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Everything posted by connda

  1. One more time: "Has anyone had a lawyer draw up a Living Will in Thai and English here in Chiang Mai?" I'd like a Living Will/Advanced Directive drawn up in Thai and English and would like to know if anyone could recommend a lawyer if they have had one drawn up.
  2. She had Pfizer shots so she is completely safe from contracting the virus. I hear that daily so it must be true.
  3. The noise would have driven me off, not the fear of viruses.
  4. Welcome to New Normal Thailand - Pattaya Edition. They had two years to work on making Thailand a World Class Tourism destination for the wealthy and well-heeled. And this is all that they have accomplished. <laughs> I hear all those private Gulfstream jets warming their engines to depart for Thailand Dubai or Singapore. Well, unless the well-heeled are up for slumming.
  5. Pattaya: Hundreds turn out in Walking Street to save 'world class resort' from a "Dry New Year" Don't worry. If they continue to make a public ruckus the benevolent authorities will turn water-cannons on them and make it a Wet New Years.
  6. Sale of top Chiang Mai hotel - 50% off is still not enough to attract bidders And there is the Death Knell for tourism in Thailand.
  7. Probably because these guys are constantly moralizing about illegal gambling, or in other words, gambling that the government doesn't receive a cut of the profits. "Bad evil people gamble, blah blah blah. The Tu Twins just want to save you from yourselves and Buddhist Gambling Hell." Lottery? Legal. Why? The right people get the profits. Casinos? Probably will be legal. Why? The right people get the profits. All other gambling? Illegal. Why? Ya'll get the logic. Same as cannabis. Cannabis grown and processed by the right people. Legal. Cannabis grown by the commoners. Illegal. "Elementary my dear Watson. Economics and power!"
  8. As good as my pump and the gravity-feed tanks on the hill on our property. Village water. So-so. Iffy.
  9. I wonder what odds I can get from a UK bookmaker about that actually happening? ???? Probably just a likely as the government rolling out Dr. Yong to announce imminent disaster if Thailand isn't locked down for New Years Eve. Living in fear isn't living but it seems to be the preference of a large segment of today's population.
  10. My wife. She's not very accurate but she is full of suggestions.
  11. This post is not about a Last Will and Testament. I have one of those for the disposition of my assets after my death. I'm talking about a "Living Will" also called an "Advanced Healthcare Directive." They are two very different legal documents and server different purposes.
  12. They are worthless with the exception of the N95-N99 variety. We can research each other to death. "My research say...." "Yeah but my research say..." I boils down to being two separate and equally passionate camps of individuals. Fearful individuals who wish to live as a centrally controlled collective for their perceived safety who urge the use of the force of the collective to beat individuals into submission; and Rational individuals who wish to live as individuals. This is just opinion. We all have our opinions. Now comes the censorship of the collectivists imposed on the individual, but that's another can or worms. In my opinion. Masks? I play along to get along. To a point.
  13. I would venture to speculate that a virus is a nice excuse to consolidate power and implement draconian restrictions on the public that the government has for years hinted that it wanted. The government has used a virus as the excuse to clean the low-class entrepreneurial 'riff-raff' (poorer people iiking out a marginal living as street vendors) off the the street, to clean out small business and redirect that income to larger "connected" "essential" businesses, and to literally drive a stake through the heart of the Thai night-life and entertainment industry. I've had Thai friends who have been put out of business. Chiang Mai Thapae area is a testament to boarded up shops and failed businesses. I don't see the government stopping this campaign until the larger city's previous businesses who obtained their incomes from foreign tourism are completely snuffed out and destroyed as well as completely destroying nightlife and entertainment venues catering to Thais. Every time these businesses flicker back to life the government through their MSM will scream, "New Variant!!!" This can go on forever. In the meanwhile will come privacy destroying 'Virus Passports' which will restrict the movements of population whenever needed. Remember - as early as March 2020 the public was promised a New Normal. Well - this is the new normal ya'll were promised. A destruction of most businesses that supported lower and middle class entrepreneurs all of which will be replaced with specially licensed "clean" businesses (SHA blah blah) who are connected to the Thai power elite. If you need to keep the commoners in place from here on out - simply yell, "New Variant!" and they all will snap right back in line......Ad-infinitum. This doesn't end. Promise.
  14. Has anyone had a lawyer draw up a Living Will in Thai and English here in Chiang Mai? I'm aware of the template at Lanna Care Network, but I'd like a Living Will that is written in Thai and English and tailored to my own EOL wants and desires.
  15. Compare yourself to a Thai criminal. The Thai criminal, who is deemed a threat to Thai national security and society, is imprisoned. Once set free the criminal is on parole and must report their address to the government on a periodic basis. Then after a set time, such as a year, if the criminal parolee stays out of trouble, that classification as a criminal and a national and societal security risk to Thailand is erased and they are accepted back into Thai society as a trusted member. Now compare that to foreigners such as ourselves: Unlike a Thai criminal parolee, how long you've lived here as an individual contributing foreign-funds to the Thai economy without causing any problems for Thailand is irrelevant. It means nothing. As a foreigner, you nature is evil. You are a bad person looking to do damage to Thailand. You must be watched and monitored continually. You are a National Security Risk and a threat to Thai society for ever, and you will never be accepted as part of Thai society. <period>
  16. Well kids, now you're dealing with the exact mindsets that keep foreign men married to Thai women in a limbo where although we are married, our marriages are not valued, are limited to an annual renewal process as well as 90 day reports, and the men considered little but income generators who are perpetual security risks and as such will never be accepting into Thai society. So yes - I do feel the frustration of the LGBT persons seeking same-sex marriage. The mechanics of Thai conservatism (racism and sexism) are pretty much the same in both cases.
  17. They should be happy they aren't triple-charged for a hospital visit based on their differences.
  18. I won't even try. Their IT is abysmal. It's easy to understand why too. Look at signs that are translated from Thai to English by Thais. They are hilarious. They want to prove they understand technical topics, like English, or like Computer Science. But they don't so you get substandard junk that doesn't work. And God forbid they ask assistance from a foreigner <scum>. No big deal. I'll walk the paperwork to Immigration. I expect I'll be dead before they have a functional online reporting system. 2030....maybe. Maybe not.
  19. It proves that you are an unwelcome long-stay "visitor" and a perpetually perceive security risk to Thailand, and your mere presence in Thailand to perhaps supporting a Thai nations wife and family for decades or more makes you a existential threat to Thailand. You are a potential criminal and 'forever threat' and you must be monitored until you die or leave. Preferably leave. At least Thai criminals who have been on paroles eventually are accepted back into Thai society. But you Farang? Never! You are perceived to be a significantly more dangerous threat to Thailand then the worst criminal who has been incarcerated and then released from prison. Think about that!? Let it sink in. Your status? It is below a Thai criminal. That is a fact. I'm only saying that because you asked. But it is the truth.
  20. That is exactly what I expect so I don't even try. I hate to stress this, but Thai programming is still in the 20th century. Their programming team are probably using dBase and Paradox.
  21. I'm willing to bite. Gotta link. Because I don't see how this could possibly have been made illegal.
  22. In my humble opinion, the Thai government have been throwing people in jail and ruining lives from years over something that does little if nothing. "It's A Drug!!!" It's coffee! I actually like the taste of Kratom tea better than regular tea and it has about the kick of a cup of coffee. Now I wonder why they didn't throw people selling coffee into prison. Kratom is a nothing-burger.
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