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Everything posted by connda

  1. They were overpriced for the equipment and services they provided before the Covid shutdowns.. There are a whole lot of better gyms for significantly cheaper prices in Chiang Mai. Given the prices quotes - they are expensive. I've used them before and was not impressed.
  2. Update. I went to do a 90 day report earlier this week. The Immigration office is at the end of a new road just before the Transportation Office complex. It was dirt but they have now paved it. Lamphun Immigration is in a walled complex at the end of the new road on the left. Take the first entrance. There is limited parking in the front and at the back. There are two building complexes. The front is normal immigration. The standalone building at the back is for 90 day reports. All much nicer than the complex at Doi Tii.
  3. Thanks much. I found a place to take care of my translation.
  4. I need a document translated from English to Thai. The document length will be three pages. Where can I get this done in CM and for what cost? Thanks!
  5. Covid treatments require randomized, double-blind, placebo based studies to be considered valid. Mix and match vaccination require an "I think" by an eminence like Dr. Yong.
  6. The last rat I saw in my home was this weekend - drinking out of the cat's water bowl. It must have been poisoned elsewhere as it expired a couple of hours later. The cat's too busy sucking up attention to be of any use. The dogs are good ratters so I'm surprised this got into the house.
  7. I could just drive from my house to Chiang Mai and back and my car camera should make me a millionaire. So here's the reality. You can hand the RTP videos but my guess is that nothing will come of it. I've seen too many cops on the road who drive just as bad as the average Thai. So 'dangerous driving' will just be deemed as 'normal driving' and nothing will come of your efforts.
  8. Without naming names, I've been to an independent who attempted tell me I needed shocks and suspension repair that I did not need. Went to the place to buy front tires. Dude gives me a 20K THB estimate "Need replace front shocks. Cause tire wear!" My thought was more along the lines of 60+K kilometers of driving caused normal tire wear as they had never been rotated. I took the car back to the service department of the dealership I bought the new car. They checked it out and found nothing wrong with the shocks or suspension. Just needed aligned. I bought new tires and had it aligned. So - there is another reason to buy new. Deal with the original dealership on service. I don't trust the glitzy, larger independents although I know many people do. I had a my second-hand serviced by a "Mom & Pop" outfit where the owner drove the exact same car I had. I trusted that guy. But like I said before - second-hand cars will nickle and dime you. Another thing to contemplate is the likelihood of buying a car that was in a recent flood. Yeah, it gets polished up and made to look great, but mechanically it will be nothing but problems. In the US there was a way to track the history of cars based on their VIN numbers. People try that in the US too. A vehicle is wreaked or flooded and insurance companies pay out and the vehicle is suppose to be salvaged as scrape but then bought and sold as second-hand. But in the US you can find the vehicle's history. Here I'm not so sure but I'd be wary as many new cars in recent flood zones will be scraped by insurance companies and will find their way to the second-hand market. Buyer beware.
  9. My first car was second-hand. Most of my driving was local and I had a mechanic that serviced it. Unlike the West, mechanical repair is dirt cheap. However comes the problem of reliability. Why did the previous owner ditch it? What's its problems? Can you trust that it's mechanically sound enough to drive 500 to 700 km away from where you live? I never trusted the car for anything be local driving and on more than one occasion I had to call the mechanic to find me and get the car running. And a second hand car will nickle and dime you forever. Fix this fix that. So. I sold that car and bought a new 'city' car. I buy vehicles to get me from point A to point B. Not for looks, not for status. You can buy a new city car for between 350 to 400k THB. When I bought mine I paid cash. I could have bought two or three for the price some people pay for there cars - on credit. It gets 22+ km/liter (about 52+ miles/gal) and it gets me from....point A to point B.
  10. Despite vax drive Hua Hin has had just THREE foreign tourists a day since reopening If they are wealthy, well-heeled, respectful tourists then - Mission Accomplished!!! Success!
  11. Just Captain Obvious here, but this Daily Count Of Covid Cases And Deaths is a great way to convince tourists not to come. Why continue to count? What purpose does it serve? Ya'll gonna do this until when? 2022? 23? 25? 30?
  12. Thai corporations need labor even cheaper than indigenous Thai labor. How porous are the borders? As porous as they need to be.
  13. Improving COVID situation and opportunities to work sees illegal migrants entering Thailand The upcoming Omicron Fear Campaign projected by global governments, corporations, and media will all but close the borders. They only ones entering will be 'illegals.'
  14. Tell the government to stop killing the entertainment business. Just Captain Obvious speaking, but its the government who is destroying these businesses, and as such I don't think they will 'recover.' How do you recover when it's the government putting you out of business in the first place.
  15. Translated: Expect Omicron lockdowns in December.
  16. Translated: Thai without driving skills makes excuses for injuring officials at a check-point.
  17. I have friends who have been coming here for years for full one month vacations. I told my friends the situation on the ground here regarding all the paperwork, tests, shots, and restrictions. Their return to Thailand this year is a no-go. They aren't coming back until sanity returns - if it ever returns. They are from the US and will head to Mexico for the vacation they usually take in Thailand. And there you have it.
  18. That's just an excuse. It is a cash cow and highly profitable as tourists are forced to take RT-PCR tests with extremely inflated price tags. Which is another reason Covid never ever goes away. It is way too lucrative.
  19. "Belt tightening, personal discipline, planning, saving, and self-reliance" are counter-intuitive to unbridled desire, wants, greed, and a credit card to satisfy your every want and desire. People find themselves in that situation because they can not control themselves to begin with. So? For most - there is no way out. In the end they will use loan sharks to pay off their credit card and after that? Well - you know how the mafia works.
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