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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Ok, so they are all sweeties too? Yet in this whole thread - until I pointed it out - you had never once criticised the event, the middle aged male attendees from around the world, you just attacked the principled 16 year old disabled "sweetie" who travelled in great discomfort to make a point and try to do good. But yeah, no misogyny there, no siree.
  2. So you don't think most of the attacks on her are by misogynistic right wing men? Really?
  3. Oh, nice patronising passive aggressive comment towards what was a child at that time. A child who travelled by yacht over 15 days through rough seas on a boat with no engine, no toilet, no cooking facilities, to avoid being a hypocrite. You think "sweetie" should have stayed at home and dialed in. Righty Ho. What about the 200-300-500 (?) delegates who traveled to this climate action summit mostly by private jet, stayed in 5-star hotels eating imported food (imported by air). Don't you think they could have dialed in too? Or is your claim of hypocrisy only applicable for 16 year old "sweeties" with Aspergers who travelled there and back with great sacrifices and not at any of the (let's face it) middle aged men who also attended when they didn't need to? The invective this principled girl invokes in misogynistic right wing men is quite amusing to see. She is an inspiration to the younger generation who will ultimately have the future power to affect real change so good on her. What have you achieved on a comparable scale? On an even remotely related scale? On any scale? Instead of acknowledging what she has done you just criticise her for doing it. How many 16 year old girls with a disability have that kind of drive and passion? How many 16 year old girls with a disability can sail 15 days across the Atlantic and deliver such a speech about what they believe in? We should applaud them not put them down by calling them "sweetie" - it is actually quite disgusting and appalling. Why are you guys so triggered? I thought it was only the "woke" who got so triggered? Seems not.
  4. So that's your argument is it? You are not allowed to do your bit to help improve the environment, you are not allowed to contribute as much as you can in your way of life..........unless you forgo absolutely everything and live in a cave eating moss? She should give up using electricity totally? How ridiculous.
  5. Another outright lie. Such vitriol with it too, what a lovely man.
  6. Do you believe Australia exists? https://blog.physics-astronomy.com/2022/11/flat-earthers-claim-australia-doesnt.html
  7. Do you chuckle with jealousy? What's wrong with driving a nice car if you can afford it? I like cars and I buy as nice as I can afford (I can't afford 13m baht though, although I would love be able to). Do you also chuckle when you see someone who lives in a nice house? Do you chuckle when you see someone eat at a nice restaurant? Do you chuckle at people who take exotic holidays?
  8. Ah, but that's what the mainstream media want you to think!! (Right?) I honestly can't believe there are people out there stupid enough to believe that stuff, but there goes Keep Right proudly spamming up the thread with ludicrous right wing nonsense. He seeks out the real truth alright!
  9. Wow, you sound super woke. Were you offended by her reference to his penis? I thought Tate supporters were all tough guys. Funny. Whereas it is no doubt acceptable for a grown man to bully a woman online knowing his toxic "fans" would pile in. He's a pathetic man and it was a superb putdown.
  10. What, exactly, is the "Thai state of mind" that he has succumbed to? The man bought a sports car, nothing more, nothing less.
  11. So much jealousy and bitterness in this thread (as to be expected). People angry that someone much younger than them can afford to spend much more money than they can, and the money was earned on a platform they are too old to understand. Care to explain the "karma" comment? He deserves to be cheated out of 13 million baht because......?
  12. There is absolutely no risk to doing it at the airport. It is open 24 hours and is quick and efficient. No more than 5 minutes. Personally I always get multiple re-entries when I extend my extension of stay but I did have a period where I needed to do individual ones and it was so easy at the airport (Suvarnabhumi, never tried Don Mueang).
  13. There's alway one who makes this incredibly boring and predictable comment on any story like this. Yawn.
  14. I think you're thinking of M-Pass. As per my earlier post explaining the differences between them that is something completely different and does need a Tag. Firs of all you have to upload your ID, car registration details and four pictures of your car (front, back, two sides) and fill in your preferred payment details. A few hours later you get an email / sms saying you are approved. It uses cameras and sensors mounted over the road where there would normally be toll gates. You just keep driving at normal speed, you don't pass through a gate. The cameras can read your license plate and the AI then cross checks the plate against the picture of your car to make sure they match, and the toll is deducted from your credit card (or debit card). In your online account you can see all your usage, you can see the pictures the cameras took of your car and close up of plates. Very slick. You can see the detection gantry here:
  15. It's nothing to do with being a farang, that is just more ThaiVisa nonsense. You did read that she ran someone over, killing them, then seemingly carried on as if nothing had happened, right?
  16. No, it doesn't, there is no tag at all - that's the whole point of it as it allows you to pass through the detection zones without slowing down. You just register online. I know because I have done it for two cars and used it many times. No tag. The system recognises your number plate and cross checks it with the make and model of car and the pictures you uploaded as part of the registration.
  17. Yes, they are definitely wrong. But it can be confusing. M-Pass and Easy Pass are interchangeable and both of them work on all expressways. You need the tag in your windscreen and you top up your balance as and when you need. No credit = no go, and it is really annoying when the car in front has no credit and everyone needs to reverse. M-Flow you register online, there is no need for a tag. Currently only in use on four sections of route 9 (Kanchanapisek Ring Road) and nowhere else. You can set up monthly billing by credit card, debit card, or direct debit, or you can have one time billing the same way (so it charges you after every use). There are no toll booths, you just drive at normal speed and the technology recognises your car and charges you. Long story short, M-Flow is great but very limited, go get yourself a new M-Pass token. The stated aim is to have M-Flow on all expressways some time in 2024 and from then there will be no more toll booths in Thailand. But seeing as they haven't even started constructing them (at least I haven't seen any) I definitely wouldn't expect it sooner than 2024.
  18. The UK pours raw sewage into rivers and seas. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-62813573
  19. Most people when they pass their driving tests drive sensibly and often can drive their whole life without an accident. However there are some people that drive like lunatics, drive dangerously and end up crashing and killing people. Therefore we should ban cars.
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