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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. To get into many companies you have to have connections within the industry as well as qualifications. As said not easy so my son set up company and self-employment had to put up the money for everything to create and film an ad that the client likes. The companies or TV stations won't give money first they only pay when the work is accepted and finished. So in beginning it was hard and when covid came it was tough but he had established clients by then so now has got it sorted and get by doing something he enjoys.
  2. My Thai son wanted to be self-employed so went to Uni to do 4 & 1/2 years to get qualifications to present to his clients. He has his own business and it hasn't been easy getting work in Thailand but he has a reasonable living.
  3. I like green curry with potatoes and veg. Green curry with chips. Kal pat krapow with pela rice.
  4. How do I suck eggs.? ????????????
  5. From memory this time of year if the wall gets a lot of sun I would just prime it with a couple of coats and do 2 full coats later on in the year when it's cooler.
  6. I always pay by credit card so any returns or cancellations have not been a problem. I think you can open up a wallet with them so they could hold your money until you buy something else.
  7. Sounds like mother taking him to try and get jobs means he doesn't want a job. If his getting money from his mum and meeting up with other mates why bother with a job.
  8. Hope my immigration is the same as yours I just signed up to do 90day because I thought I would be easy.
  9. This is Thailand mate you can't always do everything on the internet.
  10. Well you won't be around for me to be able to tell you when I exit my Cryosleep chamber. ????
  11. July my next visit, quicker for you to go to your immigration office and ask them. Or telephone them because not all immigration offices do the same thing in some cases.
  12. Maybe not so rich as Red Bull kid but money still speaks volumes.
  13. Hence the extra battery in the boot set up independently wired other than the use of the alternator on engine start up.
  14. Couldn't you rig up an extra battery say in the boot space for such devices.
  15. They keep the blue book as well until fully paid.
  16. If it meant me having to pay tax getting the annal increases I wouldn't mind at all. I also wonder about the exchange rate you could be liable for tax by an increase in baht to £ rates.
  17. Well I will go Suk immigrantion office after first time 90 day online report just to check with them that they don't anything else. If they want print outs etc I won't bother with it.
  18. OK thanks but I will do what woodworker said and look for approved and because it''s my first time I will still go immmigration office to check.
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