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Everything posted by connda

  1. He played his cards as openly racist back when he was handing out masks as the Health Minister and spewed the racist expletive toward foreigners who refused his "gift": "Ai farang," which roughly translates to "**** foreigners of European descent." And followed that with the comment that foreigners of European descent are dirty and don't shower. Imagine the Secretary of Health in the US saying that about Thais? Outrage! Thailand is a nationalistic country, and unlike Western countries which almost uniformly equate nationalism with racism and bigotry toward those who are not indigenous citizens of the country and encourage their citizenry to welcome foreigners as both guests and as migrants - Thai leadership revels and encourages nationalism with all of its warts and intolerance. As for foreigners? Of course foreigners are pretty much uniformly considered to be "bad" and "potential criminals" who must be constantly watched, surveilled, and monitored. And as one can see in articles published in Thai/Eng news outlets, Anutin is always on the forefront of battling foreign criminality and the threat that farangs pose to Thailand - real or imagined. By comparison - just imagine if the US Secretary of the Interior made a comment that the US needs to target "illegal" shops run by Thais in California who may not have work permits? There would be uniform outrage in the US media. And yet what Anutin just said is the equivalent here in Thailand and its the norm and perfectly accepted at all levels of society. Oh well - dirty, unwashed farang selling ganja in shops must be jailed and deported. "Ai farang!"
  2. See - they made you change. Mission accomplished! That's how it's done ppls! Personally I'd get an agent to make the appointment and submit the paperwork. I don't want my funds tied up in a bank. I'd rather keep the marriage extension. If you ever decide to change back? Good luck.
  3. Better topic title: Thai Citizens FLiRT with Death By Covid - Covid Czar Yong Cautions Public Not To Panic
  4. Make sure to lock-down your computer, place a mask on its intake fan, keep it at least 2 meters from other computers, and make sure to give it at least two EUA Pfizer shots and all will be well. 😷 💉
  5. If you're using Linux with a VPN using WireGuard: WireGuard routing technology closes the side channel the Tunnelvision exploits with Linux OS's
  6. If your worried about it then set you VPN to run data via TCP over port 443. Bob's your uncle.
  7. The NSA can already do that. Mai bpen rai.
  8. Legal cannabis Impact the profits of the alcohol monopoly so all other "feel good" products must be made illegal.
  9. Which is why I prefer living in the slow-lane of rural village life. Less drama.
  10. Not a problem. I run Windows in a Virtual Machine. The Virtual Machine connects to the network via NAT. The host Linux OS runs the VPN. So there is no connection between Windows and the VPN which is running on a Linux host. Which is why I run Windows in a Virtual Machine in the first place. To keep in sandboxed so it doesn't break things.
  11. This is Thailand? I know - that doesn't excuse abysmal service, but live here long enough and you just understand that it's part-and-parcel part of Thai society and culture.
  12. Yep. Agreed. And for all the reasons that Dr Gerrard outlines. It's good to see that he will be presenting finding to the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in Barcelona next month. As I've stated before, over the long-term as more and more independent1 data and studies are published we will eventually begin to see a larger more comprehensive picture of Covid, the Covid Pandemic, the responses to the Covid Pandemic, and the vaccines and pharmaceuticals used for Sars-Cov-2 infections as well as those which were banned. On a long enough time-line scientific facts eventually reach escape velocity and punch through marketing, propaganda, and scientific bias. It's just a matter of time. 1 Independent from major pharmaceutical corporation funding as well as funding from government and quasi-governmental agencies which themselves receive funding from pharmaceutical corporation as it biases the research in favor of the status-quo.
  13. If I was a Gen-Z university student studying Life Sciences, that question would make an excellent topic for a study and a thesis. Personally I'd like to know the number of "doctor diagnosed cases" of "Long Covid" between "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated" groups preferably broken down by the number of shots/boosters and the type(s) of Covid "vaccinations" that the "vaccinated" patients received. It would be an interesting study as I often wonder if the horse is in front of the cart, or the cart is in front of the horse. I'm just saying that in the group of unvaccinated people whom I know in the US (which is most of my family and friends), anecdotally, I personally don't know anyone who is complaining of "Long Covid" after they contracted Covid. And I know very few people, "vaccinated" or "unvaccinated" for Sars-Cov-2, who did not eventually contract Covid. Most people I know did get Covid.
  14. No. You made a statement that 10% of people who contract Covid get "long Covid." The link you supplied links to a large number of Covid studies, but not to a study supporting your comment. Please provide a link to the study that supports your assertion. It's only fair that we all play by the same forum rules. Per the forum's rules: "In factual areas such as news forums and current affairs topics member content that is claimed or portrayed as a fact should be supported by a link to a relevant reputable source." If I make an assertion, I have to back my assertion with the link to a study that supports my assertion or else the post is taken down. Fairness is a level playing field. What I believe is irrelevant - I just want us all playing by the same rules. So - please supply a link to your assertion that "At least 10% percent of infections leads to long covid." Thanks!
  15. Please provide a source for your assertion as per forum rules. Thanks!
  16. And a few hundred billion Thai Baht in business development is wiped out - just like that! "Happiness To The People."
  17. Because some people continue to be completely obsessed when it comes to Covid and as such, they can only focus on Covid at the exclusion of every other cause of sickness and death. What do they ignore? Everything else that can cause fatalities and "dis-ease" in the human population. So when rational people begin to get tired of the constant hype - then they go for - "Think About The Children Dying Of Covid." Yeah - it really is disingenuous. In comparison, think about the children killed and injured on almost a daily basis on motorcycles, think about the children killed and injured on almost a daily basis by other children and other adults, think about the children killed or injured by every possible communicable disease known to man, think about the children dying in war-torn countries. But? "Look! Covid killed this child. Covid is SPECIAL." No, Covid is no longer "special." It's just another endemic, relatively common, flu-like, disease that has the same potential to cause sickness, and in some cases death -- just like other endemic, relatively common, flu-like diseases which have the potential to cause sickness, and in some cases death: influenza, RSV, pneumonia (viral or bacterial), TB, dengue, or even the 'common cold.' A common cold can kill someone if the person has co-comorbidities and other health issues or just a weak immune system. Then we can get into the deaths caused by accidents, crime, war - and just the fact that the bodies of living animals, including humans, eventually wear out and die. It's just that some people simply can't let go of "The Pandemic" which quite literally defined their lives - it gave their lives meaning - for three years as they championed lock-downs, masking, and "emergency use authorized" shots. And now they wish to irrationally maintain and promote the same level of fear and hyperbole - where there simply is no longer a rational cause for fear - when compared to all of the other things within human existence that have the capability to kill you. And as author Chuck Palahniuk wrote in his book, Fight Club, "On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero." Come on kids, come back and join the rest of us in "The Old Normal." Ditch the fear and get back to living your lives. Something IS going to kill you - for sure, it's gonna happen. But it is not healthy to obsess over your mortality. So let's get back to being Bobby McFerrin: "Don't Worry, Be Happy." Now start living again! Let it go!
  18. Regarding iHerb shipping policies. They have changed. My last order was last September when I made three $40 orders on the same day in order to obtain free shipping but still stay under the tariff threshold. There was no problem. iHerb will now put a "Courtesy Hold" on one of the two orders I made yesterday, and will hold the second order for 72 hours before shipping it. This applies to a number of countries, and although Thailand isn't on the list of countries which officially receives "Courtesy Holds," unofficially it seems they are. So just another "head's up" to changes. From iHerb: Multiple orders were placed in a short period of time. To help prevent customs delays and fees, iHerb will only release one order at a time and temporarily hold other shipments when multiple orders are placed within 24 hours of each other. Here is a list of countries which have complimentary holding periods: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great, Britain, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Ukraine.
  19. Trust me - I absolutely blame the government for their part in creating unaffordable prices with their duties and tariffs and impediments to a level playing field when it comes to the sale of imported products. However, if you chose to compete in the marketplace and do so by selling products at a significant premium over the price of product that can be obtained from other channels overseas? Don't complain when someone can out compete you. Nobody is forcing your wife to compete in the marketplace - that's a personal choice. For example, I looked up a melatonin product that is selling for about $13.50 on iHerb that someone is attempting to sell for āļŋ1200 or $32 at the present exchange rate. That's what I'm talking about when I say "rip-off pricing." But I believe in free markets, and trade unimpeded by government such as tariffs, duties, and sanctions as well as over-regulation are only there to enrich the government at the expense of the consumer and honest sellers. But, if you are a seller don't complain when wise and thrifty consumers seek the most discounted prices and make their purchases where they can get the most "bang for their baht/buck" and then talk with other consumers to find the most discounted prices wherever they may be found - which is the purpose of this original OP post. So, as the OP author I have entertained your question and I have provided an answer, so let's bring this back on topic. If you wish to take this further, please start your own OP in the Business Forum. I'd be more then happy to add comments to your OP posted in its own, separate thread. Thanks! This topic is about obtaining discounted melatonin, in this case from iHerb - but I'd entertain discounted melatonin from any seller including those selling domestically or overseas - for those of us who use melatonin for sleep - as well our difficulties finding discounted melatonin here in Thailand as consumers.
  20. I know - inject lot more money into the economy, debase the THB further - and the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In the meantime, in-between time, ain't we got fun!
  21. People selling melatonin here in Thailand are doing so at completely rip-off prices. Go look on Line Shopping for example. Fyi - it's not banned although some carriers refuse to ship it (Flash). Read through that thread as Sheryl chimed in on the topic. Only available from iHerb shipped via Thai Post and limited to one bottle with a maximum pill count of 90 pills. Which is why I wrote this post.
  22. Expect Increase in COVID-19 Cases as School Term Approaches OMG!!! Say it's not so? Oh wait! And also increases in influenza, colds, RSV, STDs, mononucleosis, herpes, TB, and "bad humours," and a whole plethora of other communicable diseases that tend to occur when large groups of people are in close contact - like at the beginning of school year. But but but - Covid is special. It's special!!! 🙄 Of course it is. Four years after the fact and what is now a mild flu-like illness still scares the pants off of some people (look for mask wearers). Outside of Asia (and Thailand) most people have gotten tired of the rhetoric and have jettisoned the fear and have gotten back to "old normal."
  23. I stumbled around a workaround to iHerb's policy of only shipping one bottle of melatonin with a maximum pill count of 90 pills (they won't ship 120 count). You can only order one bottle of 60 or 90 count melatonin from a single supplier. Get the idea? I just ordered 150 5mg pills (60 + 90) which only cost $1.60 shipping. Total cost $18 and change or roughly 680 THB at today's exchange rate (37THB/USD ). I didn't realize the USD/THB had increased. On a side note, I also made a purchase for $40 and change to get free shipping (different items). Something to watch though is that 37THB/USD which brings the cost of the items razor-close to the 1500 THB threshold for customs. This will be interesting. The charges are in USD so someone at the Post Office would need to look up the exchange rate and calculate the threshold. If the USD keeps climbing (I'm not complaining) the days of $40 for "Free Shipping" may be a thing of the past as you'll be paying duty. Not sure what they'll do as I live out in the sticks and know the people at the post office so they may be a little more lax out here.
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