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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. I think you may be labouring under a slight misapprehension as to the purpose of the visit. They already know you're applying for an extension and they already know you claim to be living together with your wife, as a married couple, at a given address. They're there to ascertain whether what you're claiming is true. They don't need to ask you, they already have your application form, so (unless you plan on contradicting the info on your form) there's not much else you can tell them. As far as I can tell, they're basically there to check with people other than you (the witness and your wife) whether you really are living together at the address you've given them.
  2. The article is a little vague, talking about "malfeasance" but I'm wondering what exactly the ex-governor (and the other officials) were found guilty of. I thought the whole basis of this scam is that people were fooled into believing these devices worked. Was it the case that these local officials were guilty of more than just being gullible? Were they for instance, supposed to have known that the devices were bogus but bought them anyway?
  3. What the heck does this have to do with Trudeau (and when did he become a president)? I'm pretty sure the Canadian Prime Minister is not involved in individual passport issues.
  4. Not sure about it being typically Thailand - as the BBC article shows, governments and security organisations all around the world were fooled into buying these useless devices. UK government agencies and even UK military personnel were also used to helped promote the devices. So perhaps this was more typically British than anything else?
  5. FWIW, in the UK, based on models up to 5 years old, the MG ZS came in a fairly respectable 7th place out of 39 models rated, in a reliability survey published by what car.com. What Car? Reliability Survey - Family SUV's
  6. Yes, the code has to be entered on the Netflix app which in his case, is on his TV.
  7. There's currently no difference in content available based on subscription level, only based on geographical location.
  8. Another payment option is that if you already have a package with AIS, DTAC or True, you can add Netflix to your existing subscription.
  9. Do you know why your TV can't connect to the building WiFi but can connect to your phone's WiFi hotspot? That sounds a little strange. Unless the building WiFi is 5 GHz only (which would be unusual) and your TV only supports 2.4 GHz
  10. This is not a high speed train project, though. As @KhunLApoints out, it's a dual track rail line project.
  11. If you watch the video, it clearly shows how this elephant (and another one) were riding in the back of a lorry.
  12. Sergei Lavrov also mentioned that they'd be happy to have him work on Russian State television. In addition to RT, and as mentioned by Forbes, "one of Russia’s most prominent TV anchors and pro-Putin propagandists, Vladimir Solovyov, also offered Carlson a spot on his web show Solovyov Live." Tucker Carlson’s Ouster From Fox Criticized By Russia’s Foreign Minister
  13. Santander is not the only bank doing this. I'm currently going through the same process with NatWest International. They've only sent me emails so far but there's been a series of them and I'm currently waiting for one that they said will require me to prove my identity using an app called Hooyu. I'm slightly dreading this as the vast majority of the online reviews (mostly from NatWest customers) say this software fails to work about 90% of the time, refusing to recognise items people are trying to scan, refusing to accept people's names, etc.
  14. They didn't simply provide anti-aircraft weapons to "villagers" in Afghanistan, they provided them to organised militia groups known collectively as Mujahideen. Also the situation in Afghanistan was completely different. The country was suffering under a foreign invasion with the vast majority of the country united in opposition to the invading foreign forces. Also, two of the main countries bordering Afghanistan (Iran and Pakistan) were firmly in support of the Mujahideen and perfectly amenable to having weaponry supplied across their borders into Afghanistan. You don't have anything like the same situation in Myanmar. And the massacre being referred to in the OP was not in the area bordering Thailand, it happened west of Mandalay, so pretty much in the centre of the country. As I mentioned, the junta's forces are killing people all over the country.
  15. I've just looked at your "answer." It doesn't hold any water. Your argument is that because on one of the many times he said that other NATO countries owed money to the US, he qualified if by saying, "as far as I'm concerned." That a) doesn't cover all the other times when he said it and didn't add that rider and b) it doesn't alter that fact that he was saying quite clearly, that he considers these other countries owe money to the US. For instance, in 2019 he said: Trump threatens to punish Germany over military spending And in 2017: Trump directly scolds NATO allies, says they owe 'massive' sums No mention of "as far as I'm concerned" there - nor on all the other times he said other NATO countries owed money to the US. You'll also notice that there are multiple articles about him making this claim repeatedly, and all of them point out that he is saying the countries owe money to the US. So it seems that pretty much everybody except you, that has read Trump's remarks on this subject, knows exactly what he was saying and it's only you holding on to this delusion that he wasn't saying that he actually said.
  16. Yes he literally said that. Not once but repeatedly. Trump keeps saying NATO members owe money to the US — they don’t Here's just one example, from his remarks at the NATO summit in 2018. President Trump Says NATO Allies Owe the U.S. Money. He's Wrong
  17. It doesn't matter how much or how little each NATO country spends on their defence budget, none of it is owed to the US. Trump never seems to have understood how NATO funding works.
  18. Except that what he's talking about is not actually NATO spending, it's simply the money each country spends on their own defence budgets. NATO has very little collective budget spending (it comes to only 0.3% of total Allied defence spending) and all NATO members contribute to the collective funding of NATO using an agreed cost-share formula derived from the Gross National Income of member countries.
  19. And let's just remind ourselves that a fact-check of Comer's allegations found that: Dissecting GOP claims about Hunter Biden
  20. Sacked from what exactly? She doesn't hold any government position that they can sack her from. She's just an MP, nothing else. Only her constituents can 'sack' her, by not voting for her at the next election. They could also try for a recall petition but again, that would be up to her constituents. The reason for this is that the MP is chosen by the people of their constituency, and so it is not up to their Party, or The Prime Minister or anyone else in Parliament to tell them they have to stop being an MP. The people chose them, the people are the ones to make them leave.
  21. Explain to us the logistics of how and to whom the West would deliver anti-aircraft weapons that could be used to protect disparate groups of villagers scattered throughout the entire country of Myanmar.
  22. That's not quite accurate. If the naming convention had just automatically followed the Greek alphabet in the correct order, the name for the variant should have been Nu. So the WHO was already not following Greek alphabetical order automatically by not calling it Nu and continued not automatically following it by not using Xi either. Nu was not used because it sounded too much like "new" and Xi was not used because it is a common family name and so violated the rule on not using personal names as designations for diseases.
  23. That's not true as far as I can tell. According to the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS): Covid 19 compared to flu as cause of death And, as the same source also pointed out:
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