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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. I'm surprised. They used Thailand Post for the things I imported from Germany. A parcel not a letter. Both DHL and TP were fast and efficient several times, with no hold ups.
  2. With those levels of compassion there's a tsunami of karma rolling across the cosmic ocean towards the OP at this very moment 555
  3. Crisp and clear as always. Thanks a lot Sheryl, I'll have a word with my doctors, I'm sure they'll oblige.
  4. Sheryl, Both my father and paternal grandfather had shingles in their 50s already. I have not had it at all and now late 60s. I saw talk recently of a vaccine but debated if it's worthwhile for me. I also have had herpes simplex on lip and second head since my 20s, though I have not had an outbreak for many years now. The last time it seemed to stir it was gone inside a day, didn't even erupt. Maybe herpes's given me immunity? I also had chicken pox as a kid. What do you think? Should I get it? (The vaccine ????).
  5. My immediate thought as well. He's a mule hole but be glad you can afford it and give YOURSELF a break to laugh about it. Pride comes before a fall remember - and I wouldn't fancy a fight with a Thai taxi driver who may be tooled up.
  6. She really is a sectionable nutter. My god who on earth wants something like that representing them in a parliament? Seriously what kind of lunatic votes for that? She's really unhinged, regardless of party membership.
  7. It sounds like you're talking about a developing world tin pot dictatorship. What on Earth has happened?
  8. One of my favorite films - seen it several times over the decades. Blade Runner standard.
  9. I meant the headline in the header at the top of the ASEAN Newsletter list of contents. It says: ''British tourist and his son attacked by bouncers in Pattaya''. I assume ASEAN has 'condensed' the HL to fit the characters available but twisted things in the process. That's all.
  10. The ASEAN headline is wrong. It should read: ''British tourists attack Pattaya bouncers - get heads kicked in.''
  11. Nothing good ever happens after midnight. Or 10pm on Beach Road ????
  12. I'm not saying it's OK to kick people when they're down and the danger is over, but when you hit a complete stranger you might find you trigger some pretty unpleasant reactions and you have no idea what that person's past or ability is. It's no good complaining afterwards if you walk around hitting people anywhere.
  13. This is the problem of course, that when you unleash violence it has its own dynamic and unless you are a professional you have very little chance of controlling it. The madness spreads quite fast and the outcome is rarely what you intended. Hitting a bouncer outside a Pattaya girly bar must surely take this week's Darwin Award.
  14. Oh I dunno. A stint as VP must be quite an interesting experience as long as you have a bit of spine and can avoid getting pulled into the swamp. There's not much to the job anyway. Bit of a jolly really. I find Pence an extremely distasteful character with bizarre and perverse christianist beliefs. But they are his principles and he lives by them, and consequently he emerges from 4 years as the Trumpf VP pretty much untarnished.
  15. Bit like London or Liverpool, or most UK cities and towns on Friday and Saturday night, where ambulances are often parked in the side streets for rapid response.
  16. I tend to agree with PeterZwart. But in this case I think there is something really tacky in sending kon dancers to prance around in the middle of Moscow whilst Moscow is laying waste to blood transfusion stocks in Ukraine with missile attacks. It's much different to simply stamping in tourists and not taking part in airline boycotts.
  17. What the hell is a 'runaway girlfriend'? And on what basis was he 'searching' for her?
  18. Honda Click Codgers MC 1%
  19. I've said many times I'd rather end my life in a fisher's hut on the Tonle Sap than go back to the UK. I'd have less of a culture clash ????
  20. Oh believe me I appreciate that some of us will feel the squeeze to the pips and maybe even HAVE to leave if Big Hakparn gets his way. I was just putting my position forward. In reality he'd be foolish to drive any of us out as long as we're law abiding and supportive of our Thai communities.
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