn't work"? That's not asking a question to learn, that is a leading question because you want the answer to be "then you are bricked" and you can feel you've won because you've found the flaw. I merely pointed out all cars can have single points of failure, nothing unique to EVs or ICEVs, although EVs have a lot less to go wrong. Ask a genuine question and you'll get a helpful answer. But dreaming up "what ifs" to try and prove a misguided point is pointless. I don't even own an EV but it drives me insane. Let me ask you a question: why are you so against EVs? Why do you and EOW scrape the internet to try and find things against them? I really don't get it.
  22. Yes, that's them alright! I worked for them from 1995-1999 and then at a 50-50 JV company between them and another big Thai company for another 14-15 years. Very very unusual management style, bizarre in fact. And their JV partner was even worse. Anyway I don't want to take it too far off topic - that is EOW's job.
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