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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. More than anything else the fotos from his palace reveal appalling bad taste. Just like Trump's Mar a Lago atrocity.
  2. It sure as hell felt strange when I met my Thai girlfriend's parents who were the same age as me. Weird feeling.
  3. I got stung by a wasp like that - looked down too late, shook my foot instead like you ????
  4. Nature's born killers ...
  5. Do they even work? And if so for how long? Asking for a friend.
  6. Miserable writing. Miserable editing.
  7. Brownshirts don't wear brown shirts these day. But the doctrine, the vocabulary, the tactics and the hatred can't be hidden and denied.
  8. Female life in particular, but that's something that's also not specific to Thailand.
  9. It involved cost cutting, incompetence and a lack of regulation and consequences which continue to this day - there are many other Grenfells waiting to happen and no action being taken. My point is that it ain't only LOS.
  10. I had a girlfriend once whose breath smelt like these things ... turned out she had a tooth cavity.
  11. Why not shoot any Arab looking person driving because they might not be stopped by a cop in time eh? Maybe ban 'em from driving altogether? Like it or not the penalty for trying to escape cops by car or foot is not death. And rightly so. I think 'les flics' have had a bad reputation since I was young. I don't know if that's justified or not as such, but they don't make a nice impression here that's for sure.
  12. And this is nothing when compared to what the French themselves already admit to having done to the Algerians in their own country ...
  13. I don't know. This man strikes me as such though. You not?
  14. I read somewhere that the potential problem was the combination of carbon fibre with titanium - that over time can apparently lead to corrosion. The OceanGate CEO rubbished this apparently but consistently refused to let his contraption be peer reviewed - the basis of any technological innovation. (Virgin Galactic needed FAA approval to take pax.) I still wouldn't sit in a 787 Max - they cut that many corners on the machine it's still 5 meters shorter than it should be ???? Boeing is also still under serious scrutiny having morphed from a brilliant engineering company into a money machine offering sinecures for political favourites rather like the UK offers seats in the 'Lords'.
  15. I like scuba diving but I can't see the point in things like the Titan to see the Titanic. I can see the point in Virgin Galactic's operation though, and if I was a multi-millionaire (say 2 or 3m, or maybe even 1) then I'd definitely book a seat on that for half a mio. Certainly a lot more fun and interesting than the Titan.
  16. It's about the rule of law. Which a government is supposed to uphold, not trash.
  17. 'Transferred to another district.' Like the paedophile priests. Shocking.
  18. Exactly. I don't see why MF should be spared due process any more than Prayuth (some hope). The country's had enough of that.
  19. I'd have thought that would be a reason to expedite the farce.
  20. Yes. But he would probably experience it as being the same thing. And would possibly rate her apology as following as a result of being caught. The man is evidently mentally ill.
  21. Yeah, I tend to think the lady with the large BMI hasn't sung yet.
  22. To end up in a place like this they must already have a terrible and traumatic backstory. Jesus wept.
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