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Everything posted by connda

  1. Crunch Crunch Crunch. <glug glug glug> PPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTTTttttttttttttttttttt. "Ahhhhh." <belch> <POP> Pffffffft. <glug glug glug> Crunch Crunch Crunch.
  2. Life is cheap here. Loan-sharks are allowed free rein to engage in predation. Then just shoot the debtor. The killers? Whipped with bamii noodles and sentenced to a sever tongue-lashing.
  3. Jeff Bezo's New Girlfriend -would you...? No I wouldn't. I've seen better looking trannies on Loi Kroh. She looks really rough, angular, and sorta man-like.
  4. Expert? What the hell makes this or any other vlogging fool an "Expert." Man, I really hate that term as it presupposes that someone is a de-facto authority when they are just another plod with an opinion. "Our Expert has all the facts and truths and everyone else's opinions are chopped liver and Dis/Mis/Mal-information." <deleted>, tosh, and pablum.
  5. Girlfriend looks like she's had her face melted and re-formed by someone who didn't know what they were doing. Fugley.
  6. The other surgery in India would include Green Light Laser surgery for BHP. I don't know of a government hospital who offers it. They only do TURP which is freaking medieval. Private hospitals charge upwards of 250K THB ($7,000+) for the procedure. You can get it done in India for $3500 to $4000 USD.
  7. $2000 USD if you put it into perspective. If I had what you have I'd go to CMU Maharaj Hospital here in Chiang Mai. They did my inguinal hernia and the hospital was top-notch. Again - best of luck. Let us know how it shakes out.
  8. I had a friend who had them. His daughter too. Get them taken out at the government hospital Then check remedies so you don't develop them again. In the meantime really watch your fat intake. Sorry to hear. All the best. That really sucks. Update - just realized you had the surgery and it went well. Excellent and great to hear!
  9. You need to take some DMT. That'll change your view of boredom.
  10. They do in the movies. Good way to shoot your nuts or your coccyx off, or worse, put a bullet through your femoral artery. A good holster is a must when carrying concealed. And it shouldn't "fall on the floor."
  11. If they screen every tourist, no one would come. Few people will want to vacation here if part of the 30 day visa process was submitting criminal background checks for your entire family. Just saying.
  12. I was wondering what the legal status of "blank guns" were. I didn't think they were regulated but wasn't sure. Thanks!
  13. A gun the shoots blanks that looks like a Glock 19? That's not a firearm if it hasn't been modified. It's a blank gun. Like a starter's pistol. Stupid to carry it around though. ...................win stupid prizes!!! He may not be tossed in prison. Lawyer up.
  14. Oppsie! That was dumb. Do stupid stuff, win stupid prizes. Enjoy you jail time and deportation award.
  15. I think the one instance where I'd be interested in a portable was if I was living in an apartment and knew I'd eventually move. That makes sense. But if you own or long-term lease a home/condo? I'd install and regular inverter. When you factor in the electricity savings over a standard A/C you're eventually better off with the permanent unit.
  16. I don't know where you are at, but up here in the North (Chiang Mai / Lamphun) I've always have purchased our A/Cs from Siam TV. Installation is free. We tip the installers to cover some of their petrol costs and to get to know them for future A/C service.
  17. TIT. This ain't the West, this is definitely not Canada, and never will be. Dragging your Western concept of fairness and judicial sanctions here with examples of Anglo-Saxon-French "This Is How Canada Does It" equates to - zero, zed, nada. This Is Thailand. <period> The police are not adopting Western standards. Not in my life-time. Probably not in yours. And personally. I'd rather live in this country with a rather lax enforcement model than in Canada with is nascent authoritarian police state where the answer always ends up as throwing citizens into court with heavy fines and prison-time which are disproportional to the misdemeanors. That is one of the reasons I live here. To get away from the heavy-handedness of over-zealous policing, so-called justice, and the infernal bureaucratic regulations with their own enforcement nonsensical fines. I detest nanny-states. Canada is on one end of the extreme law-and-order authoritarianism spectrum and Thailand is on the other. Honestly - Somewhere in the middle is the better approach.
  18. A lot of people love torties. I love torties. Can't take a kitten in now or I'd consider it. I have one cat who has feline HIV and feline leukemia. I can't bring another cat into the family at this time. I unfortunately need to remain a one-cat-family although in the past I've had upwards of six at a time. Trust me - many people really like tortoiseshell cats. You'll find a home. Stay in touch with Adopt Meow. You should be able to re-home a kitten. And thank you for taking care of this kitten. That is very compassionate. You're a good person.
  19. So you did contact Adopt Meow. Excellent. They may be able to help you find a home for the kitten as well if you have paid for the vet bills. They are good people. Compassionate and a worthy charitable contribution.
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