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Everything posted by Hanuman2547

  1. Seems odd that he would confess after an interrogation of five hours. Where was his lawyer?
  2. Sounds like if you are up in the Soi Buakhao, Soi Lengkee, Tree Town, and Soi Pothole area you will definitely be on your own.
  3. I think Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara will soon be walking back some of the comments he made when the tourism goals for China fall very short of their targeted numbers.
  4. So many possible outcomes to this scenario. The new Swiss husband, the sister, other relatives, even the abbot of the nearby Wat could all be possible suspects. Or maybe she just ran off with the money to start a new life somewhere else.
  5. "During the inspection, authorities found four customers whose urine tested positive for drugs, indicating substance abuse within the establishment." Only indicates that they had drugs in their system. Doesn't tell you precisely where the drugs were consumed. They could have taken the drugs earlier in the evening elsewhere and depending upon the type of drug, it could have been a day or more earlier.
  6. This is utter nonsense! I have experienced none of what you describe in my numerous visits to Laos over the past 25 years. The beer Lao is quite good too!
  7. I hope that the Thais have rejected it! Can you imagine the difficulty Thais will have in learning English with all the new "politically correct" pronouns and their usage?
  8. That cat better be declawed or it's going to scratch the paint job and tear up the leather interior.
  9. This type of behavior is becoming more and more common in large US cities. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of penalties for doing so for youth in this age group. In the case mentioned above, they picked the wrong target to rob. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
  10. As I stated earlier, maybe they should post the full story so that the headline matches the story they post.
  11. I wouldn't want to buy beer at 200 baht a bottle either. Not sure if that was for a big or small bottle but overpriced for both.
  12. Perhaps ASEAN Now should do a better job of including the important parts of the report so that the headline matches the story that they report without having to click to another source.
  13. The headline for this article is totally incorrect. How does she know that the man had intentions to rape her? Maybe he lives there too. Perhaps he is waiting for a friend of his that lives there. Maybe he wasn't going to rape her but just rob her. Maybe he wasn't going to do anything. She was smart to text her roommate and wait to get on the lift with someone that she recognized since she felt uncomfortable.
  14. I don't think anyone wants to see me running anywhere in a bikini.
  15. If the two young women were just sitting down on the grass and not laying down would that have been ok? Perhaps sitting on the grass and enjoying some somtam would make it ok?
  16. I'm sure that if it is like past Cobra Gold's there will be a sudden influx of young and not young maidens from certain regions of Thailand to help accommodate the arrival of the US Navy personnel. Perhaps indulge in some cultural delights such as the horizontal ramwong.
  17. If news like this is gets out internationally, it could put a damper on the tourism industry.
  18. The indiscriminate bombing of Gaza by the Israeli's just shows that the Israeli's don't really care about the hostages all that much. They continue to prosecute this war with no regard to human life or calls for a ceasefire by many nations throughout the world.
  19. Kind of odd that the original poster has yet to return with any additional info regarding his situation.
  20. Not much difference between them and a pack of late night soi dogs roaming around.
  21. It will be a rough go for this Kiwi until they finally come to a conclusion of what really happened. Hopefully there are enough CCTV cameras (that are working) to put together what went on by that pool.
  22. The good thing about security at condos is that they can keep an eye on what is going on around and in the condo. They also help as a deterrent to crime within the property and the units. The bad thing is that the security can be bribed by the not so favorable people to enter the premises and steal items of value that are kept there.
  23. You could also try searching for Thai women that are already in your home country. You may be surprised about how many there are to be found nearby. If you are younger, and near a bigger university, you might find a few that are studying there. Usually they are graduate students so a little older. If you are in the 25-35 age range you might do very well. My Thai niece went to Australia to study for a master's degree in accounting. She earned her degree and also met an Aussie guy who is an engineer and now lives in Sydney. They have been married for about 10 years now.
  24. Looks like this guy needs to be brought before the Thai justice system where he can get a trial and then be fined and deported. Most likely blacklisted for a very long time. Hopefully the US authorities will pick up on this case and prosecute him for crimes committed overseas.
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