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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Yes some rectifiers on OEM new bikes can be trouble and worth the replacement, on my old Blade when got her fired up after 6•5 years not running the rectifier voltage readings were not good. I sorced one compatible for my Blade from England who supplies all advanced aftermarket electronic part's to race teams and public as a whole. Got a starter relay from them to. Not cheap but superior to Honda OEM parts.
  2. Computer plug in will show a rectifier fault and other electronic faults if the Kwackas dealer are capable of doing the analysis properly and correct the faults if any. Been there done it got the T shirt with my Versys 650 I had.
  3. I don't thinks there is much wrong with his bike he should just ride it. What kilos it's done would help on condition of engine seatings etc. If he wants the engine split and checked out depending what they find its around 15,000baht in costs but he would get more or less a new engine.
  4. Well a leak down test probably would it's not a new engine is it.
  5. Both are just the same thing in reverse not that important unless your into a race machine. On the Z650 a quick compression test is good enough if that all the the Kwacka workshop can do.
  6. With the Kwackas plug it in to check ECU settings takes neally an hour and 200 baht.
  7. At the risk of repeating myself an ECU computer diagnosis plug in check on the bike will correct any fuel fault and detect timing issues.
  8. Wouldn't blame him for that. My old Panther 600 single had a lever similar to choak lever on old bikes so you could kick start it.
  9. Plug in Ecu test for electronic bike systems as said before make sure that is done.
  10. Limited Language skills either way and not knowing much about motorbikes is a problem. He should ride his bike to Phayao. ????
  11. No it's just a motorbike with an engine that's bullet proof and been used in bikes for years. My 2011 Versys 650 is still going strong with no problems at all, bike models can be the same but can still be individual.
  12. Again I don't see why kwacka workshop don't see what the compression test results are first before talking engine split. I'm having doubts of the expertise of the kwacka outfit your going too.
  13. The 650 Kwackas twin lump has been going for years. My Versys 650 used about 25 ml of oil every 1000 kilos it was never a problem.
  14. According to an article from Bell Performance, “The majority of manufacturers consider one quart of oil in the range of 1,500 miles to be acceptable. It should also be pointed out there are some performance vehicles that will consume a quart of oil in less than 1,000 miles and is also considered acceptable.”
  15. See what results the compression test comes up with first. The plugs are a fair price so let Kwackas supply them.
  16. Are they going to do a computer analysis to check the bikes electronic systems.
  17. But not brainwashed like some here. Even old tyres are tough..
  18. On my Isuzu truck have changed it twice in six years it was showed to me first of how dirty it was they are 450.baht now.
  19. Giving a warm bike a bit of throttle on start up may be necessary. For me it's a battery saver. From cold starting the z is on auto choke.
  20. The general statistics of all the accidents that's just one.
  21. Can't be bothered to look and maybe not available but would be interested to see statistics of road accidents in categories like what vehicles, what age, cause of, so authorities can target vulnerable areas.
  22. Yeah tyres I find is a funny peculiar subject and a somewhat install fear way of getting into people minds. I enjoyed watching Utube Vids of guys getting old tyres with just the treads worn down trying to destroy them with over inflation and other way to make them burst. It just showed how tough tyres are.

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