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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. The maximum as you say was due to the amount you paid in N. I. payments the more you earned the more you N. I. you paid. The serps thing I was in for a time and then got out and there was S2P and a full pension of all three was calculated when your pension was due. The full pension was given if you had paid full N. I. for 30 years in my case even though I had paid in for 42 years. So I ended up with 3 amounts that added up to my total weekly pension.
  2. And as I said I believe it's up to the province DLT office. I paid for 7 years road tax because my bike had not been taxed for 6.1/2 years, so go fiqure. This is Thailand as is said.
  3. 6 hours for a reply, no phone calls answered is not good. When I used keyvisa I was able to speak with Darren directly so you do the same and let me know how you get on.
  4. How would I know that, hope Russia doesn't do a limited nuclear strike in Ukraine.
  5. Well its not rocket science Russia is taking over a city in east Ukraine.
  6. In the east of Ukraine there's a city now that only takes rubles as it's currency.
  7. Yeah horrible creatures but so amazing how they can adapt and survive an insect dinasor.
  8. Thais do not or would not discuss about Japan occupying Thailand because they didn't Thailand ceceded to Japan.
  9. Maybe that's what they did after getting an appointment the husband of the couple was telling their story on LBC radio.
  10. Not been in one yet and continuous prevailing Northerly wind would be good.
  11. Well if it does let's hope it stays with US & Russia alone.
  12. Just to avoid another 1000 bht fine get a DB silencer insert no noticival loss of power.
  13. tgw posted the name of the Ukrainian person some 25 posts back.
  14. OK I'll find the link although I see as off topic. Good grief.
  15. MH17 err. Don't forget the Ukrainian person involved or is that not allowed.
  16. It's just words as usual whether anything is done is another thing.
  17. Doesn't matter if the bikes not in your name as long as you have the green book or a copy of the green book you can tax & insure the scoot.
  18. Well Rubles accounts are being sort after in Switzerland by energy companies.
  19. Silly question my X country doesn't do that the UK charges 10 times more to anyone, in Thailand 100 bht £2.50 instead of what Thais pay it's still cheap don't be so mean. Kin knell farangies.
  20. "FOREIGN POW's that died building that railway" !!!!?? Forced labour was used in its construction. More than 180,000 Asian civilian labourers and 60,000 Allied prisoners of war worked on the railway. About 90,000 civilians and 12,621 Allied POWs died during the construction, includeing 6,904 British, 2,802 Australians, 2,782 Dutch, and 133 Americans.
  21. Foriengners on holidays can afford it and so can foriengners living here is my take.
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