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Everything posted by connda

  1. The Cool Season is right around the corner. Outdoor cannabis is starting to bud. Tourists can just visit the cannabis dispensaries and then head down to the banks of the Ping and stare at the river. Who cares if business are open or not. Cheers! <sound of clinking wine cooler and bottle of Lao-Dark>
  2. Kad Suan Kaow shopping mall is a vacant overgrown lot with a ghost mall next door. Thai movies producers could now use it as a prop for a new Thai zombie movie. When I first came here Kad Suan Koaw was a vibrant, busy mall. Dead as a door-nail now. It makes that section of town look run-down and shabby. In fact, the entire Old Town and Thapea area look run-down and shabby. Not exactly a tourism mecca.
  3. Just walk down Thapea Road, or Chang Klan, or walk around the Old City. The number of permanently shuttered business is epic. Then talk to some of the business owners who managed to stay open. Most are fully masked and still quite fearful of Covid. Many require the patrons to mask up before entering their shops. It's rather at odds with the foreign tourists who are unmasked and who have moved on to full acceptance of Covid as as another seasonal respiratory illness. It doesn't make for a "normal" vacation. The psyche of the majority of Thais seems to have been permanently damaged. Until they can heal, take off their masks, and come out of their morbid fear of viruses, there will never be any 'going back to normal.'
  4. Root canal and crown - 30,000+ THB Extraction - 1500 THB Now. Wonder why? Op's a newbie with 11 posts. Either trolling or hasn't really looked around for a dentist. If you teeth cause you pain and want them removed, you can find a dentist.
  5. So how are the unvaccinated doing. If I remember last year we heard this from the US President, "We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated – for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm." According to this study it didn't turn out that way. Self-Selected COVID-19 “Unvaccinated” Cohort Reports Favorable Health Outcomes and Unjustified Discrimination in Global Survey https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/43
  6. The title says it all. What happened to the pinned recommendations page for doctors and medical specialist in Chiang Mai?
  7. But it takes two to tango. Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia will be Russian territories by this weekend, so Ukraine will not be engaging in tolks. When Ukraine continues the shelling and offensive in these oblasts, Russia will deem them attacks on Russian territory and the current 'special military operation' will become a counter-terrorism operation with the military response increasing in magnitude. Yes - I know.....Russia in a beat dog with its tail between its legs an has run out of men and arms and is about to fold. Let's revisit that come January 2023. Personally I'd like to see this resolved at the negotiating table yesterday. But...........
  8. Yet give it a couple of days. The Western information war benefits by assigning blame to Russia just like they did when Ukraine was shelling the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. Apply Occam's Razor. Who benefits? US and Qatari LNG suppliers.
  9. Bank of England raises rates to 2.25%, despite likely recession That's the characteristic of stagflation: Rapidly rising inflation during an economic recession. Just allow bankers to give themselves obscene bonuses and all will be better (for them, the common folk don't matter).
  10. I met a bargirl one time who married a "rich man" from Portland, OR. She lasted less than six months before divorcing the guy and moving back to Thailand. If you've ever lived in Portland, it's pretty obvious why. A dark, dank, dismal place to live most days out of the year. Beautiful when it isn't raining or ice-covered after an ice storm, or when the cloud cover lifts. That ain't often. She should have talked her hubby into living in North Hollywood. Much better there and Thai friendly.
  11. My wife made noise about wanting to work in the US at one time years ago. I suggested she fly to Mexico and have a coyote take her across as she'd probably be able to obtain a green card and citizenship quicker than if she went with me. And I explained how the inflated US price will eat her paycheck and that she'd be living in poverty while making money that would make her a "rich women" in Thailand. Oh, and good luck finding authentic Thai food and a Buddhist temple.
  12. Look left, then right. Look left and right again - then get hit from behind and killed. There's no winning here.
  13. Like, you don't have to go to immigration to get a residence form that are required by some Thai bureaucracies, like the motor vehicle department. I've got one. It saves the occasional hassle of having to drive to immigration (30+ km for me). Just saying. It doesn't buy you much.
  14. Trial data. But what the hay. The rewards outweigh the risks. Get those shots today! https://www.evusheld.com/en/hcp/clinicaldata
  15. LAAB is cilgavimab and tixagevimab (Evusheld). Essentially is a monoclonal antibody prophylaxis regime. I guess Thailand will furnish long-term test subjects for AZ. What is cilgavimab and tixagevimab? Cilgavimab in combination with tixagevimab is an experimental medicine being studied for the prevention before exposure of COVID-19. It is not yet known if cilgavimab and tixagevimab is safe and effective. Source: drugs.com "Tixagevimab/cilgavimab, sold under the brand name Evusheld is a combination of two human monoclonal antibodies, tixagevimab and cilgavimab targeted against the surface spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 used to prevent COVID-19. It is being developed by British-Swedish multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company AstraZeneca. It is co-packaged and given as two separate consecutive intramuscular injections." Source: Wikipedia FDA info https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-authorizes-revisions-evusheld-dosing
  16. "What? We can't buy votes!!!??? Oh well, back to handing it out under the table." My wife's view: "Just take money and vote for people you like."
  17. So they want to re-peg it to the USD like pre-1997. Works for me. A guaranteed ฿35/USD? Not bad.
  18. It's ideologues who can only envision one side of a global crisis who become an existential threat to humanity. They take a side, dehumanize their 'enemies', and wail for blood. At the risk of sounding like a globalist, its best to align to this side if you must choose a side: The brotherhood of mankind. It's when people grasp their nationalism and reject other races, ethnicity, and the domestic interests of other countries that the world goes completely off-balance and teeters on the edge of chaos. This goes for the East, West, South, and places in-between. Personally I watch this Geo-political dance and just shake my head. Man has the capacity for infinite wells of compassion as well as well as bottomless pits of hatred and greed. The latter are willing to genocide a few billion souls if it supports their interests and agenda. Ideologues encourage their leaders to embrace the "Samson Option" and to pull the world down on their own heads to project and protect their own interests and hatreds. It's simply sad and unnecessary.
  19. Ex-President Dmitry Medvedev further clarifies with the following quotes yesterday: "The Donbas (Donetsk and Luhansk) republics and other territories will be accepted into Russia." "Russia has announced that not only mobilisation capabilities, but also any Russian weapons, including strategic nuclear weapons and weapons based on new principles, could be used for such protection." Source: Rueters Sep 22 By weapons based on new principles my guess is he is referring to hypersonic missiles and hyersonic intercontinental ballistic technology. Just a guess. Scary stuff imho. This reinforces Putin's statement, "If the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will certainly use all the means at our disposal to protect Russia and our people," and it reinforces Russia's stated nuclear doctrine which asserts that attacks on Russian territories can be met with a nuclear response. The only problem being is that once the nuclear genie is let out of the bottle, the Earth as we knew it ceases to exist for all of us except for the 0.01% of the elite population which will head underground to their respective national bunkers.
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