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Everything posted by connda

  1. Don't co-sign loans for anyone who isn't immediate family. Co-signing for a 'friend?' The is the quintessential definition of 'stupid.' Why? The OP is living out the reason why.
  2. I betcha there is no way in Buddha's celestial heaven that the cops enforce the ban.
  3. To the best of my knowledge Thailand doesn't extend asylum to visitors 'stranded' by political or social upheaval in their home countries. Stand by for Slavic Overstay stories.
  4. Could be very secular Muslims, or non-Muslim, or Christians. Just because a Westerner has the name Paul, Luke, or Peter doesn't mean they come from a Christian home. Just saying. You're painting with a rather broad ethnic/religious brush.
  5. No wonder I ❤️ village life in Baan Nowhereville in Northern Thailand.
  6. Short Term T-Bill are between 4% to 5%. Haven't seen returns like that for well over a decade. Banks in Thailand don't give you diddly-squat for interest. I'm considering moving excess funds back to the US. And capital flight back to USD may eventually become a problem for Thai banks.
  7. Is Thailand really immune to the banking turmoil in the US and Europe? Nope. When the bubble burst it will be global contagion with maybe the exception of Russia as they are cutting themselves off (due to sanctions) from Western banking. Thailand. It will go down with the ship although I have a feeling that Asia in general MAY come out of it less battered then the West.
  8. I have a picture of my 5th grade class and I can name 70% of the kids in the picture.
  9. Crystal clear back to 4 years old. Short-term memory sucks though.
  10. Make an appointment at any Ophthalmology department at any hospital (I've used both private or government). They will dilate your eyes and your vision will be fuzzy for about 6 to 8 hours afterwards so have someone drive you. Full exam takes about an hour including the time to dilate your eyes. Unfortunately your varifocal lenses may either be the wrong prescription (I've had it happen) or you need to get use to them if you never have had mult-focus lens.. Personally I stick with single vision lens and just take my glasses off if I want to read. I was never particularly happy with bi-focals (no less varifocal) plus they cost an arm and a leg. If you are a good candidate for a lens replacement (cataracts) then the new lenses they implant in your eye can take care of a number of vision problems. Best of luck.
  11. Based on the number of avoidable deaths? Perhaps they are not. Especially if they are allowing addicts die from withdrawal. They can be medically treated to taper them off of whatever they are addicted to. But...
  12. If she wasn't married to a farang, there would have been no payment at all.
  13. How much did your insurance premiums go up after they paid for someone else damaging your car?
  14. Yep. More than once I've signaled to make a right hand turn into my own drive-way only to have a car or truck blow by me on the right. You have to drive defensively as the cops will always have a bias toward Thais and against you. Then even if you are found to be in the right, what good does it do you if the moron who hits you has no insurance to cover damage to (you and) your car?
  15. It's good to carry a pre-recorded SD card. Keep the one from the accident and make copies, then provide copies to your insurance company and the cops. If they take your SD from the accident, you lose your proof of what happened.
  16. Agreed. It's just hot air. Maybe he'd come back if he was guaranteed he'd only have to serve a couple of years under house arrest. Prison? He ain't coming back.
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