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Everything posted by connda

  1. Hummm. ???? What goes on in Cutter under the covers methinks!
  2. For everyone listening enjoyment. Nothing has changed since the 1950s. That's for sure. They're rioting in Africa They're starving in Spain There's hurricanes in Florida And Texas needs rain The whole world is festering With unhappy souls The French hate the Germans The Germans hate the Poles Italians hate the Yugoslavs South Africans hate the Dutch And I don't like anybody very much!
  3. And that will cause your beneficiaries nothing but grief in probate count. But you'll be dead so? What the heck 'eh? Best of luck on this. You're not listening to anyone's advice, so why post this in the first place. ???? Bye.
  4. Have a lawyer draw up a copy in both English and Thai. Run the translation through an online translation program if you're paranoid and have your girlfriend interpret anything you don't understand. You're fretting over nothing that can't be easily resolved unless you yourself are creating the problem. Lot of good info here by other member. Stop discounting it.
  5. Sure. But when you take it to probate the court will probably demand a notarized translation. Sooooo. Just have a lawyer draw up your Will in both English and Thai. That's what I have. Easy breezy.
  6. Cool. If if want to roller blade in heavy traffic, all it will cost me is 1000 THB (and perhaps my life).
  7. It was OK to summarily execute 'suspected drug dealer' in the name of the war on drugs. That in itself is the definition of insanity. Drugs Kill! So do overzealous cops with guns.
  8. There is a real push to demonize and therefore ban cannabis. Marijuana deal gone wrong? It's legal. More likely? A methamphetamine deal gone wrong. But nowadays every time a tweeker goes mad it will be blamed on marijuana until they make it illegal again.
  9. Get a pellet gun. It will do the job without putting people down-range at risk of getting killed. A .22 wound is no laughing matter.
  10. Shooting birds eating fish? There are less dangerous options. I wouldn't want your wife to have a .22 either. Her popping off trying to kill bird would probably end the life of a neighbor or villager walking by. Most Thais don't have a clue about gun safety.
  11. In Thailand there are legally registered guns and illegal guns. Gun Control: Legal guns are expensive (five time the price of a pistol/revolver bought in the US) and the registration process is time consuming (upwards of months). So Thailand controls legally purchased firearms via price and regulation. Unlike the US, the police know where your legally purchase gun is. And there are strict controls on those firearms. Once purchased, most of those firearms must remain at the buyer's residence. Only a small handful of firearm owners can legally carry and firearm. Illegal guns are affordable and remain unregistered. Many are cheap, poorly made, and dangerous to operate. Owning an illegal firearm can get you tossed into prison for a long time. Like any black market activity, the cops can only do so much. The recent massacre. Reality. The murderer slit many of the kids throats with a knife while they slept. Given that the guy was previously a cop, my guess is that his firearm was legal. Controlling weapons? Should rocks, sticks, and knives be illegal from this point on. How about fists and feet. Where do you draw the line? Gun control in Thailand if very robust as opposed to the US. How do you stop genocidal murderers? Murderers were murdering people before guns were even invented. Solution? I don't think their is one. This is the reality into which we are born, sucks as it may.
  12. I believe the Red Bull kid's estate paid the dead cop's family 100,000 THB which at today's exchange rate is about $2600 USD. (correct me if I'm wrong on that amount). Every supportive politician (of Red Bull kid) said that was fair compensation. Now granted, Red Bull kid was a Thai citizen. But if these guys are rich enough, five times or ten times that amount (farang tax) should do it. Call it a cool 300,000 THB to make the problem go away. Maybe 500,000 THB to make it disappear from the media too. Perhaps a 1M to keep from being deported and losing the car. TIT. Sound about right?
  13. The Russia government isn't 'Putin' any more then the France is Macron, the UK is Truss (or soon to be Sunak), Germany is Scholz, the democratic (unelected) European Union is Von der Lyden, the US is Biden, or the Ukraine is Zelensky. Any functional, modern government in totality is not its figurehead leader. The West has openly stated its goal of regime change, government overthrow, and partitioning of Russia. How does Russia perceive that? As it should - an existential threat. I can't blame them. It's standard-operating-procedure in the West. Look at Saudi Arabia. A few weeks ago the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was the USA's best friend. But because Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud failed to obey Joe Biden's instructions to convince OPEC not cut oil production before the US mid-term elections? Now the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is no longer a 'friend' and more than likely will be sanctioned - right along with all of the USA's other OPEC friends..... who are no longer friends. From "friends" to "enemies" in two weeks. That's how the US and the West works. "Give us your resources when we want them and at the price we dictate - or else!" What would you think if Russia's precondition for negotiations was the removal of Zelensky? Biden? Macron? Scholz? Truss? Ursula Von der Lyden? What if Russia openly called for 'regime change and partitioning' of France, or Germany, or the UK, or the European Union, or the US? Reality. Negotiations will happen when one side or the other is beaten or are close to surrendering. My guess is one side will capitulate by early next year. Time will tell. Like Thailand - I see all sides and chose to remain neutral. I've got no dog in this fight, but I'm glad I'm living in 'neutral' Thailand right now. And I'm glad Thailand chose neutrality. I spent my 8 full years in the US military when I actually felt that the old Soviet Union posed an real threat to the entire world. Under those circumstances, I'd do it again. Now I just follow the Geo-politics and comment on the never-ending insanity of war, which in my humble opinion is the bane of mankind. Man has been killing each other since they could pick up a rock or stick, and bash another man's head it - and then take the dead man's possessions. And yet counter to that psychopathic, genocide impulse of many (most?) of mankind, there are those who embody the epitome of compassion, kindness, and selflessness. This reality in which we live is quite The Crucible. But I wax philosophical. Negotiations will happen when that which is within the crucible melts and can be reforged into a new paradigm. Until then? Pump the bellows.
  14. There are wars all over the globe, many fully backed by the US, where people are "paying with their blood." It doesn't stop the weapon makers of the world from supplying both sides with the armament to kill each other - for profit. By the way - if China created a military alliance with South and Central American countries, and Mexico was all that stood between that alliance and the United States - I'd return to the US to support military efforts to stop the aggressive offensive, in Mexico, before it reached the US borders. "But that's different!" No it's not. War is just politics by other means. But when it crashes against your country's own borders (in this case a NATO-back proxy creating an existential threat to the Russian homeland while Western leaders openly advocating for the overthrow of the Russian government)? Well, Russia is now responding... And Russian soldiers, and civilians, are "paying with their blood" too. Ukraine refuses negotiations. Russia doesn't particular care anymore either. So? We'll all see how it shakes out by April of 2023.
  15. That's a fairly common occurrence on Highway 11 between Lamphun and Chiang Mai. Why report it. What will the cops do. Small fine and a hand-slap. The guy is probably out doing it again today.
  16. The "We hate Russia and Russians" crowd is now becoming the "We hate Thailand and Thais" crowd. If you don't like Thailand's Geo-political neutrality - pack up and leave. Go back to your Western utopias which now have massive energy, food, and inflation problems directly related to attempting to 'punish Russia' with sanctions. Personally I commend Thailand for their neutral stance. Stay neutral and maintain trade alliances. Win-Win. Thomas Jefferson sums it up, "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none." Amen.
  17. Kier Starma. He just hasn't been sworn in yet but give it a week or two or three. ????
  18. Perhaps she smoked way too much of the lettuce back in the day. ????
  19. Look at Saudi Arabia. MBS didn't bend a knee to Biden and agree to forestall oil production cuts until after the mid-term elections. So now that Saudi Arabia failed to bow to the political whims of a US president? They are going to sanction Saudi Arabia. It's not difficult to see why non-aligned countries world-wide are willing to band together in economic and security alliances to keep from become a target of the collective West. Thailand included.
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