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Everything posted by connda

  1. Chiang Mai district, Lamphun office.
  2. Thank you. I know what I won't be buying in the future.
  3. Retire somewhere else. You'll thank me.
  4. I've taught here for 3 years in a private school. I wouldn't teach in a public school. The wages suck and there are other countries where the requirements are less of a hassle and the money is significantly better. Teaching in a private school was more like a hobby where I could make 40K a month. Thai public schools. <head shake>
  5. You own a loan-shark 50,000 THB and then shoot yourself in the head? Sure you do. Tell me that this is going to fly with Thai authorities. What do "loan-sharks" do - they threaten and often harm those who have taken loans from them in order to obtain repayment. It's illegal isn't it? Like, usury is legal in Thailand (actually it seems to be). There will be no "justice" here I'm afraid.
  6. What is the most current, up-to-date check-list for applying for a visa extension based on marriage?
  7. According to my wife, if someone hits your dog because it is running in the road, the dog's owner is responsible for damages to your car. However this is a little different as this dude's wife ran over a dog simply laying in the road, she saw it and knew it was laying in the road, and decided to run it over. And it sounds like the OP and his wife are very happy about running the dog over anyway. Don't worry unless the police show up. And hope your neighbor doesn't own a gun. Give your neighbor wide berth if they are carrying a machete.
  8. I saw something similar on Thai TV where a CCTV camera caught a car slowly running over a dog in the road. From what I could tell the police got involved as running down dogs, like you wife did, is considered criminal cruelty. Lucky for you they didn't have a CCTV.
  9. Of course it is. A monopoly has said minister by the cajones.
  10. Then why complain about your elderly spouse getting his rocks off if you have no interested any longer in "getting f@%$@ by some guy?" Perhaps we have discovered why sexually active men take tours without their sexually inactive wives?
  11. Posted February 24, 2022 Assault on Kiev: Russian helicopters swoop above Ukraine's capital as Putin launches all-out invasion from north, south and east, with cruise missiles hitting airports and military bases, tanks rolling in and scores killed. That's a bit dated.
  12. My "Thai Family" would go without me. But they aren't incorrect. My stepson is there now. I prefer Cha-am.
  13. You need to get statement. A bank book alone hasn't worked for quite a while.
  14. Top Thai virologist says 2023 is game over for COVID-19... ...until Top Thai virologist says it isn't game over for Covid-19 in 2023.
  15. If women have the right to decide what they do with their own bodies, then... ...they have the right to decide to take a Covid shot or not. Their bodies, there choice. It can't work both ways as it becomes illogical tripe and utter nonsense. You can't include one instance of "my body, my choice" and in the same breathe dismiss the other instance of "my body, my choice." But the argument will shape up like this (even though it's flawed as Covid vaccines don't impart sterilizing immunity): "You need the Covid shot or you'll infect others." (Sorry, the CDC wolked that statement back. It it original form the CDC director stated that those who have had Covid shots don't harbor the SARS-Cov-2 virus and can't infect others) Attribution: CDC reverses statement by director that vaccinated people are no longer contagious by Joseph Guzman | April 2, 2021 | Apr. 02, 2021 So what was accepted as a fact (those who have had Covid shots don't harbor the SARS-Cov-2 virus and can't infect others) was in fact....not factual or based in fact - and yet - the statement was presented as fact! Which is why I don't trust so-called fact checkers or for that matter 'experts.' And if women have the right to decide what they do with their own bodies, then... ...men do also. Just saying.
  16. It depends on your definition of "free" and "freedom," especially as more so-called "free" countries are rolling into totalitarianism. And what's one of the first things a totalitarian regime accomplish? They outlaw all views except the established, status-quo, orthodoxy of the state. There are plenty of examples of that happening in the 20th Century, and now again is so-called "free" countries. Example: legislation happening is some Western countries where speech may be deemed "legal" but that speech will be censored because it may possibly offend someone. From the word I grew up in: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but name will never hurt me." We had thicker skin back when I was a kid.
  17. Another term for a 'fact checker' is 'censor.' I grew up in a day and age where censorship was frowned upon, and as a US citizens, the concept of censoring all but what one group who have been blessed by the status quo have to say and dismiss all other sides of the argument as 'false' really runs counter to 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech. We're censoring you for your own safety! Tosh. I wonder if there are "Debate Clubs" in High School like there were when I attended. It's sort of difficult to debate an issue that you are told only has "one and only one" factual basis and all other views are fake. Using that logic, the stars, moon, and sun revolves around a flat earth.
  18. You can find them on The World Economic Forum as well.
  19. What you wrote is pretty accurate. The local dogs in my neighborhood get more love, affection, and care (I dole out pain meds for injured dogs and bug meds for flea/tick infested dogs). And I'll pet and play with these village dogs as well. But you are right. I've never seen any Thai show any affection to their dogs, at least not what I consider affection. Talking to the dogs, petting them, giving them a scratch on the head and kind words. How's this benefit me? More guard dogs around my property. We have people who we know to be involved in yaba trade walk by our house. They don't stop. My seven dogs care for the perimeter of the fenced area inside around our houses and three village dogs were taking care of the outside perimeter during their last encounter. Lots of barking when those people walk by.
  20. One of my biggest complaints about Thailand is that they have no Highway Patrol who do "hot-pursuit" in order to stop and ticket drivers for moving violations. However - a single cop on a motorcycle in hot-pursuit of a car? Not very wise.
  21. Boy howdy, does that look familiar 'eh? I bet the results are different for a 'driving instructor' as opposed to a billionaire's heir.
  22. Fact checkers provide only one view of what may be a multifaceted issue. And that view is the view held by the status quo. As my signature states: The difference between 'conspiracy theory' and fact is just a matter of time. Too often we are told by so-called "fact checkers" (people paid to promote only the view of the status quo) only to find out weeks, months, years later that the narratives the fact checkers where promoting were inaccurate at best and outright lies at worse. So do I trust anyone who calls themselves a "fact checker?" Nope. Based on this poll, I'm really surprised at how many people are happy to be led down the primrose path via overt propaganda.
  23. "You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations." "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die." - US President Joe Biden, CNN Townhall, June 2021 “Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick.” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky in CNN interview, April 2021
  24. I've been querying most people I talk to lately. Two simple questions: 1) did you take the Covid vaccinations, and 2) have you had Covid. To date, everyone I've asked answered yes to both questions. Neither myself or my wife have had the shots and we have been taking Ivermectin weekly since 2020. We have been around people with active cases of Covid, as well as colds and other upper respiratory infections. Neither myself or my wife have had Covid. And although my wife wears a mask outside the house, I don't. So I'll run with our own anecdotal evidence as I haven't had Covid and for that matter I haven't even had a regular cold since taking it as a prophylaxis. What other people chose to believe is up to them. I just remember all of the quotes from various government officials and Big Pharma experts that "if you get the shots you won't get Covid." Once I'm lied to, you'll never regain my trust. So the wife and I (and a significant number of my own friends and acquaintances) will continue to take the treatment we consider to be safe and effective - Ivermectin as a prophylaxis. For those who wish to take Covid shots the rest of their lives every time a now booster is released? Go for it. Your body; your choice. I wish you well.
  25. Yeah true - Political prisoners are not a homogeneous lot from a single party or affiliation. They are sent there by those who are currently in power regardless of their long-term party affiliation over time.
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