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Everything posted by connda

  1. I wonder if they have a course in Thai universities on how to write Covid Hyperbole Propaganda. Use this article as a template.
  2. Don't bother with inkjets. Go with a laser printer. The toner cartridges last magnitudes longer than inkjet cartridges and your cost per printed page is a fraction of an inkjet printer. https://shopee.co.th/เครื่องปริ้นเตอร์มือสองมัลติฟังก์ชันเลเซอร์-Brother-DCP-1510-i.654727218.22015998777?sp_atk=ce7e120e-e9c3-4823-b77b-89e9ca931c7e&xptdk=ce7e120e-e9c3-4823-b77b-89e9ca931c7e
  3. Just put the same people on it who convinced the world that the world must be locked down to protect the public from The Plague. Then they can exact the same kind of economic damage as they pat themselves on the backs for doing such a good job.
  4. Thank goodness that won't affect the wealthy purchase of their Dior, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton brand products. Aim this tax right at the poorest and most vulnerable segment of society who manage to live my economizing. "Well jolly good. Let's give it to the poor."
  5. Tax The Poor. It's the mantra of government throughout history. Why. Because the wealthy have the means ฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿ to convince "lawmakers" to tax the poor instead of taxing the rich. That's called a oligarchy representative democracy. Happiness To The People.
  6. Thereby affecting those who make the least money by adding a 7% regressive tax on item that those in the lowest income brackets are most likely to buy. The wealthy target the poor by convincing "lawmakers" (Cha-Ching) to target the poor. Happiness to the people.
  7. This is on topic -- It's not going to happen! So why worry? If you really want to worry about something, worry about a nuclear exchange between nuclear armed countries which is a much more likely scenario. Then the question is: "What's gonna kill you first? Radiation sickness or a nuclear winter?" Russia isn't going to take over Western Europe or Eastern Europe either for that matter. But if NATO marches on Russia via Ukraine I expect that global warming will be measured in a hundreds million degrees followed by a drop to the minus column world-wide. Then you won't have to worry about where you're going to go. People need to develop some sanity quickly.
  8. Ahhhh - The old Domino Theory. That's right folks, Lê Duẩn and the NVA Commies marched through the entirety of Southeast Asia after the fall of the South Vietnamese government and the pull-out of the US. They absorbed Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Burma, Bangladesh, and Eastern India before sailing to over-throw Indonesia and then heading to conquer Australia and New Zealand where this portion of the globe is now run by freedom-hating Red Communists who now seek to overthrow the world! Oh wait, that must have been a Quintin Tarantino movie script - just like the the Inglorious Bastards 2.0 script he's now working on about Putin's marching through Europe and re-establishing a Soviet Republic from Lisbon to Lavrentiya - and then the world except if Lt. Aldo Raine and his crew and stop the Russian Hitler at a local cinema!!! The level of ignorance is simply amazing regarding Geo-politics and global history in general, which has a lot to do with Western expat member's visceral hatred of all countries who refuse to be Western vessel-states and bow down to the dying Imperial colonial powers who once ruled most of the world from the 17th century until now. Yes - the world is going to change drastically, economically and militarily. But it will be called The BRICS Nations until they rename the economic/security alliance that will become the dominate force in the world - collectively - individual sovereign nations acting as a collective. Then the question becomes - where are you fools going to run when Chinese influence in the BRICS equation absorbs Southeast and Central Asia - and those countries are willingly absorb into the BRICS alliance for both economic and security reason. The only thing that will change that calculus is a nuclear exchange which is become more of a reality then anytime during my life-time including the Cuban Missile Crisis. Personally I don't believe humanity survives much longer. And its all driven by fear, hate, and loathing -- Putin's gonna get 'cha. Xi's gonna get 'cha. That's if Covid don't get 'cha first. Ya'll are amazing.
  9. If you want to set up a key sequence you do it here:
  10. Sorry - bad info on my part. No flag (only on my Linux system). Your taskbar should look something like this: Click on ENG and it will give you an option of either English or Thai
  11. Only if it's been set up that way.
  12. If it's already installed, go to the flag representing the English language and click on it and it should give you the option to change back and forth. No flag? You'll have to install the Thai language and set it up in Windows 10. Search for "setting up keyboard language Windows 10" and look for a Youtube video.
  13. 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗 🦗🦗 🦗🦗🦗 🦗 🦗 <chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp>
  14. Out of the 7 CMEs to hit Earth (4 more to come) the X-5 CME will be the worst and it's not here yet. Lower and equatorial latitude? Not such a big deal. Northern latitudes? It will be interesting to see how "cashless" Sweden fares. Although not a "Grid Killshot" is should be a "Wake-The-Hell-Up-Shot." The Sun is alive, well, and produces CME, and a set of CMEs large enough to take out global grids isn't an "If" but is a "When." Interestingly enough - not a peep on any news channels I've seen locally. Ignorance is bliss. If an aurora borealis showed up this far south, almost the entire population of Thailand would become practicing Buddhists overnight and Lotto ticket sales would be record breaking. https://www.noaa.gov/stories/strong-geomagnetic-storm-reaches-earth-continues-through-weekend
  15. You don't understand block-chain. It shows. It's a public ledger. Transactions are traceable. If you really want to launder money. Bribe a bank with enough money and they will facilitate your illegal transactions. Why? If they get caught, nobody at the bank goes to jail and the bank is hit with a fine that is a percentage of their illicit profits and is considered naught but something to write on the "Liabilities" column of their Balance Sheet. Another person who doesn't understand who the world really works.
  16. Op - If you're going to post about "New Conspiracy Theories" at least do your homework instead of making yourself look silly and foolish. At least take the time to look into the "history" of a conspiracy theory before you create a "Shock Post." This topic has been around since the 1990s. Your Op isn't believable. I'll leave it at that. Go forth and warn Thai expats about "Chem-Trail Conspiracy Theorist." https://handwiki.org/wiki/Earth:Chemtrail_conspiracy_theory
  17. Someone like the OP should start a new thread: Has this "Sandyhook" lunacy on X reached Thailand yet ?? or Has this "Anti-Vaxx" lunacy on X reached Thailand yet ?? or Has this "Oswald didn't shoot JFK" lunacy on X reached Thailand yet ??
  18. Ok - I'm fascinated - you've been in a coma for 20 years and just heard about "chem-trails." I'm sympathetic. Now go get those "chem-trail" conspiracy theorist bro'. I'm sure you'll get a lot of traction from all of the other folks on AN who have been asleep for two or more decades. 👍✈️☁️ Amazing.
  19. Absolutely. And get your Covid boosters as well. Safe and Effective. Mask up. Stay 2 meters away from other human beings. Stay safe. It's a dangerous world out there.
  20. Nothing gets hits faster than an OP that begins with assertions like: "Look at what these crazy, right-wing, nutjob, Qanon, MAGA, conspiracy-theorist, misinformation-spreading, anti-vaxxer, whackjob are spreading now -- Ha Ha Ha -- idiots! Fake-news!!! Ban it all." Then you have to ask yourself - "What's in it for the OP to suddenly have some revelation -- out of the blue -- about something or the other that has been talked about for over a decade or more as though the OP is Rip Van Winkle and just woke up after a 10 or 20 year nap?" 🤔 I guess the OP can show us all that he/she/its is a MSM, cable-news watching normie who only believes "100% proven authoritative facts" that are "provided by "100% proven authoritative sources of information" and never, ever ever ever engages their brain long enough to consider that his/her/its government or corporate entities would dare to - <gasp> - LIE to the public about anything - ever! Ok! Have fun. "Chem-trails?" <laughs> Where have you been for the last 15 or 20 years OP? This has been beat to death on social media.
  21. Yep - but then the question becomes, cui bono? Who exactly benefits from re-criminalization?
  22. You can watch them coming here: https://weather.tmd.go.th/skmLoop.php
  23. Compare cannabis to alcohol and tobacco? Translated: Re-criminalize cannabis because new studies by "health authorities" find it is as "unhealthy" as alcohol and tobacco. Then give a nod to the alcohol and tobacco monopolies that their cartels are safe from any further competition from the nascent cannabis industry.
  24. Translated: Thailand has access to affordable Chinese EVs as well as affordable after-market services. The EU imposes tariffs to make Chinese EVs unaffordable and have inflated after-market services making them expensive. The US plans to impose tariffs the quadruple the price of Chinese EVs. So - Thais can enjoy the benefits of Chinese EV and EV battery technology that will make EVs affordable for average citizens unlike in the EU and US.
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