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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Again, no evidence he was acting or had been asked to. The only "evidence" you have is that he has done some two-bit acting parts in the past, and that is completely irrelevant. BTW he is a canvasser, not a politician.
  2. So no evidence then, you just made it up, thanks for making it clear.
  3. Ha ha ha ha. Because Farage says so!! He loves portraying himself and his party as the victim as it gets his supporters whipped up and they swallow it. Anyway, Farage will fail for an 8th time and will disappear in to insignificance again, but not before lining his pockets, again.
  4. What has his acting history got to do with it? So someone who is a low rent actor can never do anything else in his life because he must be acting and must be being paid to act, constantly? So if he gets a job as a bin man in future he's acting? If he becomes a bus driver he must be acting? You said he was acting in the undercover film and was paid to say what he did. Who paid him, and where is your evidence? You can't answer because you made it up. It's laughable really, how gullible you are if you genuinely believe that.
  5. Quite an outlandish claim. Obviously you have evidence or a link to support this as it was a very firm assertion. I guess you just forgot to include it, that can happen. So please share the evidence you have - you seem very certain so it must be compelling.
  6. I think that is true. I came extremely close to drowning off Kata beach in about 1997/1998. Caught in a rip and dragged out to sea and didn't know how to deal with it and tried to fight it. I was very very lucky to get back to shore, exhausted. I don't recall if there were red flags out or not but even if there were I obviously didn't know what they meant or didn't notice them. Since that day I obviously learnt a lot about rips, how to spot them, how to survive them, and obviously know the flag system. But to presume everyone should automatically know is just wrong. I think there were drownings earlier this year on Kata of people from a European land locked country (can't remember where) and they obviously wouldn't know any better. The waves are not massive, they look like fun, but you can be quickly in trouble. A few years ago I was in Nai Harn in rough conditions. Red flags flying along the beach, red and yellows set up in maybe a 30m section so people could go in under lifeguard supervision and they were furiously going after anyone who tried to enter the water in the red flagged areas.
  7. That's the suggestion of desperate Farage supporters, yes. For anyone else, it isn't. To think that C4 news would hire an actor, give him a script, tell him to go door to door in Reform's HQ constituency, then film him spewing the racist filth that he thought the constituents wanted to hear (but of course he isn't racist, no siree), pretending it was undercover, then released it and hope not to be caught, well........yeah, that definitely happened. Reform isn't racist, neither is Farage or any of his team. You got us. Bad C4, bad bad C4, doing all of that actor stuff and pretending it was real.
  8. That bit was good, but not as good as the bit where they pushed him in front of the camera with a script and told him to read it in a "rough talking" voice. Bloody MSM and their tricks!
  9. Yeah, by broadcasting what they guy actually said, shock horror. But of course it is C4's fault.
  10. So because he has done some two-bit low rent acting jobs in the past he can't be a racist campaigner for Farage? Righty ho. The deflection coming from the right is hilarious.
  11. Sorry, wrong. It is nothing to do with the drivetrain, batteries or motors, more troubles with tech like getting phones to connect and other high tech software issues (which legacy ICEVs don't have). It is annoyances for the new drivers, not reliability issues at all. Normally when you post a claim you should provide a link rather than just cut and paste a bit that helps your narrative or pre-conceived biases. https://insideevs.com/news/724798/are-evs-as-reliable/ "None of this should come as much of a shock. These types of surveys are typically a good measure of familiarity versus unfamiliarity. Old versus new. " Or: "One essential truism about automotive reliability: Older, more proven technology tends to be more reliable. Both in initial quality surveys and long-term reliability studies, consumers tend to be more satisfied with vehicles that use old-school technology. This is why Toyota and Honda—automakers that treat reliability as central to their mission—were slow to adopt turbocharging, slow to provide decent infotainment systems and slow to launch electric cars. (It's also why generations of cars like the Toyota 4Runner tend to stick around until they're old enough to buy their own cigarettes.) It's also likely why Ram is at the top of the mainstream pack in J.D. Power's Initial Quality Study. If your previous truck was a Ram, and your new one uses the same 5.7-liter V-8, the same basic controls and the same fundamental U.I., you're unlikely to come back to the dealer confused or dissatisfied. That's key here because the IQS doesn't just cover things breaking, but also things that consumers are annoyed by." Next!
  12. Finally the echo chamber has given you something you like! That's all your sad negative posts are ever looking for.
  13. Yeah, typical attention seeking Thai, gently riding his bicycle along a public beach and being attacked by aggressive dogs, how dare he!
  14. I have been in Thailand for 28 years and haven't paid NI in that time. I am currently on a two week visit to the UK. I needed to visit A&E a few days ago which I wasn't happy about as I don't like to burden services, but I needed to. I went to the registration desk and was honest and told them upfront that I am a UK citizen but not a resident, and I have lived abroad for 28 years with no UK address (other than family). They asked if I had a GP, I said no. I had my passport with me but wasn't asked for it. They were happy to accept my brother's address as that is where I was staying at the time. Long story short, no further questions asked. I spent several hours there (mostly waiting), had an ECG, blood tests, an examination, and finally was dispatched with some medicine with advice to come back the next day if not improved. (I didn't go back). All free, all service was great if a lot slower than Thailand. I was honest upfront as I expected I might have to pay - and rightfully so as I have not contributed NI since I lived here 28+ years ago - but no problem, all looked after, all free. And I didn't try to game the system, I was honest upfront without being asked.
  15. No need for right wing nonsense in a factual thread, thank you.
  16. Unfortunately can't read it without an account and there is absolutely no way I'm signing up to the Epoch Times, just like I wouldn't sign up to any other right wing conspiracy site. Possible to post the article any other way? I would read it.
  17. Not just you, I think it looks ridiculous.
  18. You do know the Epoch Times is not a credible news source, right? Anti-vacc, QAnon supporting, pro-Trump, far right, anti-Chinese propaganda rag, formed by Falun Gong practitioners and recently charged with international money laundering. It is not a news source. But anyway, please post the link, it'll be fun. https://www.niemanlab.org/2024/06/we-always-thought-the-epoch-times-was-sketchy-but-this-is-really-something/
  19. Pathetic. You live a very very sad and bitter life.
  20. I didn't realise he was asking without consent. Anyway, I didn't sign a POA, just gave them my passport. This was a BOI company so don't know if that makes any difference, but they physically took it to the One Stop Centre and I didn't have to sign anything.
  21. Is that this Somchai guy that all you EV critics keep banging on about? He looks pretty intelligent to me.
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