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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. The only thing of economic interest to these twerps is getting their fingers in the money pie. Other than that the Countries fortunes can go to hell !
  2. Seems to me that most Big C outlets are poorly managed; stock control just one area of concern but it's no surpise to me as having lived here for 16 years i have yet to find any Business well managed . When Thai's get to managerial status they appear to act like some kind of God, hardly ever 'at work' and more likely to be on the Golf Course or out with the Mia Noi. When they do pop into 'work' nobody dare say anything or make any suggestions on how to improve all the glaring shortcomings. Nothing is likely to change in my next 16 years !
  3. Tip of the Iceberg; one that's been jutting up under the carpet for Decades. If it's not Teachers it's 'Uncles', Monks, Fathers and Grandfathers all trying to get inside young Girls underwear using one excuse or temptation or another. In our Local Villages such stories pop up at regular intervals and the majority of this 'News' is suppressed by embarrassed Families or indeed, the Girls themselves.
  4. Yep; 'Teachers' in Wife's Family and circle of Friends all up to their eyes in debt. In the Staff Room they are scorned if they don't have a 'suitable sized ' new Car every year or so and many knowing how useless the Thai State Education System send their own Kids to International Schools or Universities at huge cost....money which they borrow. My Wife herself was a Midwife for 25 years, never borrowed a Baht but was, and is still in retirement, harrassed by the Banks to borrow huge amounts of money just because she was a Government Employee. As usual it's the Government and the Banks (mainly owned by Government) who are at the root of the problem..... along with the dreaded 'Face' problem !!
  5. Or less than that if they get to eat shortly !
  6. He will be there filling his greedy pockets until he croaks !
  7. In Thailand it's not what you know but who you know that makes you successful !
  8. Got one of them near me but the Benz belongs to a Geezer who visits his 'Gik' in the Shack from time to time and gives her a few Baht. Things ain't always what they seem !
  9. To impress the Mia Noi you undersatand !
  10. Or a Beer in hand ! People in our Local Villages bitch continually but when eating and drinking not a care in The World.
  11. Another ''Let's wait until something happens '' story from the Hub of Zero Maintenance !
  12. Anyone (apparently) running this country is in the hands of a 'Certain Person' plus the overwhelming power of the Big Five Families that control 95% of the business in the country and as these people are the ones owning all the combustible fields that are at the root of the problem then it is in their economic interests to ensure the burning continues. Anyone trying to make something different happen will find themselves looking down the Gun Barrel of a Tank !!
  13. If these posters had Wives or Girlfriends in the Industry they would know better !
  14. My Wife was a Midwife for 25 years in State Hospitals and it was Slavery with Low Wages, many Double Shifts and even Treble ! Work, Eat and Sleep was her life as a Widow for nine years until i came along after 23 of those 25 years. When i used to visit her work place i witnessed the lousy working conditions the Nurses had and the way they were talked down to by Doctors and especially 'Managers', the latter all running business's on the side and spending minimum time 'at work'. The Admin' Staff had it best sitting around doing as little as possible whilst constantly sending out for Drinks and Food. Dare a Nurse ask them to do something for them and they were all 'too busy'....doing nothing !
  15. Whenever they say this we never get a drip in Hang Dong !
  16. When did they ever find anything wrong or illegal on these 'Inspections' ? Never in the 15 years i've been here.
  17. EMS works well most of the time but for the last year or so nothing ever gets signed for on Tracked International Post. I asked my Postie why and he said since they removed the Paper Signing Sheet and replaced it with the 'Device' nobody can be bothered as half the time they are defective. Not hard to believe is it !
  18. Regularly see them in our Local Supermarkets filling Trolly's with Booze; it's not unusual and i have seen several drunk Monks roaming around Temples !
  19. I'm so scared i don't know where to hide. Geez; i encounter these beasts often in my garden almost weekly and just let them go on their way unlike some Thai Neighbours who spend several minutes smashing the life out of them every time they see one !
  20. There's no Labour shortage here; just Millions of Bone Idle Thai Men who will not get off their A+++s !
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