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Everything posted by Hanuman2547

  1. Where did I ever say anything about bar girls as girlfriends? I didn't. You may have bar girls as girlfriends but I don't. It appears that you have had the headaches and stresses of dating bar girls.
  2. It really depends upon what country you are flying to/from that involves Thailand. My personal preferences are EVA and China both based out of Taiwan. Others are Singapore, Emirates, Qatar, and Etihad.
  3. Have you ever been single, 26, and in Bangkok? If you have an active expat social life it is no problem.
  4. Not too smart to return to Thailand. He should have first checked to see if there were any legal matters or warrants involving himself. Obviously, he knew that he left Thailand under some dodgy circumstances as he hadn't returned for seven years.
  5. Well, I watched Crocodile Dundee a long time ago. Isn't Mick (Paul Hogan) just your average Aussie?
  6. A single, 26 year old man in Thailand should have no problem at all finding a replacement for his former GF in about two hours.
  7. Biden just isn't good in debates. It isn't his strong point. Four years ago when he debated Trump he didn't do well and last Thursday night was even worse. This will basically end up a repeat of Thursday at best.
  8. Trump and Biden. A 78 year old convicted felon and an 81 year old demented old man. Is this the best that the USA can come up with?
  9. This list is definitely incomplete. As was stated earlier, it is missing two of the best schools in Thailand, ISB and Bangkok Pattana. Along with NIST, these three schools are clearly above the rest.
  10. I've never really liked Phuket that much. Therefore, I give it a zero.
  11. Perhaps skinflint boomers are a product of their parents who grew up during the Great Depression era of the 1930's.
  12. "Pattaya to become Southeast Asia’s premier destination" Very wishful thinking. Good luck with that.
  13. My experience is a bit different than many. I met my Thai wife while she was a graduate student in my country and I was an undergraduate. She already spoke very good English to a high level. We were married for 23 years until she passed away from brain cancer.
  14. More quality tourists that Thailand seeks.
  15. It's too bad that the security guard didn't contact the fire department sooner. Yes, he tried to extinguish the fire but was not able to do so. 18 minutes elapsed between the time the fire was detected and the fire department was contacted. Always love the photo ops of the high level officials arriving on scene (many hours later) and in this case smartly dressed and in high heels. Looks like she's ready to grab a hose and help out.
  16. So sad that these animals had to suffer before their death. Chatuchak has always been a firetrap waiting to happen.
  17. I've had two friends that have lived in Laos for long periods of time. One moved there from Bangkok in the late 70's and stayed there until he passed away in 2015. The other has been there about 8 years after living in Bangkok for 20 years. Although I enjoy going to Laos I can't imagine myself living there.
  18. You must be talking about places in the mid-west of which I am familiar with while attending grad school. A lot of people wouldn't want to live there as the employment opportunities aren't that great. A house at the price range will be older and less up to date but yes, you can find houses there. Won't find that along the west coast of the USA unless it is a remote area.....maybe.
  19. Vancouver BC housing costs are just incredibly high. 1M CAD (730K USD) will buy a small condo. To buy a house, starting price is about 1.3 CAD (950K USD). Mid-point is about 2.5M CAD (1.82M USD) and it's not a big or newer house at all.
  20. I'll just be a snowbird that doesn't stay in Thailand more than 180 days a year.
  21. The Thai government will get around to changing from 30 days to 60 days when they get around to it despite what has been announced.
  22. Maybe just new to the forum but not new to Thailand.
  23. My worst airline experience ever was on China Eastern about seven years ago. Nothing but problems including sitting on the tarmac for seven hours in Shanghai while they tried to solve the problem. Arrived at my destination and none of my luggage made it. Took a day for one bag to be returned to me and two days for the other..
  24. The Brit definitely needs a good lawyer and supporting statements from others that were at this 3:00am pool party.
  25. When, if at all, will the three security guards be charged with some sort of crime? Or is 500 baht and a wai good enough?
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