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Everything posted by connda

  1. About the only reason I use PP is for services that have reoccurring annual payments. It provides a simple interface to cancel the annual (or periodic) subscriptions. If they get overly woke again with their terms of service I'm going to ditch them permanently as are a lot of others world-wide.
  2. You're a Thai citizen I believe so it should not be a problem? It would only be a problem for us long-term 'visitors' married to Thai women for 10 or 20 years, and retirees visiting their condos for the last decade or so. ???? But I'm assuming those above who have Thai PP account appreciate the heads-up.
  3. No. Big banks launder money for big players like cartels and corrupt governments. The emphasis on making small fry like us jump through a 100 hoops to move minuscule amounts of money around is simply camouflage for the Big Boys laundering hundreds of millions and billions.
  4. Since rolling out the "We'll dock you $2500 for every instance of what we say is disinformation" and then walking it back, imho Paypal is losing it's luster. Honestly, with the ability of being able to pay vendors via bank transfer and the ability to make personal inter-bank transfers here in Thailand, Paypal is really of no use to me here in Thailand.
  5. 19 coups (successful and unsuccessful) since 1932. That pushing one every 5 years. ???? Thailand's overdue. Oh wait. The generals are still running the show. Nevermind. Wait until a true civilian government is formed. Then they'll make up for lost time. That's great comic relief for Hump Day, October 12th 2022! ????☝️
  6. Sorry to hear. She had a good run. Wonderful actress! RIP m'lady.
  7. Why not call them pigs, orcs, and sub-humans? Those engaging in dehumanizing name calling obviously haven't studies history. The rhetoric of hatred is exactly what creates the conditions of war. Dehumanizing those whom you hate makes you feel morally superior. Your leaders start the Song of War and their loyal citizenry fall in as the chorus in four part harmony. War is money for many institutions and corporations. They furnish the orchestra. Ethnic hatred fuels their profits. And ya'll willingly participate. It's really sad to watch. President Putin and General Secretary Xi are rational actors. Neither have anything to gain by war. The current special military operation in Ukraine is being fought on Russia's border. If China for instance created a military coalition of Central American countries and then clamored for Mexico to join the armed alliance - "to stop US aggression" - and perhaps place nuclear weapon in Mexico pointed at the US and Canada - what do you think the US would do? Sit idly by and watch it happen? Wars end with with rational people engaging in rapprochement, dialogue, trade and respect for the security and sovereignty of all nations. Not by attempting to beat the nations of the world into hegemonic compliance.
  8. For the Russia haters (and China, Iran, N. Korea, etc haters): Do you understand what stops wars? Dialogue and mutually beneficial trade. Do you know what stokes wars? Shutting down diplomatic dialogue, imposing sanctions, and projecting hegemony. And as a side note, it also creates parallel economies. But haters will hate right up until they see that bright, white flash and mushroom cloud, and they'll take their hate to the grave with them. There are better and more rational ways to deal with Geo-political strife. Ya'll are going to find that APEC is part of a growing parallel economic (and possibly a security) union as countries who were historically subject to colonial rule reject the possibility of it ever happening again. Just saying............
  9. A lot of those "toddlers" where killed with a knife. The guy went in to the rooms where they were sleeping and slit their throats. Brutal. Should knifes be made illegal?
  10. That would actually lead to a huge surge in illegal gun purchases. The prices of "legally purchased" pistols and revolvers are about 5 times the price in the US, and rifles and shotguns are about 3 times as much. A handgun or rifle purchased on the black market is more like parity with US prices or cheaper. So the government calls for a 3 month amnesty, everyone who can not afford a gun gets a black market gun, and then registers it. ???? Let me take a SWAG at why Thaksin is recommending this. It floods Thailand with weapons and then with a push from certain Western deep state actors, Thailand has a violent "Color Revolution" and Thaksin come riding to the rescue? Just saying. My guess is that the cop who went on a murder spree probably had a registered handgun. It's not a good idea. It puts guns in the hands of people who would not otherwise be able to afford them or who would rather not get busted with illegal, unregistered firearms. Keeping the laws as they stand creates a deterrent to arming people who know little about the proper use and safety of guns in general.
  11. Just like in Ukraine. Just saying......
  12. ???? By the way. The killer slit the throat of most of the kids with a knife. So, will there be more checkpoints to stem the flow of knives?
  13. There were so many "favorite scenes" out of Dr Stangelove. If I gotta pick one? Major Kong ridin' "the bomb."
  14. Of course, if some guy is s**t-faced drunk as goes on a murder spree, well, everything is just hunky-dory. No call to outlaw Thai whiskey and alcohol as the 'connected' booze monopoly is simply too powerful. But blame a mass-murder's killing spree on cannabis. Ridiculous. The Thaksin led ‘Pheu Thai’ was all onboard for extra-judicial executions of anyone accused of dealing drugs back in Thakin's regime. That should tell you everything you need to know.
  15. His best bet is to just pass out free bottles of 'whitening cream' to the cops.
  16. You've just listed the reasons I'd never buy a condo.
  17. "Conclusion SARS-CoV-2+ participants initiating nasal irrigation were over 8 times less likely to be hospitalized than the national rate." https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/01455613221123737
  18. What about people who don't have "Covid shots?"
  19. Wondering which countries are open for border runs and what difficulty there may be re-entering the Thailand?
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