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Everything posted by connda

  1. Just an FYI. The OPPO I have runs ColorOS over Andriod 5.1. LINE works fine. However, if it didn't it would be fine with me. LINE is a "honey-gatta-have" app that my wife wants on my phone as she insists it will save money with "free calls." If it died today I'd celebrate and remove it. It would save 1/2 a gigabyte of space on my phone. LINE like so many Andriod (an Apple) apps is a combination of spyware and data collection and advertising junkware.
  2. How's that. If the phone can be rooted you can use computer apps like 'adb' to in developer mode to remove apps off of the phone.
  3. I'm just curious. Hit the Love button if you're anti-war: ❤️ Hit the Laugh button if you're pro-war:
  4. You must be talking about the unkempt, unshaven dude in a dirty green t-shirt who only attends virtual meetings via green-screen setups. Putin just attended a meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan where he met with numerous Asia heads of states. Just saying. Stay on top of your Geo-politics. Otherwise you end up sounding ignorant.
  5. I'm not going to any "tourist area" where cops are stopping people to give the drug tests. That's called totalitarianism. What I want from the cops when I visit is to limit their activities to 'keeping the peace', not shaking down everyone in sight. I'll pass on Trat. Thanks for the heads-up.
  6. Close the borders. Lock people in their homes. Close all business except for large international corporate retailers.
  7. It should be a 500 THB each for fighting as so sad for the loser. If the Farang had lost and was in ICU, this would be an non-issue.
  8. If it was two Thai Hisos beating a farang unconscious and putting him into ICU, the pair would be out on bail. The story would disappear from the MSM as some paltry compensation was negotiated and the farang victim would probably be thrown out of the country and blacklisted because he was unconscious and in ICU when his visa extension expired. Anyone who doesn't grasp the two tiered system of "justice" here will probably end up a victim of it eventually. A level playing field would allow these guy to do what Thais are allowed to do - compensate the victim and his family and then skate.
  9. The Dharma is falling apart in Thailand. I'm seeing more and more and more instances of drunk monks, as well as monks motivated by money. I personally know quite a few Thai monks. Some are the real deal. But for many it's a way to make money. When you think like that, it's not much of a step to consider boozing it up as being OK. Sad. There are very few true monks who strictly follow the Vinayas. Which is indicative of the destruction of The Dharma. Annica.
  10. One and a half baht weight is trivial. If you don't want to be separated from 46K THB of gold? Don't wear it in public.
  11. Apple is out - so this is a decussion of Andriod (or something else) based phones. Andriod is simply loaded with Bloatware. I don't want Google Hangouts, Music, Games, other Google-ware that isn't necessarily core OS components or any other third party bloatware package with the OS which I'm unable to delete. I currently have a hand-me-down Oppo <deleted>-phone running Andriod 5.x under Oppo's ColorOS. It's built in obsolescence. It can not be upgraded and the phone can not be rooted short of "bricking" the phone. What I want is the cheapest phone I can find that runs Andriod but can be rooted so I can get rid of all the Bloatware including Google's. I want the phone striped down to the few apps that I personally want while getting rid of all the rest of the crapware. I don't like these phones. I use my as a phone, a camera, an audio/video recorder, a "looper" program for guitar, and epub reader, a Thai-to-Engllsh scanner, some Thai-English translators, a graphics to text scanner and a couple of social media programs, Google maps, and Brave browser. If I can "root" it I can delete the Bloatware. Because I don't use the phone for much - I don't want to pay much money for it. So I'm looking for Inexpensive and Rootable. I've looked online by reviewed phones that are considered "inexpensive" are not inexpensive by my standards. Inexpensive to me is under 3000 THB. I'm not adverse to used phones as I'm going to completely wipe it then rebuild it. Any suggestion?
  12. Firewall: Open a terminal window: Type: sudo ufw enable That should enable your firewall if it isn't already. I'm a Linux Mint guy, but it's based on Ubuntu so you should be able to do the same. Look online how to install clamav on your version of Ubuntu. Then install the Graphical User Interface clamtk. Clamtk is intuitive enough to figure out without burning too many braincells. Most version of Linux are pretty resilient. Make sure you have a user account and a super-user account and only use the latter when you need to do maintenance on your system.
  13. A roll with a business woman is has no emotional residue and associated risk, and there is never ending choice. Gigs and mia nois are a headache.
  14. Age plays hell on those "beautiful" women. My own wife was hotter than a firecracker back in the day. Now in her 60s and fond of food? Her "beauty" isn't anything that is reflected in a mirror. Especially naked.
  15. If I still had children, like alcohol, the kid can do as they like when they reach the age of majority or the age when it's legal. As long as they kid lives under my roof? They conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the family's values. What they do once they leave my care is their own business. Caveat: Beating children is abhorrent. If the beating are true, he should be jailed.
  16. "Learn to sit back and create memes plastered on the pictures of movies stars who probably never uttered the quote you've posted." -- Attributed to Pussy Riot, but then again, maybe not.
  17. And what law it that. Can you refer me to the Thai road laws that specifically outlaw skating on public roads? I don't believe you can, but I'm willing to suspend doubt until you do.
  18. Just a note. He's not doing anything that I haven't seen bicyclists do. In his defense, bicyclists have two wheel and he has 8. Why shouldn't he be able to share the road as bicyclist do? Caveat: I'm playing Devil's Advocate here. But it's a legitimate discussion topic.
  19. What fun is that. For 2000 THB, all I want is smiles and a ..............................
  20. "Love" in many ways is a hormonal secretion the purpose of which is the propagation of the species. I've "loved" many women in my youth. It was just so much humpin' and pumpin', then suddenly you're face with the realities of who the person really is. Then <poof>. Love is over. I'm not a cynic. I do know couples who stay deeply in love for decades. It's not the norm, but it is a beautiful thing to see. It transcends "humpin' and pumpin'," which nowadays in this venal society seems to be the exception and not the norm. Now? Hell. I won't elaborate. Do I "love" women (as I am 100% hetero)? No. I have compassion and mutual respect for those who have the same for me. You can call that "Love" if you wish.
  21. Carpe Diem. Seize the day. All else is greed. The Fates are fickle. Since I've been here I've seen close to 27 to 1. Now close to 38 to 1. Why try to game a 40% increase. Cash in.
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