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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. I had one, police trained. They are trained to get hold of a person's arm, and without tearing the arm apart, like a pit-bull would do, the just hold on... So what is your experience with dogs, that allows you to simply criticize, without providing any substance to your post...
  2. where they discovered a homemade firearm believed to have caused the injury. Further searches uncovered two additional homemade firearms, gun components, and two knives in the victim's bedroom. Surely this is part of the arsenal needed for advance studies in Buddhism...
  3. Sounds like you know little about dogs. German shepherds can be trained to immobilize an intruder, until the master comes to take over. Pit Bulls, are typically not used as police dogs, some are, but their instinct is to bite and shake and maim. This, in their instinct, is their job...
  4. The Democrats, oh yes, the Democrats. Believing that they know more than the 'people', they take more money from these people, to buy things that the people do not want. All the while, not spending on things that the people want. Protection, oh well, they are working on it. Well thinking about it. Well, a bit difficult right now. Well, well... The collective savings in the control of the Government. Oh well, needed to give to people we do not know, because of generosity with the collective savings. But this generosity practically does not exist at the individual level. Democracy ideally would mean that the 'people' decide. So ideally, before acting on the basis of possessing better knowledge, how about asking people what they want. That would be democracy. But Democracy exists only at the time of elections. After that, it is over. If it is possible to have a system that collects a few dollars from individuals, stores the information, and stores a sting of numbers associated with the two, called "Lottery", how about asking people on important issues, before making decisions on these issues. And then give to the people what the people want. Question in such a system: "Should we let strangers into the country, let them occupy housing without paying rent, and take your money to provide them for living expenses?" Please provide your ID number, indicate a choice of response, we will tally all the results, and we will give you what you want" System name: "Your democratic system in action".... And pick up a lottery ticket as well on the way out of the 7-11... It helps the party.
  5. They do not care... Regardless of all the words of politeness uttered ad nauseam, They simply do not care about other people...
  6. Hummm, you seem to claim that Thai men beating their GF is not part of their culture, and then you go on and suggest to wait some 20 years, (In which time the culture might have changed)...
  7. Already posted a reply that is also relevant to your comment. I was basically saying that lying is part of politics. Focusing on lies is just a waste of time and energy. Well, might very well be so. (All liars) And perhaps also by definition. Anyone who is in a position of defending a position of some kind, or attacking the position of someone else, will end up using lies to do so. But the main issue would be the actions of such individuals, in between the lies, does it create a positive or negative outcome for the country. This is where it gets interesting. So many people who claim to hate Trump, when asked why as it relates to the political outcomes, have difficulty answering. And those siding with Biden, one would wonder which good outcomes they are looking at... And regarding outcomes, I always keep in mind that the 'right' is 'right'. Which for me is the lesser of the two evils...
  8. Thanks. You prove my point. All that you describe is about hating Trump, while, so it appears, you know nothing about his politics. TRUMP IS EXACTLY WHAT IS NEEDED NOW IN THE US. And this is why the American public, who you admit are not dumb, have chosen him to fix the mess left by the Biden administration. Starting by fixing the border and the immigration mess created by Biden. (This is politics by the way, if you are able to distinguish between the individual and his politics.)
  9. Well, might very well be so. And perhaps also by definition. Anyone who is in a position of defending a position of some kind, or attacking the position of someone else, will end up using lies to do so. But the main issue would be the actions of such individuals, in between the lies, does it create a positive or negative outcome for the country. This is where it gets interesting. So many people who claim to hate Trump, when asked why as it relates to the political outcomes, have difficulty answering. And those siding with Biden, one would wonder which good outcomes they are looking at... And regarding outcomes, I always keep in mind that the 'right' is 'right'. Which for me is the lesser of the two evils...
  10. Ok. thanks for that clarification. Because now it all makes so much more sense....
  11. You are certainly not asking this question about Thailand, now are you?
  12. A clear case of the need for a 9-1-1 call....
  13. The research found that the most significant forms of violence in Thai society include suicide, domestic violence, violence against children, women, and elders, violence from criminal acts, violence involving firearms, violence committed by juveniles, and violence related to terrorism. The causes of violence in Thai society include issues related to broken families, the portrayal of violence by the media, the prevalence of alcohol, drugs, and firearms, economic problems, and the acceptance of the use of violence as a norm. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/swjournal/article/view/261949 I see a lot more violence here than in my home country. A Christian one. But certainly, Buddhist countries do not commit crimes in the name of a religion. Buddhism not being a religion. No hero to defend here, so no crimes done in the name of the beliefs here. And not inclined to invade other countries to impose a belief system, as it was before for Christianity, and as it is NOW for Islam. There was belligerence between Thais and Cambodia, settled in Siem Reap. But never seen so many violence towards GF's, against students from other schools... And some warnings not to even give a bad look at a Thai man. The culture of Wai, that makes children less than the adults, might very well explain a child mind in an adult man. If something happens, there is a reason. Might be this one...
  14. Oh, search for meaning... I once tried that.....
  15. Just wondering if Buddhism and all the fake polite words that are used ad nauseam, could be part of a solution, or more so part of the problem in this culture...
  16. If so, if. These would be casualties from the actions of Hamas. And this information is not directed to Hamas, simply because Hamas really does not care at all about casualties resulting from their doings... "Hate" governs so many of the actions in that part of the world. And hate does not have room for other emotions... The only way to resolve this conflict, is by the elimination of "hate". Starting by Hamas, then undoing all the brainwashing that has tainted the culture in that part of the world, starting by modifying what is taught to children..
  17. I would think that the best way to clear your mind, is to get a word that will force your mind to focus on something trivial. Like the word 'color', get your mind to see some colors. Similar to a 'mantra, a word that is meant to clear your mind. Just repeat it over and over again. Any word can become your mantra. When you have one, you cherish it, and you use it at night to focus on nothing, with is the vector to a nice sleep. Temna, Azzor, any word that will trigger the spell checker. Create one, and use it, you will not find a better friend.... Regards
  18. Ironically, the lack of police real enforcement of the laws gives drivers here a sense of immunity while driving on these roads. And again and again we have to get this pinch in the heart upon seeing the results. I have been told by a policeman not to walk on the side of the road to get to a store, or as to exercise. Too dangerous. But the culture is like that here. Certainly too lax, but from what I see on the roads in the US, might be too stringent there. Which one do we prefer? And more so, how is it that a society cannot get it right, just in the middle, so that more people can make it home or not be harassed on the roads by uniformed people. Oh well, dreaming again...
  19. Apologies if I overreacted to your comments. Just did not appear based on facts to me. But hey, I remember your name NanLaew, (long time already), and I do not remember thinking anything bad about your numerous posts. And perhaps, not shielded by anonymity, we could get along fine. Regards
  20. Not so. First no label here. If it were the case, I would not have welcomed some immigrants of this skin color in my house, from different African countries. As I wrote, we are trying, I am trying. But only to realize how they disregard rules, and our culture. So when I saw the video of this guy, I could relate to the bemusement of the officers. And referring to your comment about "the exact same thing about the white guy", I can just comment that I also welcomed many 'white guys' as you call them, but to never see such bad behavior from any of them. But it must be stated that dealing with first generation newcomers is where the problem is at its peak... But so often, when facts are offered on this site, many members here just try to criticize. If you have facts, like having welcomed a great number of Africans in your house, only to find them of a higher culture than yours, please explain and describe for the benefit of the users here...
  21. I see you're still not over yourself. Your goal is only meant to criticize, and bring nothing to any forum. And you can see how easy it is. Nobody knows what it means, but you still click and send
  22. Well, perhaps you should have stopped after this: "Why? The guy was a total pillock who eventually backed down and was arrested." And saved your proselytising for when you get back to where you come from... 😊
  23. This guy is so stupid, it actually looks funny. And then we the obvious is stated, a given individual, of a given skin color, and of a given race, the word racist just pops up. We are trying, trying... How many times have I said to individuals of such characteristics back home, newly immigrants, that their behavior will affect the perception that the host country has towards all the others visitors of the same background. They simply do not care, or are unaware that their behavior is unacceptable, or simply because they cannot change anything, it is deep rooted in their culture....
  24. You might very well be wrong. A minimal amount of poison, is still poison, and more and more lethal as we age. Just the way it is. I never used sugar in any of my cooking before I got here. And was just stunned when I found out about it. No more Thai food, and no more signs of arthritic symptoms. And I have been testing the effect of sugar on my body since then. Fruit is fine. Refined sugar is a trigger for some pains in the joints. I feel better now that I went back to my regular cooking habits. And my friend who joined me here with his GF, said the same thing. And I remember him saying; "I thought I was eating healthy here".
  25. By asking a cook to leave out the sugar, it will only get you a meal without refined sugar from the bowl that they all keep aside. But then the customer will get the sugar that comes from that bowl of refined sugar, and that was previously added to the sauce prepared for meals. If then if the meal does not require such a sauce, there are so many bottles of sauces that they all use, and that comes from Minimart Super Cheap, and that typically contain some 20% of added refined sugar. If a cook says that there is no sugar in the meal, is that they do not know the content of the sauces that they use. Just about nobody reads what is in a bottle of sauce. And certainly not a Thai cooker... (I do not even use the word 'Thai cook').
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