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Everything posted by connda

  1. Well, until they are behind the wheel. Then suddenly they are either in a hurry or have no idea at all where they are going.
  2. For those who use it to control glaucoma, it's the THC that is the active ingredient that effects inner ocular eye pressure. The CBD oil is rather worthless.
  3. The issue with 'medical cannabis' here in Thailand may end up being a lot different than the US or California. I fully expect when they state 'medical cannabis' it will be restricted to prescribing expensive, locally manufactured CBD oil with a cap of 0.2% or less on THC - and that's it. I'll be very surprised if anyone with a medical cannabis card will be allowed to purchase or use actual bud. I hope I'm wrong. But it think I may not be. ????
  4. They are going to make felons out of a large segment of the population overnight.
  5. One of Buddha's sayings holds so true here. "Anger is like picking up a red-hot rock with the intention of throwing it at someone else." Tragic, but all too common. RIP
  6. The Russians would probably be happy to sell the RTAF export grade Sukhoi fighters. Once the US sees the interest then perhaps their F35s will become available. After all, even in the weapons industry its all about market dynamics. Make a product unavailable and something else will fill the vacuum.
  7. Interestingly enough, I was in Global the other day and a larger than normal percentage of employees were mask-free which gives me the impression that a lot of masking is due to corporate policy. What this begins to show is what percentage of Thai are worried vs those who are not. It's about 50-50% right now from what I can see. But for those who are worried - please for your own peace of mind... mask-up and make sure to get mRNA Covid shots whenever they are recommended and offered to the public.
  8. Some people just never understand the proximate causes for getting yourself killed by short-fused Thais with machetes. Put the word, "Deescalation" into your personal dictionaries and Khun Farang will live a much longer life.
  9. She had a great roll. RIP Tina Turner. You rock lady!
  10. This is just weird. If you take a video of a car you have to blur out the license, but then the media reports the number. ??? Regarding the (ex) monk. The Thai sangha seems to be going to hell in a hand-basket. Behavior like this is becoming way too frequent.
  11. Beautiful animal. Of course, I was the type of guy who like County Fairs back in the US.
  12. Yeah, I going with the Ammoom AM 5G Wireless. The reviews I've read/watched convinced me these are good enough.
  13. I've been looking around this evening and found this one that looks pretty good for the price. 1200 THB and change. Found a couple of videos regarding Ammoon wireless pairs. This looks like it will do the job. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000540465709.html @KannikaP I really hate the cables. Trip hazards and always in the way. Plus I like the amp a lot. It really is a great practice amp for the money. And I don't play loud enough to bother anyone. When I do, I don a set of good quality earphones. That headphone cable is a PITA as well. <laughs>
  14. Hummm. ???? It looks like a quarry full of water. They should at least stock it with fish. ????
  15. What is should have looked like. Which is pretty impressive actually.
  16. The high cost of the promises made by major parties to woo the electorate We promise to empty the Thai Treasury into your pockets. Caveat: You'll pay it all back in regressive taxes as well as runaway inflation, but short-term - "Happiness To The People!"
  17. I've got a couple of electric guitars as well as a Fender Mustang LT-25 amp. I'd really like to ditch the cables and go wireless. Has anyone gone wireless and if so what setup can you recommend? I do not need high-end fidelity as my ears are damaged enough that I couldn't pick out the subtle ranges anymore if I wanted to. This all is just a practice rig. So looking for modest price and modest performance. Thanks.
  18. You can buy a 2 Terebyte external USB 3.x hard drive for under 2000 THB. Why ask for problems by using really outdated hardware? But considering you asked. https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/format-large-hard-drive-fat-fat32/
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