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Everything posted by connda

  1. Can anyone recommend a guitar shop in Chiang Mai where the staff can speak English?
  2. How many are shoved out of the door due to Thailand's embrace of age discrimination?
  3. Don't marry her. Her debt will become your debt. She's using you partner. Run!
  4. It doesn't mean diddly to me personally. These all are just people attempting to coalesce power. I'm not a fan of power freaks and billionaires. The courts will settle the issue of the share holdings and their significance. Regardless of how the courts rule, some people will be happy, some people will not be happy, and others of us will crack another brew, change the popcorn for peanuts and watch the show. If it gets boring (it will) I'll change the channel. . "Hey-sus! Bring me the paper and other beer like a good dog."
  5. I find it difficult to believe that Pita didn't understand the consequences of holding those ITV media shares. Now we hear about the possibility of a another (color) revolution, which begs the question, was that in fact the point of challenging the EC and the laws regarding holding shares of media corporations in defiance of existing laws? If so, the next question to ask is 'cui bono,' who benefits. I came to Thailand in 2007 and saw 7 years of street protests and civil unrest. Then the coup happen and the civil unrest ended (or was driven underground or driven to Abu Dhabi). My wife actually applauded the new 'peace.' Now the specter of civil unrest is threatening to rear it's head again? Let me prophesize (actually not really - its just understanding history and watching it 'rhyme': The EC takes this to the constitutional courts and Pita and his party are disbanded; the various colored-shirts take to the streets again backed by various non-governmental organizations, domestic and otherwise, in the name of 'democracy'; eventually the Army takes back the streets; wash, rinse, repeat. What's another coup in a history of coups? As a farang living here long term? Best to be an interested observer and a complete non-participant. I don't back any side as I have no dog in this fight. This is just another 'game of thrones' or power politics. There are no 'good guys', there are only people with their own interests who seek to sway the 'little people' to their side as revolutions and rebellions, as well as their suppression, require cannon fodder on all sides of the conflicts to support the interests of the stakeholders involved in directing the frays. Crack a brew, fire up some popcorn, kick back, and watch from a distance. It's Thai Lakhon in real-time!
  6. The future of masking -- will it ever end? Probably not. The WHO and other governmental and non-governmental agency are going to hype Covid until the cows come home.....and the cows ain't coming home in my lifetime. Fear is a fantastic way to control the plebs. And it works!
  7. Yep. Just large enough to carry my phone, my glasses (or sunglasses), and knickknacks like pens. I used to carry a day pack but the suckers are too large for what I want to carry (glasses/phone). Fill the extra pocket with lead and it makes a pretty good sap as well. But, then there goes the phone and glasses.
  8. @toast1 Prayers for you my friends that you don't needlessly suffer. ????
  9. A Filipina is going to need a work permit to legally become a caretaker, which in turn leads to a headache with immigration. In all honesty, the "old man" should consider pulling up roots and moving to The PI. Easier immigration visa requirements and access to exactly what the 'old man' is looking for.
  10. You have to get into power first Pita, which means you have to explain away the ITV media shares you were holding as they will be the first domino to make the entire MFP collapses. And by the way, simply divesting yourself of those shares before you ran would have solve your dilemma, but? You didn't. So you're saying you're above the law, all the while pointing fingers??? Take the log out of your own eye first son. You need to get into power before you can make change, and you need to be squeeky-clean in order to get into power. Unfortunately you thumbed your nose at the election laws as though you were above these laws. So? Don't complain. To tread the moral high-ground you need to have impeccable morals and follow establish laws to the letter. Then after you get into power, legitimately, you can then address the wrongdoing of others. Your stance at the moment is just a little bit hypocritical. Sad.
  11. This is only newsworthy if a man who is now a woman seeks to marry a Thai man, ie, a biological male marrying a biological male. The laws as they stand now don't stop these two from marriage at all. If the Thai government recognizes gender reassignment in the future, I'm going to identify as a woman, my Thai wife will identify as a Thai man - and then we will revisit my immigration status given I'm now a foreign woman in a marriage with a Thai man. I can't wait!
  12. Capital controls starting to show up in the EU. That bodes not well.
  13. You may have better luck finding collectors on Ebay.
  14. Actually, as the euphoria dies down, and the party implements their agenda, and then average Thais begin to understand that the new kid's agenda isn't about empowering Uncle Som and Auntie Waan, but perhaps empowering themselves and their personal interests? Then the euphoria flushes into the septic systems. I remember the halcyon days post 2014 coup where even my wife thought things were going to get better. Then after the 'saviors of Thai democracy' began flaunting large gold rings and million THB watches that 'belonged to a dead friend' and it became obvious that the power to be were going to bury any malfeasance? Then suddenly cynicism sets in. As it should. So it too will be for the new kids on the block. Every average Som and Waan want positive change, but usually all they get is elites hoovering up wealth and power for themselves while throwing a few rice snacks and a satang or two to the average citizens.
  15. Get your mRNA shots ASAP, self-isolate and stay at home, and if you absolutely must venture outside? Mask up!!! No One Is Safe Until Every One Is Safe. Keep those boosters up to date!!!
  16. "Hooters" in the land where virtually all Thai women are lifelong members of the IBTC, my wife excluded. She claims it must be related to karma (rather ample C cups back in the day). Now? Well, you know how it goes with ample 'hooters,' age, and gravity. In the meanwhile, "Big Hooters" tend to gravitate to the poles. Rack your brains on that evolutionary twist. I guess mums in the far northern and southern latitudes need to be able to supply their infants with nourishment during the cold seasons. <laughs> Viking Gals Rock! https://www.worlddata.info/average-breastsize.php
  17. Get your mRNA boosters as soon as possible and mask up. No one is safe until everyone is safe.
  18. Actually this looks like a link to self-promote his own tik tok site.
  19. Recieved the Ammoom AM 5G Wireless transmitter/receiver set today. Great. I love them. ❤️
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