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Everything posted by connda

  1. Me neither. I can't get past it asking for a PIN. I only have one PIN with SCB but the setup fails there. Like another commenter stated, I'll be taking the phone to SCB and let them install it for me. It shouldn't be this difficult - but?
  2. Some people get sicker that a dog with GA. My ex-wife was one. She'd puke every time afterwards. Me? I'm like you. "...wake up with a warm glow...," unless I'm in pain then I ask for morphine.
  3. Exactly - they'll target legitimate tourist and business-people with harassment while overlooking the dark-dank recesses of human trafficking and illegal cross-border immigration. So they alienate those whom they target to increase tourism. Great business plan. Pasty white farangs will be low-hanging fruit for Immigration.
  4. Zero overstays? It will never happen, but I'll have some of whatever the dude is smoking. Pipe-dream at best. FYI - "Farang" overstays are the tip of the iceberg compared to illegal cross-border 'immigration' of those seeking jobs and well as a subset of other people who come here to engage in illegal activities. So they'll take the tip of the iceberg down to the water-line and claim success. Ah-huh. ????
  5. Because, as far as I know, pedophilia is still a crime. But for under-age boy lovers? Feel free to come on out. Let's see who you are. Oh, and those who prey on under-age girls too. People who sexually prey on the under-aged should be thrown in a hole for the rest of their lives. They are obscene dangers to society.
  6. Don't know. My TGF (now my wife) is only 8 years younger than me, and the oldest of the four wives I've had.
  7. Let me guess. If Pita isn't given the PM position, then it's then an new "Color Revolution!" 'Eh? Ok. I've seen two of those and a coup since I move here. ???? My guess? Historically speaking, it will have no effect on anyone out here in the Thai boondocks. This will be a strictly Big City (BKK) affair.
  8. Actually? Ask a doctor who specializes in Anesthesiology. That's probably about 0% of the people on this forum. Your surgeons and anesthesiologists are obviously not listening to your complaints. Nobody here should do anything but point you back to a fully qualified and licensed anesthesiologist. Ask @Sheryl for referrals.
  9. Surprise, surprise - only for the rich and wealthy and those "Golden Billion" in the West who can afford the insurance? The rest of us 7 Billion commoners and plebs? So sad, too bad. Screen shot from DuckDuckGo:
  10. "Blah blah blah blah blah!" You're promoting "ageism!" I'm in my 70s. No I'm not. I'm promoting realism. There comes a time to retire for the betterment of society. Prawit? Doesn't get it. And I'm speaking globally. After 65, it's time to retire from public office and hand the reigns of power to a different generation.
  11. Respect. Big difference if its in the wild as apposed to being handled. Obviously they can be kept and eventually handled. In the wild? They are aggressive.
  12. Wow! That's a Big One!!! <WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK> The little bitters are hard to kill.
  13. I agree. We all should live our lives in fear! BTW - If I get Dengue again? It may well kill me. ???? Like "Covid," I don't worry about it. I live my life. I just commented on a thread regarding Westerner's fear of unrefrigerated food. In your 70s and 80s? Something is going to "Get You!" Personally I don't get it - Westerner's fear of death. Do I "fear death?" Yeah - but rationally. I'm not obsessed. I mean, I've watched pets die. It's a difficult process, but it's a process that we will all go though. What "Get's Ya?" Something's gonna "Get Ya!" That's just a fact of life. I pray for a rather quick death. Dengue? As good of a way to go as pneumonia. Most of you people don't think about your own demise - do you? You should! Especially when you're in your 70s or 80s. ???? "I'm going to live forever!" ???? Best luck with that. No you're not. Culture - "acceptance" my friends.
  14. Lord. I leave food out up to 18 hours after cooking. You sound like my Mum (and most Westerners) who will attest that if food isn't promptly tossed into the fridge after cooking - you'll come down with "food poisoning" for sure, for sure! I actually had that same view until I spent a couple of days with my sister about 25 years ago. My ex-wife complained about how "Unhygienic" my sister was as she'd leave food out overnight <gasp - it will kill you!> I first strayed into the territory of eating <gasp> unrefrigerated foods left out overnight during that stay. I ate day old leftover chicken and AMAZING! I didn't die or even get sick. It actually tasted great - do you understand that game (fowl, deer, et.al. are left to age? - Every hunter should be dead meat). Since then? I realized that my sister, who hated my mother with a passion, actually refused to do what "mummy told her to do." <Sigh> But? She changed my worldview. My worldview is now aligned with the 7 billion and not The Golden One Billion most of whom are germaphobes. I routinely leave my food out to the next day and then put it in Tupperware and into the fridge the next day. Anywhere from 12 to 24 hours later. My rule of thumb - if it smells Ok, it's Ok. I'm in my 70s and still sucking air. The only time I've had "Food Poisoning" in Thailand has been after eating at internationally known fast-food restaurants whom names I will not mention due to Thailand's Machiavellian defamation laws. I've never been sick eating my own food or food cooked by street vendors and Thai Mom&Pop Restaurants. One exception - I bought some imported Romaine Lettuce and was sicker than a dog. Western Romaine is known for it's ability to carry nasties. Well washed too. Now - why do Western countries have such a problem with "food poisoning" and salmonella? Imported Romaine Lettuce is permanently off of my menu. No lettuce I've grown or purchased in Thailand has ever made me sick. I'll make some exceptions - home made mayo. Which most of you will not eat because of your fear of salmonella and "raw eggs"). If you eat raw eggs you'll die for sure, for sure! All Westerners know that just like them knowing that any food not put in the fridge immediately and tossed in a day or two will kill you "for sure for sure!" So, I'm back to "I'm in my 70s and still sucking air," and nothing I've cooked or prepared (potato salad with home made mayo which does go right into the refrigerator, one of the few things) has ever made me sick. "It's just a matter of time before bacteria will Get You!"" I've heard similar tales over the last three years and have never had as much as a few sniffles in mid-2020. I take no precautions. I should be dead. Yet? "I'm in my 70s and still sucking air." But? If "it gets me?" C'est la vie. You're gonna die from something at my age, much sooner than later my guess. Of course. In the meanwhile - Bon Appetite.
  15. Yeah, they work great and cuts down on the oil. Essentially it's a convection oven and not a 'fryer.'
  16. Huh? ???? Talk to a Thai lawyer.
  17. Local village guy in NoWhereVille Northern Thailand does a great job for 60 THB (I give him 100). My gal who use to cut my hair in Chiang Mai was 100 THB until the Covid "emergency" over-reaction by the government shuttered her shop and many others between 2020 and 2023. Had some business in Chiang Mai today and the fact that there are still a lot of closed, shuttered businesses isn't a good sign, but it does make it a 'buyer's market.' The gal I first used in Chiang Mai charged 100 THB then changed her price to 150. I changed barbers. I thought the 150% increase was excessive. 100 THB is a fair price and generally I'd give a 20 THB tip. So I'd imagine in BKK you'd probably be paying 100 to 150 THB. Try out different barbers. The difference between a good hair cut and a bad hair cut is about two weeks.
  18. Lordy - go to a doctor - ENT (Ears-Nose-Throat)/Otolaryngologist and get it checked out. If prescribed meds, use the prescription and then purchase those med OTC if you need them again. If you don't know the difference between otolaryngology and ophthalmology, best not to self-prescribe.
  19. This is like getting involved in tabloid journalism, 'tattle-tale' news rags, and Lakhon. I.e., a waste of time. I don't care about the slimy underbelly of the political class
  20. Anywhere with a 'barber pole.' The only difference between a good and bad haircut is two weeks.
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