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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. Not with any of the four accounts myself and my wife have (two Kasikorn and two TTB) if using an ATM or online banking. You can take the bankbook in and have it updated if you want, but it's not mandatory.
  2. Can't read the Times article as it's paywalled but here's an Australian report on the same story. US dismisses ‘utterly false’ report on Nord Stream pipeline bombings It's perhaps worth noting the following comment from that article:
  3. It was not retracted - in fact it has been repeated and expanded on by Pentagon officials. However part of the additional information given is that the previous balloon incursions were not detected at the time (which also explains why various Trump officials were not aware of them). So to be fair, it would be a little harsh to blame Trump or his administration for not doing anything when they didn't even know it had happened. It does point to a bit of a failure by the DoD, though.
  4. Even if it was (and there are things called eating utensils, you know) you should always wash your hands thoroughly after going to the toilet, and before preparing or eating food anyway. Don't you do so? As we learned during Covid (if we didn't know already) 20 seconds of thorough hand-washing with soap and water is enough to kill pretty much any germs you might have on your hands.
  5. The whole point is that it is a new and revolutionary re-design of the ICE. For one thing, it can run on hydrogen rather than fossil fuels. So in a sense yes, very modern.
  6. It is interesting and seems like a technological tour de force but it's been around for nearly ten years now and for whatever reason doesn't seem to have made any real inroads into the automotive industry. Aquarius Engine
  7. It seems the "many" people you know in the UK are firmly in the minority. According to the survey reported on in the article below: Just 1% of EV owners would definitely return to ICE says survey The graph of the responses is as shown below.
  8. Isn't drowsiness the exact "side effect" we're looking for here?
  9. Meanings most definitely do change. A decent proportion of the words in the English language no longer mean what they once did. Take the word "nice" for instance. When the word first entered English (from French) in the early 1300s, it meant “unaware, ignorant.” Within 100 years, its meaning had changed to “conduct, a person, or clothing that was considered excessively luxurious or lascivious.” By the 1400s it referred to “a person who was finely dressed, someone who was scrupulous, or something that was precise or fussy.” Around a century later, nice had further changed to mean, "refined, cultured." Finally, by the late 18th and early 19th centuries, nice had taken on the meaning it has today. What’s the origin of nice?
  10. This. I bought an Easy Pass tag in mid-December. It works anywhere that MPass would.
  11. My comment was in response to your reply to a post that said, "Young elite athletes have been known to drop dead on the field due to undiagnosed heart issues" - nothing to do with people dying in their sleep
  12. Well, it definitely happens. As mentioned in the Mayo Clinic article below: Sudden death in young people
  13. That was a reply to a post about a relative of @robblok who died at at relatively young age, and who, according to @robblok "had something wrong with his heart." It was not a reference to the British diving instructor who was the original subject of the thread.
  14. And they determined there was something wrong with his heart without doing an autopsy? How exactly does that work, then?
  15. It is most decidedly not "used all over the world without any issues." It has caused at least 20 injuries in Indonesia just recently - which is most likely what prompted this warning from the Thai FDA. Warning issued over ‘dragon’s breath’ viral video trend
  16. So you're saying that if a country has nuclear weapons, they're just allowed to do whatever they want - invade, occupy, annex territory etc? Talk about a recipe for international chaos. In any event, as @kwonitoypointed out, effectively ceding control of Crimea, plus the Donbas and Lukhansk regions to Russia didn't appease them so there's absolutely no reason to think further concessions of land would, either.
  17. That's just not true - as the article I linked to earlier clearly and unambiguously states: So the worst case would be 5 times slower, not twice as slow, as you seem to think.
  18. It is a lot - but the findings of that article are simply not applicable to Thailand. As the article states, fully 70% of those switching did so because of the horribly slow speed of charging at home using a standard US 120 volt domestic electrical outlet. Firstly, as far as I'm aware, most (if not all) EV manufacturers here offer wall charger installation and even if someone here were using just a normal power outlet, they still wouldn't have the main problem that caused all those US drivers to switch. That's because the standard voltage here would charge their vehicles at something approaching 5 times faster than US voltage, based on the figures in the article below. Dedicated wall chargers are even quicker, of course. All about EV Charging
  19. It matters massively. As others have pointed out, depending on which country you're arrested in, the sentence can range from a relatively few years in jail, to the death penalty. Indonesia for instance, has a long history of executing people (of all nationalities) for drug smuggling.
  20. The British Embassy does the same. Although I did notice that they have an online link that allows you to request such a letter which now that I think about it, is probably for those who've renewed their passport outside the country (since, as mentioned, if you do it here, you get the letter automatically).
  21. Ever heard the phrase, "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it"? Because what you're suggesting is exactly what Neville Chamberlain thought when he negotiated the settlement that ceded the Sudetenland to Germany in 1938. Remind us again - how did that work out for him?
  22. 130 tablets and 466 line items in 3 days? That's beyond excessive.
  23. Except that, at least according to the link on the previous page, the Ukrainians do not have the capability to intercept this particular kind of missile. As stated in that link:
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