Like every other empire in history which thought it was too big to fail. When you get governments with this level of degeneracy and anti-enlightenment dogma you know it's already over.
These people are symptoms, not the causes. Symptoms of a time in history. Rinsed and repeated time and time again across the arc of history since Babylon, Rome, Berlin, the UK, Moscow. History the US leviathan even arrogantly said had ended with the fall of the Iron Curtain and the 'victory' of the 'West' under US leadership. Wrong. Terribly wrong.
The fall of the Iron Curtain rebooted the world in ways which are still unfolding and will be for at least another 50 years. The social, political and economic reverberations are thundering back and forth across the world like the Asian Tsunami. And totally unaware of what's really happening, too terrified to look, too ignorant of genuine history beyond the Civil War, the US electorate looks to these degenerates, felons and religious and ideological nationalist control freaks for salvation.
Without expressing any kind of preference and without claiming to know what will go down I don't think this can go well as a matter of historic principle. It never has. Do you really think you're the first to go down this path?
The only flickering light visible in the distance is that if not too much is destroyed people get the chance to reset and correct in 4 years. Historically that is the new element here.
However, the degenerates have already declared they don't accept even the very principle of them losing. They have already set about dismantling the very structures designed to preserve that element of self-correction, whilst they fan the ignorant, fearful mob hatred of anything 'other'.
Interesting times.