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Everything posted by connda

  1. I had the exact same experience at a District 5 immigration office. I have an appointment and, "You get number over there." So? Why bother?
  2. Given the use of pesticides in Thailand, algae ponds are susceptible to pesticide run-off unfortunately.
  3. Up next? A Vorayuth Yoovidhaya Welcome Home party? 🤔
  4. Dude's in for a shock. "Receptionist" is no doubt a protected job category.
  5. I respect your opinion. I respect everyone's opinion although I may disagree. I don't see Trump as anything special. Actually - I don't see anyone on the presidental tickets as special, hence - I'm not voting in the primary. Well, I may. Micky Mouse Alfred E Newman Taylor Swift for President!
  6. @Jingthing See - over here, Biden is Hitler reborn. I can't wait until the Democratic convention when Biden is shelved for a Democrat Millennial or Gen-Xer. Truthfully - it would be a better choice. And then that person will become Hitler reborn or Eva Braun or Ted Bundy or Aileen Wuornos based on whom you ask.
  7. Of course he is. The worst. Hitler reborn. As are all of the other's on 'the other side' of whatever position any particular person takes. Oh well. As I said..... 🤔
  8. And at least out here in the sticks? No bureaucratic red-tape.
  9. Yeah SM007, agreed. It's funny how people here often are totally binary in their thinking and opinions. This is a great place to live, and it has a lot of warts to boot. Which is pretty much part and parcel of any other country that we may chose to live in as expats. Affordability here in Thailand is a definite plus, excepts it also brings out the d**k-measuring, "I'm Richer Than You Poor Commoner Trash" types who love to brag about how they are the economical equivalent of Long-John Holmes. It's affordable, and as well, you don't need to go to the city council or pay half a dozen "inspectors" and engineers, and architects in order to lay down a new cement driveway slab, or build a building on your property, or put in a solar system or any other DIY project. Lord, I can hear the shrieks from the nanny-state embracing members now. "You'll be sorry when an (earthquake, tornado, cyclone, tsunami, <enter natural disaster here>) hits - ha ha ha ha ha!!!" Probably not. I'll just rebuild out of pocket. Like I said - affordable.
  10. For political zealots on all sides, everyone else's candidates are fascists, dictators, and probably Hitler reborn. And traitors to boot. When you understand that? Then you stop getting caught up in the propaganda, the spin, the hyperbole, and realize that most of those aspiring to power are little more than charlatans seeking to wield power for the sake of power. These are not the people anybody really wants to be running their countries - and yet - fools keep voting the same slime-balls into office regardless of how bad they detest them. And you get what you deserve. The rest of us, unfortunately, get the tyranny of the majority.
  11. Perhaps the term "checking account" is a bit dated. Who uses checks. I haven't used one since I left the US 17 years ago. Debit account? Anyway, I place to deposit and withdraw money. Just curious. Will they send their debit card to Thailand or do you need to send it to your address of record in the US and have it forwarded?
  12. What do you expect the guy to do? Sit in it until he drowns. I'd be out looking for help to get the Jeep unstuck.
  13. Built on a pile of debt? That's a house of cards.
  14. They need a few KA-52s to run up and down the Burmese border liquidating the cross-border methamphetamine trade.
  15. "There?" So you admit you don't live here. Live here a decade or so and you'll understand all sides of the coin, although certain expert members will keep pushing the "you're only a guest here" trope. However, say that about a Thai living in North Hollywood or some other Thai enclave, and working on a 10 year tourist visa while a pro-bono immigration lawyer plies the US legal framework looking for ways to provide that person citizenship, or at least a green card? Well, tell that person they should "go home if they have any complaints" or insinuate that they are only "a guest" in the US and you'll be called a racist and a nationalist. Point out the systemic racism and nationalism here and you're called disgruntled. Sorry - I really dislike hypocrisy and I'll point it out when I see it.
  16. He's been an AN member for the last 16 days. That should make him an expert bob.
  17. Since Charles Schwab hoovered up TDAmeritrade and it's US customers, I'm considering opening a checking account now that I'm an official CS brokerage customer. If you have a US-based Charles Schwab checking account, what are your experiences regarding their services for expats overseas. Pros and cons.
  18. Today the progressives want to ban the conservative candidate that they viscerally hate. Tomorrow the useful idiots will become the target of their own derision, enmity, and lawfare. Lawfare is the end of actual democracy. But then again, the western concept of democracy is looking more and more like other -ism and -cracies such as kakistocracies and plutocracies with a bent toward totalitarianism, all framed as "democracies." When the SCOTUS affirmed for Big Money and Big Corporations via Citizens United vs FEC followed by Congress voting to allow the government to shower the American public with state propaganda on July 2nd 2013, democracy died. Now they are just filleting the carcass and hanging the commoners meat out to dry.
  19. Yeah, right. Foreign money is "flooding" into Thailand to take advantage of the sub-1% interest rate offered by Thai banks, which in the meanwhile charge usurious rates for loans to the commoners. If a US citizen, leave your money in the US and buy T-bills.
  20. This looks like an advertisement on why to buy Bitcoin. And why central banks and the governments who back them wish to criminalize the use of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It cryptos like Bitcoin become the norm, then the banks, corporations, and governments can't fleece the sheep.
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