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Everything posted by connda

  1. Yet anytime new blood surfaces? Their party's are declared illegal and the leaders thrown in jail. This is called "Democracy."
  2. 10 THB out in the sticks where I live from what my wife tells me. This s**te is pretty well know among villagers. Most people are anti-yaa-baa. 2 THB a pill. BS. But? Most people are also anti-summary-execution for suspicion of using/selling yaa baa. Too many innocent people get whacked. Best for Thaksin to stay in Dubai.
  3. So, it looks like being married to a Thai woman for 16 year fails to meets the criterion either. Remember - A foreign man married to a Thai woman... and with children to boot? You're only a temporary visitor farang. You've been gaming the system for 15 years farang - we'll get you this year for your criminality. No better than Al Bundy baby. We'll kick you out at our convenience. A foreign woman married to a Thai man - you're golden sweet woman and the heart of a lotus flower of all Thai families! Citizenship coming up...
  4. Are the finances of Thai 'non-profits' and 'foundations' a matter of public record public record - here in Thailand - as they are in some countries outside of Thailand. In other words, can I request to see the finance of a either a 'non-profit', a 'foundation', or a 'charity' in Thailand?
  5. I'd say that stash isn't for 'personal self-defense.' He'll probably do a few years in prison and then get tossed out - unless he has friends in high places. ???? "Moron" is the only word that comes to mind.
  6. Good. Its just allowed the filthy rich foreign interests to suck up Thai land. I'd name names, but you can't, so I won't. Long-term leases are in Thailand's interest and you don't particularly have to be a millionaire to lease land for your natural life-span. Foreign ownership? Not a good idea if Thailand wants to remain sovereign.
  7. FYI. There is no such thing as a free lunch. That domain along with a number of other "library" domains have been "seized" by "you_know_who." Thank goodness Project Gutenberg https://www.gutenberg.org is still alive and well for books that are in the public domain. So, many classics, such as those by Dickens, are still available as their titles are not covered by copyright. Link to PG copyright description pages: https://www.gutenberg.org/help/copyright.html
  8. I'm reading Tolkien's The Silmarillian. It is simply a beautiful, wondrous mythology set in the realm of Tolkien's great works. I'm about 1/4 the way though and it is a worthwhile read.
  9. Went in 1986. Returned in 2007 for one day. Haven't been back since. No plans to do so.
  10. I just bought 100 grams for about 450 THB. What the h*** are you people who are buying at 500, 700, 1000+ TBH a gram expecting? I want a basic buzz. Not a psychotic experience. 4.5 THB / gram cannabis is just dandy imho. Nice low key buzz that is good for inducing sleep. My pre-cannabis insomnia was 2 to 5 hours of tossing and turning. Now? A couple of tokes, turn on some music, and I'm sleeping within 30 minute. And I wake up feeling refreshed.
  11. I don't need a Full Blood Moon to go Beaver Hunting.
  12. Ox-excrement. That is essentially the high and low of this nonsense. Who actually follows these purveyors of bs?
  13. Well, if we just make statistics up it can be made illegal again. Personally, I think that alcohol should be made illegal too. And cigarettes. And anything that makes you feel good, so sex too. We're all not safe until we throw at least 1/2 of the population in prison for feeling good. How utterly stupid. My consumption before it will legal? Zero. My consumption now? Two or three tokes before bed. Btw - it beats all the other remedies for insomnia including (addictive) benzodiazapines and expensive perscription meds (Ambian et.al). But - unless some corporation makes a ****-ton of many we need to criminalize it again. And also - the commoners and general public might actually benefit financially by growing and selling cannabis. Well - we can't have that by golly. Only the wealthy and connected can participate. For all the criticism I've leveled at Anutin in the past? I take that all back. Of course he financially benefits, but he's willing to share that wealth with the Thai general public. "Criminalizing" it again only serves those who will be allowed to 'legally' grow and cultivate cannabis while stiffing the public in more ways than one. This has nothing to do with health and adverse reactions. It has everything to do with monopolies and controlling markets while keeping the "commoners" from benefiting. That! That is what this is all about.
  14. But? TIT. The criminal penalties will be assign according to to the owners status, ability to pay, as well as their ability to flee the country. Secondly, the vicious animal can not be "put down" as that is a capital punishment only assigned by the powers-that-be to humans. The poor pit-bull needs to be spared as executing it for the crime of destroying a human life is - well - inhumane and executing a living being is reserved for human-on-human. As well, the state shouldn't hold the animal responsible for its actions. Because? This is humane Thailand. The person who was bitten and ravaged by a dog must have had a karmatic debt that deserve that person being is ravaged by the dog. So - the owner is blameless. He didn't ravage the victim. So - the dog is blameless. The person who was ravaged was karmatically responsible for the attack. So - the government is blameless. "What can we do? Especially if the dog's owner is rich and wealthy?" So? We will make edicts. Edicts we say. We'll punish those who are responsible! Unless. Well - yeah - unless: <list the reasons for ignoring a Pit Bull attack - or - any other dog attack here in Thailand > 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ad-infinitum.....
  15. We understand that Evil-Corp does just that! For instance, take a number of Western bottlers of well-known colas. I've watched cola prices since I arrived here 15 years ago. First the prices go up marginally. A single baht at a time. Then the amount in the bottle goes down a few milliliters at a time. Eventually you have Plastic Bottles <---- (i.e., plastic waste, being sold with the bottles only 4/5th full - Or Less). Now it's getting even stupider. They change the shape of the bottles shrinking the bottom or the bottles in various places, and decreasing the amount of the product. It really is ridiculous. It Is Meant To Deceive The Consuming Public! So myself? I like a cola occasionally. But there are some manufacturers that I refuse to buy now. Too expensive; and too obvious with their Shrinkflation. I'd name those I refuse to purchase - but in this day and age - criticize a deceitful corporation and Evil-Corp (deep pockets) files criminal and civil lawsuits to shut you up, and in many cases have the intent to send you to prison for your criticism - which in turn? Shuts up any other consumer who also perceives the con game. Obviously the ignorant in this deceitful world keep Evil-Corp alive as they openly con the public. What they do is deceitful and should be illegal, but? It makes them tons of profit which they share with the political class who keep their con-jobs alive and highly profitable. Really really really - What they do with deceitful as well as Evil. "Shrinkflation" should be patently illegal. But......it's endorsed by the political class (who really are bought and paid for). How does this end? It ends when Somchai/Sompuuying/Joe-Public becoming sophisticated enough to spot Con-Jobs and then react in the free-market by boycotting deceitful corporations. Will that happen? Probably not. Most of the general public are dumber than a hammer (and I'm giving hammers a bad name). I don't know. Maybe one day the sheer magnitude of deceitful malice can't be ignored by even the dumbest member of the public.
  16. Governments routinely lie their behinds off on inflation and CPI. But? I'd rather live here than in any Western country right now. Yes - in Big-Box-Hypermart stores, yeah I can see some food inflation especially with imported goods - olive oil for instance. Locally, Bread is a good example. I buy Farmhouse "Green" wheat bread. It was a solid 40 THB a loaf for years. Well until the 2020 destruction of the economy began. Then it was 42, then 44, and now 46 in quick secession. Ok - Am I gagging over 46 THB bread? Nope. During that same amount of time my incoming USD has strengthened considerably. I think that the loaf of bread cost me about 42 THB back in Spring of 2021. Now 46 TBH. So 46/42 = 9.5%. The USD as gone from about 30THB/1USD to about 37.50/1USD or it appreciated about 25%. Net? Us Yanks are about 15.5% ahead of regional inflation. So goes the Reserve Currency until it too eventually takes. Pork loin? It was pushing 200/kg. Then is came down to about 150. Now about 170. So we benefit for regional commodity fluctuation as well. Supply and demand in a free-market still works. Then I hear that eggs in the US are what - $2.50 to 4 bucks depending where you live. Out here in rural Thailand. If you don't like the price, raise your own chickens. Otherwise enjoy the discount that we enjoy by buying our eggs in the villages (nice fresh eggs to boot). There is still price competition in the villages. People aren't going to buy expensive eggs because if they get too expensive? You put in your own chicken coups and sell the excess which drives down the price. Eggs are still reasonable here. Yeah, so again? Nope. I don't miss living in the West at all. Ya'll can have it. There IS a reason why I left.
  17. I do not think that is available for vehicles over 5 years after the manufacturing date. This year my insurer said "Mai Dai" for repair on my car at the dealership as it's over 5 years. I also think that it's based on the manufacturing date (although not 100% sure) as opposed to the purchase date. Which may be a good reason to check when the car came off of the assembly line. But like I said - not 100% sure on that. However, on the other side of the issue - how many dealerships offer body-work? I'd think that they contract that out to a body-shop. So find out where they send cars for body work and offer the shop to make up the difference out-of-pocket to use OEM parts - if it's your fault. Of course, when some Thai driver smashes into you (a more likely scenario) and they have neither license or insurance? In my mind that is a much more problematic issues here in the Land Of Road Carnage. In the USA you could buy insurance that covers you for drivers/cors that are uninsured or under-insured. I'm not sure they have that level of coverage here in Thailand. Why would they - it's a underwriter's risk in spades. So you're more pressing issue would be getting your car repaired when a Thai drivers does what Thai drivers do: Run red lights, drive the wrong way on the highway, drive aggressively, misjudge and hit you, completely fail to yield right-of-way, pull out of a side road without looking - like about 80% of most motorcyclists? What insurance do these people have above the mandatory 50K THB personal injury require to register their vehicle ------- IF they register their vehicles (honestly...in most of rural Thailand who needs a license or vehicle registration no less insurance. If you don't drive during Songkran, Loi Kraton, or New Years? Really, that is the only times of year where villages put cops at village 'road blocks' and even then they generally don't check vehicles except in the evening. So??? <laughs and laughs and laughs) Then your problem isn't getting your vehicle repaired with OEM part, but getting your vehicle repair at all without you paying for it all while Somchai/Sompuuying tries to get you to pay for the damage they caused to your vehicle as well as theirs - Rich Farang!
  18. If your are into ritualized body art that conveys special powers, then you're missing the most salient point of Siddhartha Guatma's Buddha's teachings, and reflect: "What part of your being feels the need to imprint the skin of a chunk of slowly decaying meat with a symbol that is meant to grant you powers. There is no permanence in either. The act itself is an attempt to change what is and grasp on to illusion. And the fact that there are monks within Thailand (a majority I'm afraid), that do all sorts of mumbo-jumbo that has little to do with Buddhism and a lot to do with making money. I'm not particularly ignorant about how the Sangha functions here in Thailand. I understand, much to my chagrin at times. What other people choose to do is irrelevant at the end of the day. It's what I do in my own practice that is important. So I'm just really pressing on a fact that is inherent in the core Buddhist teachings, i.e., This type of tattooing has it's basis in superstition and legend, and simply anchors adherents into this corporal world of impermanence as though it is something solid. It's the anti-thesis of non-self (annata) - it focuses your practice and belief directly on "self." And the tattoo and the supportive "powers" are impermanent. You, the tattoo, and the 'magic powers' fade into dust. But hey - just a friendly discussion. At the end of the day it's basically, "Do as thy will..."
  19. Google Translate if I want a quick translation. Thai2English.com if I want to breakdown the sentences. Thai-Language.com if I want a deeper dive.
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