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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Of course he can't because there isn't one. (I know you know this) He's a minor and police won't release the name of a minor. The only place you can find the name Ali-Al- Shakati is on racist sites with absolutely no evidence to back up their claims at all. And the people who are anti immigration lap it up and repeat it without checking to see if it's true (that would require some intelligence).
  2. Now down to not only ignoring questions, but attacking non native English speakers grammar. You are a class act.
  3. You are a car expert right? You have a Pontiac with some off the shelf parts or something. What is the new engine tech? How are these engines extremely efficient? Is it the variable valve timing or the direct injection? There is nothing in the video so what do you know? Please enlighten us. Why don't you tell us so we can comment and discuss? (I know why, everyone does).
  4. Did you donate? You should. Make him happier and richer, that is all he cares about.
  5. This was in a direct reply to my post. Check it out, you posted it. As I thought, attack, and then run off, because you have nothing....😂 As for my Pontiac, you know what I am talking about, you had nothing then too... Now back to my thread....You can toddle off, embarrassed.. I think nothing of it because there is no new tech. It is so so so boring now you rambling about new tech, posting a video with absolutely no information about any new tech, and then refusing to say what the new tech is. Childish, boring, you are the worst troll on this entire forum. Not sure why I keep taking the bait. When you tell me what the new tech is or where these announcements are I will give you my opinion on it. Until then just troll on.
  6. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
  7. I'm out of this, it is too frustrating, like dealing with my three year old nephew. You posted a video and titled it "the new ICE engines". The video claims they will kill EVs. The video doesn't show any announcement from the car companies, it doesn't give any technical information at all (except they use, wow wee, variable valve timing and direct injection). So I asked you what's the breakthrough, what am I missing? What is this new technology? I'm interested in technology, so what is it? What's the point of the video if it doesn't tell you anything? It's just an anti EV shouty channel which has nothing. Now you twist it by asking me to name an engine that is identical to it. Eh? Where did I state it was exactly identical to anything? No two manufacturers make exactly identical engines. I said it was a standard hybrid engine, nothing new or exciting. Now you're asking me to name off the shelf parts in your Pontiac? Are you OK? Pointless continuing, other people see through you too. Moving on....
  8. You've got your answer (above). As usual there is no answer.....for some reason he now switches to saying which engine is identical to it. Deflect, deceive, avoid. Every single time.
  9. Yet again transam fails to answer a direct question, fails to deliver anything at all. A whole thread of nothing. I watched the video, twice. There is nothing in there at all. Is this the first time you've heard of a hybrid engine? Maybe that would explain why you think it is new or exciting. These are just standard hybrid engines. There is no breakthrough, no new technology, no big announcement. You are clearly not as knowledgable about cars as you think. Variable valve timing is not new, it is very old. Direct injection is not new, it is very old. That was all the technical detail offered in this nothing of a video. Next thread: transam posts that commodore have just announced a new breakthrough that is going to DESTROY the gaming industry, GAME OVER!! - a new computer with 64kb of RAM!!!
  10. And there you go again, ignoring questions, and posting silly emojis. You are not interested in a discussion. One last try as you did post the video: What is the breakthrough? What is the new technology in these engines? Why are these any different from any other hybrid engine? Please try to answer a question, just once.
  11. You conveniently ignored my questions as you always do whenever someone challenges your nonsense, every single time. Ignore, post something silly with some childish emojis. I always enjoy a reasonable debate as obviously I am not always right so it good to hear other opinions, but you never engage, you ignore or deflect. So let's try again. Where is the breakthrough? What makes these any different from any other hybrid engine? There is nothing in the video. Shouty videos do annoy me as no reputable journalistic source uses shouty all caps headlines like "GAME OVER", "NO MORE ELECTRIC!", it is just click bait for the gullible. If people don't like EVs it doesn't bother me (as you know I don't own one), it just bothers me when people lie or post nonsense........that goes for any topic, not just EVs. Anyway back on topic. What's the breakthrough? What's new?
  12. I would say you are very easily hoodwinked. I watched the entire video and didn't hear one single detail of any new tech or development, not one. Just lots of generic words. They say these revolutionary engines use "direct injection" (common since 2000) and "variable valve timing" (common since 1989). Oh and they can switch from "pure EV" to "pure ICE" or somewhere inbetween. They are just basic hybrid engines, nothing more, nothing less. What did I miss? Where is the revolutionary breakthrough? Can you explain? I was going to say I thought you were more intelligent than that but then I remembered.... So where's the breakthrough? Oh, and the channel is very shouty and very anti EV from the looks of it.
  13. Oh the irony of transam complaining someone has derailed his thread....
  14. Tell the guy I was replying to then. Or are only anti EV / anti China people allowed to go off topic? It's always like being in the school playground when transam is around.
  15. It's been debunked on here before (by me as well as others). There is a Financial Times article that tells the whole story, that it is mainly due to a shortage of hauliers in Europe and that it is affecting everything, not only Chinese EVs. But those with an agenda jump on the Chinese EV thing. It is a logistical issue rather than "dumping". However, many of the Chinese groups were building teams in Europe from scratch and grappling with real-world logistical challenges, car executives said. As newcomers to the market, they have struggled to find haulage companies to prioritise their orders. “Lack of trucks” is a “very common problem”, said one person familiar with the situation, who added that many vehicles had been “reserved by Tesla”. “Any new brand will be facing this issue, if you don’t have scale, if you don’t have regular deliveries, then you are not the [trucking groups’] largest clients,” they added. https://www.ft.com/content/496f3bfa-9f0c-4145-9024-188572a280fd
  16. No one has a crystal ball. I am sure no one ever thought Nokia or Kodak would go belly up. But GM were never a mainstream brand in Thailand although they did manufacture and export from here. I wouldn't consider a GM because their cars are all naff but I definitely wouldn't have considered them in Thailand in the same way I wouldn't consider a Peugeot, Seat or Citroen in Thailand - you never know when they might disappear as they don't sell enough.
  17. I would never ever consider a GM vehicle of any kind, ever. Not in the past, not in the present, not in the future.
  18. For that reason I would not buy from a non established brand. That doesn't only go for cars but for any expensive electronic item that I plan to rely on.
  19. No one would miss it - they are dreadful cars. Edit: BTW I don't think anyone on here has said ALL electric cars are amazing so not sure why you think you are scoring points. Like anything else there are good ones and terrible ones. Vinfast belong in the latter category, BYD belong in the former.
  20. Means nothing. It is a relatively new industry. Of course many companies will fall by the wayside, there will be consolidations, mergers, takeovers, just as there have been in the ICE vehicle industry, absolutely no difference. Some won't be good enough, some will overstretch themselves, some will be incompetent, but at the end of the day the EV industry will be strong as will be the survivors. How many automobile manufactures have gone bust since the early days of the automobile? How many early internet business went out of business? How many mobile phone companies went of out business? (hint: it's a lot in all three instances). Has the automobile industry died? Has the internet died? Has the mobile phone perished? Like I said, meaningless. Edit: I haven't heard of more than half the companies on that list which says a lot.
  21. Just to update, I flew back from Samui this morning. Was in CW at 9am and out by 9.40am with a 12 month extension in hand. Very easy process all the way through thanks to some helpful advice on this thread (and also by PM). I can confirm I did not receive a home visit. Now to fly back to Samui and finish my holiday.
  22. Not sure if that is a serious question or not. I guess not.
  23. Honestly this is really interesting for people who don't understand the unbelievable capacity these batteries have and how little impact things like AC have on them in the overall scheme of things. It is hard to compute for most people. Luckily most people refrain from making silly blanket statements....
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