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Everything posted by Hanuman2547

  1. Not surprised this happened in Phuket at all. The airport taxi mafia is just as bad. Just another reason I don't spend my holidays in Phuket.
  2. Some of the far-right Republicans are just certifiably crazy in their political goals.
  3. Yes, it is a thrilling flight. When I flew there in March 2000 it was still a dirt runway. It was paved in 2002 which is a lot nicer.
  4. Why? They cannot safely be brought down.
  5. You do not literally step over dead bodies when climbing Mt. Everest on the SE ridge. Those that have perished, but unable to be brought down, have been moved from the standard route. They are still up there but out of sight. These are all above the south summit and have not been brought down as the risks are too great. On the NE ridge there was one deceased climber, known as "Green Boots" as his boots were green that was just a few feet off of the route. He had died in 1996. In 2014, Green Boots was moved to a less conspicuous location by members of a Chinese expedition.
  6. Hey, that's kind of funny except I also bought a condo in 2006 and if I could sell it for what I paid for it I'd sell it tomorrow! Luckily I don't live in it as I live elsewhere. I used to have it rented out regularly before Covid-19 hit.
  7. I don't know about the bath but he did get a haircut as shown in the photo in the Thaiger article.
  8. It appears that he is already back in NZ according to the article and attempting to do just that.
  9. Doesn't sound like this is going to end up in a good way. It also doesn't appear that he was convicted of anything five years ago from his arrest.
  10. I would look into getting a private investigator to check out what she has been doing. It could be a number of things or a combination of things. Visiting her BF/Kik/Tom etc. Gambling with the girls and maybe some guys. Visiting her husband & kids. Visiting sick/aged relative, Mom? Dad? As for the house, you will most likely lose that. This is Thailand and you will never be Thai. If things do go bad, be prepared to move somewhere far away from where you are now. Get a new phone, cut off all social media with her. Good Luck!
  11. That's one reason why I don't go to Phuket. The airport taxi mafia is bad enough. A lot of other beaches with a lot less problems.
  12. Banana mango??? On pizza??? Is that a common thing in Oz?
  13. Not into Thailand. I would rather carry it in from my home country, after riding it for awhile, and avoid import taxes. So far, I've never been stopped when bringing a bicycle into Thailand.
  14. "Pattaya Police Pledge to be an Organization the Public Can Trust" That's going to take a lot of work to overcome many years (decades?) of the standard operating procedures.
  15. There are a lot of Thai doctors in the USA spread out all over the country. Most graduated from medical in Thailand and then later went to the USA for advanced training and specialization. What happens is the best ones get snapped up by a US hospital and are supported by their employer to get permanent residency, aka Green Card. They end up staying in the USA and only go back to Thailand for holidays after that.
  16. Yes, you definitely got scammed. She was setting you up to get even more baht out of you as well. Good thing that you gave the Issan restaurant a miss.
  17. Then the teachers at the school will either tell them to wear masks or browbeat them into wearing them. Really sad imho.
  18. The main reason why the US wouldn't sell their F-35's to the Thai Air Force is due to the Thais getting more cozy with the Chinese. Obviously, the Chinese would want to get their hands on a fully operational F-35 so it makes sense why the Americans wouldn't sell them to the Thais.
  19. I think the American is a little bit mentally off. He needs to get back on his medication.
  20. I only wear a mask when on the BTS and MRT. The rest of the time I go mask free. If a business or government office requires people to wear masks upon entrance I will do so or go elsewhere.
  21. Don't underestimate the lack of intelligence of the "Trump MAGA Cult". They rioted at 6 Jan and I wouldn't be surprised if they committed the same sort of nonsense if Trump were convicted of these charges.
  22. Canada? The story mentioned Vancouver but neglected to state how expensive housing is there. It's terribly expensive and certainly not affordable for anyone wanting to retire in Vancouver. Everything in Canada just costs so much more. Then there is the cold rainy weather for months on end.
  23. Why would anyone (expat) keep $5 million US dollars in a Mexican bank? Wealthy Mexicans with that kind of money don't even do that!
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