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Everything posted by connda

  1. No - it is not - unless you can't come to grips with your mortality. Especially after 70 years old as I am. On the contrary, the only money I wish to spend is on palliative care. Not trying to make a terminal condition 'better.' For those of you who wish to 'live forever?' Man, I feel for ya. Ain't happening. Palliative care, for the most part is not accessible unless you are admitted to a government hospital or a high-price private hospital. Palliative care is pathetic in Thailand. Hospice care? What hospice care. Hospice care doesn't exist her because? "You have Bad Karma And Must Suffer!" These people have no real soul or empathy. Like I said, they consider that you are burning karma and who are they to help you. And yet? In my Buddhist opinion, they are the ones who by refusing to provide palliative care are the monsters. People who refuse to provide palliative care to the suffering - are monsters.
  2. My POV. Thailand completely sucks at providing palliative care for terminally ill patients and out of some sick, twisted sense of morality they say it is based on Buddhism, that the dying deserve to die in pain and suffering due to their 'bad karma." And it is a sick and twisted view of life. I'm Buddhist and I despise this total lack of basic humanity by Thais for all other suffering sentient being when palliative care is available. You must have been bad person in past life. You suffer now. It's your karma!!! That's sick and twisted. All people deserve to be treated with palliative care at the end of their lives. Those who refuse to provide the palliative care or those government officials who make pain relief like opioids and fentanyl patches next to impossible to acquire as you suffer in your end of life? Those people are headed to Buddhist Hell.
  3. I hate to be the spelling police, but in this case, there is no company in Thailand named "Grap" that delivers food. It's Grab. Get the company's name right if you're going to talk about it. https://www.grap.com Doesn't exist. Grab delivery services and taxi: https:/www.grab.com
  4. Like the Nobel Prizes, so-called "Beauty Contests" may have once been based on merit, but now are based on whatever politic is being pushed on the unwashed masses by their elite overlords and the billionaire class. My guess is that pretty much most of these "trans-women" in these contests will have been born without a penis. Sorry - a biological woman is not a biological man. Do I have anything against LGBT? Not at all. As much as we are told horrific tales about society's non-acceptance, well, I haven seen in in my circle of friends, family, and acquaintance. Mostly what I see is acceptance, especially here in Thailand, but also many places in the the EU and US, and again, especially in the part of the US where I am still a resident. But what I do see is pretty much a hatred aimed directly at traditional sex roles which are now being adopted by government and corporate interests alike. The "Bud Light" blowback being simply one case. "But that is non-acceptance of Trans-men," some will say. No - it's a non-acceptance of having a sexual ideology crammed down our throats by people with immense sums of money and power. Then - I look at women in general - straight and gay. Suddenly those born with a penis are "women," which in turn discounts biological women and their rights. Want to see real anger? Look at the lesbian communities who are now becoming second class citizens because some guy who 'identifies as a women' is legally allowed to access to what use to be "women only spaces." Yeah - if I was a woman, I would not want someone with a penis and a physique shaped by male puberty to be roaming around in the women's locker rooms and showers unless that individual has completely gone through gender altering surgery. There is an answer to this. Accommodate transgender people while protecting the rights of biological women especially. Easy to do. In sports? Create a competition category for biological men who identify as women. In "Beauty Contests." Create a competition category for biological men who identify as women. Same for women who identify as men. I'd applaud that approach. But what I'm afraid of is what I'm seeing - the destruction of 120 years of fighting for women's right upended by a rather insane wokism that states the women have a 'birthing hole' or an 'additional hole' or a 'glory hole.' I don't want my own wife and granddaughter put in the position to have to co-exist with transgender men who have gone through puberty. I might change that position if a biological male 'transitions' surgically to a female prior to puberty. But after puberty? No. At least not in sports. No - actually not at all. I'd completely accept a biological male as a 'woman' if the kid is transitions completely before puberty. What I see is an open assault on women by individuals who want to blow human society apart. I'm pro-female rights, and female rights and protections are being shredded. And I'm pro-trans rights too. In employment, in equal competition (trans vs trans), but not in the access of the spaces society reserved for biological women. I can't condone that.
  5. "They just fell into my pocket out of the sky!" Of course. Now, two tabs of X in most Western countries would be a slap on the wrist. Here? Probably considered 'trafficking' as dumb as that is. Thailand's 500 lb gorilla is meth. But the way the system is set up? Some people can make a lucrative living, some get popped for some minuscule and amount that is then labelled "trafficking." Brown envelops.
  6. He should be glad he didn't get busted for drugs in the PI. Although I like an occasional toke of bud, I completely stopped after coming to Thailand. The old saying, "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time?" Yep. My philosophy goes for all other drugs as well.
  7. On my report 3 months ago I never got a reply. Exactly one week after the due date I had to go to Immigration and do it in person. About two weeks after that I got an online approval.
  8. My guess at what they are taught. Entering a highway to make a turn at a U-Turn 1km up the road. Pull onto the acceleration lane and stop with you car at a 90 degree angle to fully block the lane. Sit and wait until the air temperature is correct. Pull out very slowly and cross at a right-angle across all lanes and turn onto the far outside right lane. Don't worry about all the cars that nearly ran into you. Accelerate at walking speed until the car is going 40 kph in the high-speed outside passing land and continue at that speed until you come the the U-Turn. Don't use the deceleration lane but instead make a turn slowly from the high-speed outside lane as cars whiz by flashing lights and blowing horn. Left the tail end of your car in the high-speed outside lane and block the view of the car attempting to properly make a U-turn. When the air temperature and wind direction seem right, pull out in front of oncoming traffic without a care. Accelerate at walking speed while driving with two wheels on the shoulder and two wheels on the highway until a car attempts to pass you and then pull out in front of them. Keep accelerating until you're going 120kpm. They all do it. No one knows how to properly merge onto a highway nor how to safely cross at U-Turns. So I assume the 'driving schools are naught but the blind teaching the blind.
  9. Yes - there are warning signs, rumble strips, flashing lights - and it makes no difference. And yet? There have been three accidents in the same place in the last two years. When I say it's the government's fault, I mean the government's inability to licensed trained drivers or even having a set of rule that aren't complete hog-wash. There is no mandatory training or a level of expertise that is required to get a license that addresses the constant roadside genocide that occurs here. They play lip service, but they don't address the root cause of the problem. When I see cops driving doing the same idiocy as an average Thai driver? They have no Highway Patrol and other cops in patrol cars issuing citations to people openly breaking what minimal driving laws they have. Nope - those Highway Patrol are for escorting VIP and pretty much nothing else. There is no hope. These people fain to care. And the carnage will continue unabated in-infinitum.
  10. Wait until the day when Thai Buddhism and the very open giving of money in "Money-Trees" meets the government who outlaws cash. Money-Trees are outlawed and Thai society has a very negative cultural reaction. Money-Trees are part-and-parcel of the Thai religion as well as Thai culture. "You commoners will get over it. Put a QR code on a stick plebs and suck it!" Ok.
  11. As clear as mud, ain't it. We ❤️ your money but we detest you - farang. TIT.
  12. Insurance underwriter spend a huge amount of their operating expense to reject claims based on any reason. Don't admit it? They cancel your insurance and refuse to pay. It's a hell of a legal scam.
  13. Thais have no driving skills and I blame the government. In the US, we HAD to take driving courses in high school in order to get an endorsement to drive. Well, that was 56 years ago, things have no doubt changed there too. But here. Watch a video, learn to wai someone when you almost get into an accident, and Somchai Is Your Uncle. There is a reason for for the horrendous vehicle injury and fatality stats. If this kid dies in the hospital? <The Thai Government> "It wasn't a traffic fatality." It's all rotten from the top-down. This never changes until these fools address the fact they have a major problem. Ah! But that would be 'losing face.' So? It never ends. My wife is going to talk to the heads of the village and tambon. She is assertive like no Thai I've ever met (which is why I like her, bad moods and all), but these leader will just give her a mealy-mouth load of BS, and eventually someone else will be killed. If they come around that corner fast enough? It might be me in my bed. At least one car that failed to make that corner hit her cement wall, but before I knew her. But I'm the one who paid to have that wall straighten back up and reinforced. It's just a matter of time, in my opinion.
  14. Rough sketch of the road. Thais? They don't have a clue how to drive. The highway where you can drive 90 kpm narrows, it's a rise to a blind corner on a reducing radius turn. They carry too much speed over the hill and into the corner and <BAM>. They come off the road at the same place every single time. Too many on this corner. This has been at least 4 since we move to the village 8 years ago. About 1 every two years at this rate. Another statistic.
  15. There will probably be a police report filed on you for 'assault."
  16. We live on a 'highway' where the road narrows significantly as it enters the village. We live out on the boundary. The road make a reducing radius turn over a hill and then shoots into a 150 meter straightaway. It's a 'blind-corner." The apex of that turn is about 75 meters before our house. Come around that corner at speed, and you hit a wall that was built by the homeowners closest to the corner who have had two trucks misjudge the corner and slide into their property and bust up the old fence and gates. It's now a significantly reinforces cement wall. Some idiot on a M/C just hit it. Today some unlucky young man in shorts, and t-shirt, and no helmet didn't make that corner. I've been helping with traffic as the morons come up on the blind corner where their was an amulance parked in the oncoming lane. Idiots keep coming without a care until they get past me and lock up their brakes because there are flashing lights and a blocked road. My wife is yelling, "Be Careful," but she is the one directly in the line where an out of control car will smash into the ambulance and medics. The whole thing looked like something out of Monty Python. Talk about insanity on steroids. There is a huge yaba problem out here so I would not be surprise the that 20-something guy was on some drug. Feeling great until you fubar yourself by misjudging your speed in a corner that doesn't forgive idiots. I don't gawk. I went up, took a look, start asking people to call the an ambulance or police, and then went to the blind side of the curve to slow idiotic Thai drivers down. Of which there are plenty on a Sunday afternoon. But the kid, although conscious, was busted up bad and lying in too much blood. My wife, being my wife, is now in a foul mood direct at me. It doesn't take much. This hasn't been a good day. Hope the kid lives. ????
  17. Yes - they do have proper resuscitation equipment. But if you're so worried, go the a private hospital.
  18. Well, shouldn't have been streaming obscene material. I don't understand the younger generation. Post all sorts of absurd stuff online. But I agree, back in the 1980 the first brush with Thai "culture" for many sailors on my ship(s) were Patong Ping-pong Ball Shows. But there are limits to what can be posted online in Thailand. Err on the side of conservatism.
  19. Had my done in a public (government) hospital and it was just dandy. Go for it.
  20. Do you like her or is she just a steady pump? If you like her, go visit her family. If she's just a steady pump? Cut her loose as you're raising her expectations.
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