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Everything posted by connda

  1. When Thais benefit from trade agreements including uninterrupted, market-valued energy while Europeans freeze, the UK government pukes, and the US deals with "the Evil Putin induced runaway inflation" ????, and as moderate (rational) democrats 'WalkAway' on Nov 8th - Thailand as a whole will be in good shape and the average Thai citizen will not suffer austerity and massive price increases in order to prop up Western Geo-political goals of creating regime change in Russia (and China). When my 'leaders' tell my I must suffer and enjoy extreme austerity and highly inflated prices as the mega-wealthy seek to control all resources planet-wide - even if they need to invade countries (a euphemism for bringing so-called 'democracy' to the unwashed people of color in the ME/NA/Global South as these philanthropists shoulder the "White Man's Burden"), bomb them into the stone-age and steal their resources for the benefit of the West. Those who 'abstained' understand they they too are under a constant threat of US sanctions and Western NGO sponsored democracy regime change. Study history since WWII and find that destabilizing sovereign nations is the US's SOP. As Henry Kissinger so aptly stated, "The US has neither friends or enemies, just interests." And they are willing to destroy weaker countries to further their goals. And Thailand fits the bill of a "weaker country." Those countries who abstained (or voted "no"), including India and China, make up about 1/2 of the worlds global population. That's one heck of a trading block. As Western standards of living implode, Asian and the those of the Global South are on the rise - slowly but surely. So I commend Thailand for their choice. It's the choice to stay neutral, to stay out of the fray, and to build their economic alliances with other developing countries on the rise as opposed to the dying colonial empires, i.e., the UK, US, and EU. Those of us who remain in Thailand benefit from that neutrality.
  2. It's not like I've never come across that way even though it wasn't my intention. Not a problem. Again...thanks for the help!
  3. Thanks for the help RS237. It's appreciated! That answers all my questions.
  4. I've just downloaded Bolt. They are in Chiang Mai and accept cash. If I can pay a Grab Car driver cash too, that gives me additional options.
  5. Does Bolt operate in Chiang Mai. Personally I prefer "cash only" services. If they are in Chiang Mai that solves me issues.
  6. Legitimate question: Can you add a card without creating a wallet, i.e., are they going to want to verify my identity with a Thai ID?
  7. Well I've found an answer to one question. If I can create a wallet, you can top up using a bank account. However, my guess is it isn't that easy. But seeing I can't create a wallet, there is no way to get to the screens where I could see how to "top-up" using a bank account. See - So simple!
  8. 1. WIll I run into the same problems attempting to fund a Bolt account; 2. Are there Bolt drivers in Chiang Mai.
  9. However, I don't believe Grab Car drivers accept cash. Correct me if I'm wrong on that folks.
  10. I agree 100%. I detest these digital solutions. Cash works great when the electricity goes out.
  11. Ok Tech Saavy Grab-Car users. Get me over this hump. I've downloaded the app. Easy. Now, from what I can tell you need to put money into a Grab Wallet in order to pay your driver. In order to activate a Grab Wallet - You Need To Be A Thai Citizen. That's Problem 1. I'm Khun Farang...US Citizen. Next is funding. It seems the only method of funding is via Credit or Debit Card. I have no desire to link my US credit and debit cards to a Thai application. I prefer to transfer funds directly from my Thai bank account to a wallet, or........ use cash. But? Problem 2: I can't create a wallet. See Problem 1. Suggestions from those who have found a way to successfully use Grab?
  12. 1) It doesn't seem simple at all to fund a GRAB account; 2) I live out in the middle of the sticks in rural Thailand and my English speaking, fellow farang "friends" are pretty much limited to this forum. So? I'm asking here from those who are willing to assist.
  13. Setting up an account is one thing. Funding a wallet is another. To fund you need to provide Thai identification. From GRAB's site: _______________________________________________ How do I complete my identity verification To ensure successful verification of your identity, please ensure that: The image of your ID card is clear and readable, with all corners visible. It should be an image of the original card and not an image of a scanned copy. Your entire face is visible when capturing the selfie, with you looking directly to the camera. Remove masks or any other accessories such as glasses from your face. The name and ID number must match exactly as the uploaded images of the ID card. Note: The above feature is available only for Thai citizens. ____________________________________________ So back to my original question. How do you fund a GRAB account so you can paid for a GRAB ride? The question is directed to Non-Thais (fellow farangs) who have done this before.
  14. My bust. I could have sworn I read that Paxlovid was available OTC. I stand corrected.
  15. The title says is all: How do I set up and fund a GRAB taxi account in Thailand? I don't even know where to start with this. From what I understand you need to set up a phone app and fund a wallet. Not sure how to do that especially here in Thailand. Any help would be appreciated. Mods: Put this wherever it's the most relevant. Thanks.
  16. Paxlovid (Nirmatrelvir-ritonavir) has been shown to negatively interact with heart medications in recent studies. This if very important here in Thailand considering that Paxlovid is now an Over-The-Counter medication - or - if you are cared for in a Thai hospital by a doctor who doesn't keep up with medical literature. If you're on heart meds and plan on using Paxlovid or generic Nirmatrelvir-ritonavir - take heed. https://www.jacc.org/doi/10.1016/j.jacc.2022.08.800
  17. I must admit, I do miss those tasty creamers in the US.
  18. Whoo Hoo! Between that and the USD/THB exchange rate? 2023 may be a good year economically.
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