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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. My walls are not smooth so it's worth a mention that a brush and roller has to be used to get into those crooks an cranies.
  2. Paint is paint just the same with a correct mixture of thinners is for spraying the same as brushing. I re-sprayed a previously painted wall borrowing a sprayer years ago I did the job myself in no time, basically the difference was cost you tend to use twice as much paint & thinners I reckon going by what the paint should of covered in square metres. Best get quotes after measuring the metre squared area of the wall.
  3. More of my usual nonsense India is already getting an earful for stopping exports of grain so they can feed their own.
  4. My take is the west will continue to supply arms to Ukraine to use them alone to keep repelling Russia. The west then along with contination of sanctions think that will weaken Russia and wear them down and they don't care how long it takes. The US would like this and the EU don't give a flig otherwise they wouldn't still be receiving coal, oil and gas from Russia. As always the west is a bunch of hypocrites and I think many Ukraians think so to but can't do much about it or say to much. There's much more to come yet I reckon and much going on behind the scenes.
  5. I take it you mean what trouble the guy whose not your friend. For no DL a fine, For no CTPL and road tax a fine, To be proven drunk a fine and a year ban from driving, For not having volutary insurance he will have to pay your friend for any damage to his bike, maybe pay for injuries to your friend if not taken care of already by CTPL cover.
  6. That will be addressed I have no idea but Turkey apparently relies on gas and oil from Russia so I heard today on radio news.
  7. Yes it's looking like that Turkey doesn't want loses ties with Russia.
  8. DL is OK country wide when you renew it you will have your Phuket address put on it. Car Regs can just renew yearly you can change the number plate to Phuket if want but don't have to. Get your home address in Phuket put in your blue at the local DLT.
  9. No never had a UK address since 2005 and my pension started June 2012. DWP (IPC) have my Thai address. It was obvious a mistake as they pay my pension into a Thai bank. My private pensions are paid into my UK bank and they paid the winter allowance into my UK bank. I didn't question anything just left the money in the account.
  10. Well before pandemic 2018 I got a winter allowance of 200 squid paid into my UK bank by the DWP. I kept the money in the bank for a year believing I would surely have to give it back, the following year I emailed them and asked when is my winter allowance going to be paid. They emailed back saying I am not entitled to a winter allowance as you live in a country with above temperatures or something along those lines. I got the 200 over then. ????
  11. When I use to do some shuttering work for concrete I got the Mrs to borrow planks from one of the local builder's.
  12. Well if you understand the meaning of Patriot he is doing exactly that.
  13. It wouldn't surprise me if there are lots of people like Rand Paul a Patriot. Why should US government give more than other countries. They have there excuse not to help Ukraine other than supplying so just keep using Ukraine as cannon fodder to wear Russia down along with all the sanctions and just wait and see Russian decemate itself without us having to get involved in war. Not a bad idea if you don't give a dam.
  14. Why waste time looking internet while the war is in progress it ain't going to be the last war crime killing.
  15. Life sentence anyway unless the prison gets hit and he gets lucky.
  16. I saw that maybe they thought the victims would go back to the office and give there position away, who knows a cowardly act anyhow.
  17. You miss my point a bit you can wear a helmet and still easily die from body injuries. Thailand for sure is different. ???? Wear helmet indeed I do on my big bike what I was referring to was to change a 20,000 - 35,000 helmet is not what I would do after 5 years or even my HSC helmet at 3,200bht.
  18. Don't know our Isuzu came with tint already I would say it's 30% I just put a extra dark strip on front windscreen at the top. My daughter had darker one put on her City and you couldn't see well at night.
  19. Yeah if I owed a factory that made motorcycle helmets why wouldn't you want a shorter life on a helmet as possible. Most now say 5,7 or 10 years. In England when I found out after buying a Shark helmet and was told by a OCD sport bike rider I should change it after 2 years we started doing tests on old helmets at the dump, after seeing 38 tons being lifted by a motorbike helmet I wasn't convinced. I don't race anymore where there is a possible risk so I keep a helmet 10 years replacing liner if I can or change it because it looks used old. Riding a bike in most cases I've known throughout the years many motorcyclists died from body injuries due to roadside obsticals.
  20. Reminds me at one time at the rubbish loading dump for fun we put motorcycle old helmets under the wheels of 38 ton lorries, oh yeah that will crush it, some had a crack in them some nothing and we couldn't crush em.
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