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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. It's not about 'Labour' or Tory. It's systemic. It's an inevitable result of the electoral system, in which a government never in any way reflects the will of the country as a whole and can just inflict any amount of damage it deems 'necessary' for its own ends. And they will never change it unless forced to because it would mean the end of their two party monopoly privileges and entitlements. It's what's more commonly known as the establishment, and they've got you all well divided and ruled 555. If 'Labour' is elected it won't change anything meaningful anyway, because they want their own way and don't want to take anyone else into account, even if that is a majority of voters. And if they don't get elected ... well 'opposition' is also a cool gig. Lots of contacts, freebies, a good future as a dinner speaker, face on TV, sinecures in all those companies that have made sure you don't change anything meaningful. And all that without even having the responsibility of being in office. Nice work if you can get it. What amazes me is that so many people are happy to settle for this archaic garbage. I certainly wasn't and got out a long time ago - well before they served you up with austerity and Brexit. But if you're enjoying it - fine: enjoy!
  2. To correct my earlier post which I can no longer edit: UK left EU on 01st January 2021 (not 31st as I wrote). That's when all the new regulations came into effect, many of which the UK government is still trying to hide from a duped population. And: Post-Brexit travel rules - post 01st January 2021 - mean British nationals may stay in the Schengen zone for no more than 90 out of any 180-day period. Until a fully automated border system is operational, passport stamps are now required at most entry and exit points, significantly increasing processing times. (Not 180 days a year as I think I said - can't be bothered to check exactly now).
  3. You ignored (ignorance in its truest form) the point I made that they didn't get checked before you voted to become a third country.
  4. The GBP has lost dramatically as a result of Brexit. It hasn't been above EUR1.20 since the referendumb. It's currently at 1.18 - and that against a EUR that is dramatically weakened against USD. (Almost parity for only the 2nd time since its inception - 20 years ago.) It used to be over EUR1.40. The UK is run by a gaggle of provenly incompetent nutters whom a nutty populace keeps on electing without question.
  5. Noone ever told you what to do. You had a veto on everything. So many optouts you were barely in or out. Why do you keep on trotting out this bilge? What's up with you? Oh, yeah. Of course. THEY'RE all to blame. Not you. The British aren't to blame for the state of the UK are they? Or its relations with its closest neighbours. It's always THEM to blame innit? You have all the facts you need now. I can't be bothered any more.
  6. The new rules didn't actually come into effect until the UK left finally. I think that was January 31st 2021. (A short while later the 'oven ready deal' suddenly needed 'renegotiating'. But that's a totally different pack of lies.)
  7. There was a time before you willingly became a third country that no checks were needed even though you weren't in Schengen. But now your stays in the EU are restricted to 180 days in 6 months (like you voted for) and so passports need checking, and more closely than previously. Simples. The French 555 ... The lame excuses the Brexiteers keep turfing up to thinly paper over the obvious are as sick as the sickos and spineless creeps who used to go on TV and debase themselves denying Johnson's lies. Everyone knew they were lies, they knew they were lies, but they were all happy to demean themselves in public by defending it and saying they weren't lies, trotting out the most appalling excuses to this day. One of those creeps will be your next head of government in your great demockracy. Enjoy.
  8. So maybe you're happy with it. However in the 21st century with media communications as they are, the archaic system that was last reviewed in 1832 is no longer fit for purpose. Do you think that sparsely populated areas in Germany lose their voice because of PR? If they don't they still seem to do a lot better out of it than UK farmers now 555. The electoral system is at the root of all UK problems, and it will only continue downhill (unless you're very rich) until it's changed. How anyone who is not extremely rich or privileged can support a system that gives 80 seat majorities on 40% of the vote on the basis of such a flimsy argument (the same one the Americans use to justify the loser of an election being selected as the winner by the way) is beyond me. But like I said, I don't live in a country where I have to suffer the effects of that kind of system. So I don't really cared. But since you asked.
  9. Since you ask: The first thing the UK needs is an electoral system where the number of seats a party gets in parliament reflects the proportion of votes it got in the election. That would prevent a party getting an 80 seat majority on a 40% vote, and then running riot like the Tories have for far too many years. And don't come with the old 'coalitions are bad' guff: in most countries it prevents the crazies from taking over, and puts the brakes on the crazies when they actually become the largest fraction in a parliament. Germany does extremely well with PR, and whatever flaws it may have, at least it's mostly adults in charge there and real political debate and change takes place. I'm sure as a confirmed democrat you have nothing against a party getting the number of seats matching its vote from the populace? The UK's current problems are almost all of its own making. Even without the ridiculous unforced error of Brexit. The externally caused problems are only exacerbated by having a bunch off utter nutters in charge. And still they blame the forinners. And still they play the victims. Like the current problem in Dover, which they blame on the French - not on the fact that the UK's (blue - wowee!) passports need closer checking on arrival in the EU because as a third country, which you voted for (suck it up), you underlie the restrictions on 3rd country travel in the EU. What a surprise! But be my guest if that's what you all want. Fortunately it doesn't affect me. Except for the worries I have about my family because the general political direction of travel in UK is currently veery ominous. The people who'll replace the lunatics are shaping up to be a whole lot nastier.
  10. It seems to be what they all want - they keep returning these goofballs time and again. The UK is in a terminally sad state. The lunatics have very much taken over the asylum.
  11. Obviously you cannot transmit what you don't have in the first place.
  12. The real horror of this story is that soldiers were sent onto active service in guerrilla territory and placed their faith in their superiors and the efficacy of this thing to save their's and other's lives and protect them. I suspect they have no figures about how many paid with their lives for this ridiculous fraud.
  13. Had 2x Pfizer 3 weeks apart, then Moderna after 5 months. At 216 days the booster is getting a bit worn, so I'm getting another b4 heading out to LOS. But if I can't fit t in here I'll take the chance to go to Bang Sue to check out the new station ????
  14. Why would anyone 'maintain' 5 hornets nests on their property? Am I missing something - are these creatures somehow useful to farmers?
  15. I think paternalism was the word I was looking for ;D
  16. I call it the drop zone .... seen a few drop around me, even younger than I am. And a few with close shaves. So far so good with me.
  17. Nepotism: jobs for the boys. Patrimony: jobs for the family. All tolerated, even wanted by the upper classes cos it keeps people off the unemployment rolls.
  18. OK, this is anecdotal, but true: Back in Malaysia in the army I contracted balanitis after a night in a house of ill repute in a village which had been declared off bounds to us (for that reason). Even in the army I saw rules as a challenge not a mandate. The doctor diagnosed it and the treatment was to bathe my bell end in salt water solution several times a day (dip it in and let it soak for a minute or two). I told 'em the truth 'cos I figured it was important epidemiologically, and they didn't discipline me. I can't remember how long it took, but within a few days at the most it was gone.
  19. Yes ... 'tourist infrastructure projects' opens up a world of creative bookkeeping.
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