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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. That's not true as far as I can tell. According to the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS): Covid 19 compared to flu as cause of death And, as the same source also pointed out:
  2. Are you sure ? The research is somewhat mixed but some medical experts say toilet paper is worse for spreading bacteria around the anal and perianal areas. In the article below, New York rectal surgeon Evan Goldstein argues for the use of water in preference to toilet paper. Bidets are healthier than toilet paper according to a rectal surgeon As he points out:
  3. As various organisations and media outlets have pointed out, James Comer is the archetypal MAGA conspiracy theorist (including election denier), Trump apologist and a proven liar, to boot. Conspiracy Theorist, Trump Sycophant, & Proven Liar. Three things to know about James Comer
  4. Did you even read that WaPo article that you linked to? It is a "fact checker" article that debunks virtually every claim that Comer is making. As it states:
  5. From what I've read, there seems a good chance that it will. A number of researchers are working on ultra fast-charging battery technology. Here's one example. Electric car batteries with five-minute charging times produced As the article states: And here's another, even better-performing battery technology. Revolutionary New Electric Vehicle Battery Charges in 3 Minutes and Lasts 20 Years
  6. I was using my Android phone. Try on an Android device (if you have one) and perhaps you'll have better luck.
  7. Not with all makes of AC. We have Trane air conditioners and with them you can still regulate the temperature when using "Dry" mode.
  8. Are you sure? I just checked Total AV and when I got to the payment page it offered an option for credit card payment.
  9. The Democrats were in the minority and had no power to block their appointments.
  10. The shop owner quotes him as swearing at her, and insulting the Thai people in English, which she evidently understood.
  11. If you read the whole account in the linked Thaiger article, you'll see that's exactly what the shop owner says happened.
  12. In an interview with the Dallas Morning News, Harlan Crow was basically asked if he ever expected any kind of "quid pro quo" from his relationship with Clarence Thomas. His answer? Sounds rather like he's just "admitted the quiet part out loud." Harlan Crow: There’s nothing wrong with my friendship with Clarence Thomas
  13. The more I read about Clarence Thomas the more it seems that he's just a serial scofflaw when it comes to financial disclosures. As mentioned in the article below he also failed to disclose his wife's income for several years in a row. The writer of the articles points out that this is actually criminal behavior (but that it is unlikely he will ever get into any trouble over it because of the massive double standards involved). Clarence Thomas' Criminal Behavior on Financial Disclosure Thomas claimed that his failure to report correctly was because he didn't understand the disclosure rules, but the strange thing is that he had been declaring her income up until 2003 but didn't from 2003 to 2007 (a period during which when she earned nearly $700,000) and then failed to do so again in 2009, another year in which she is known to have been employed in what was apparently an extremely lucrative position. So it seems that his lack of comprehension of these rules is a thing that comes and goes in what can only be described as a rather strange and mysterious way. It also seems odd that a Supreme court justice, who is supposed to understand, interpret and rule on the most serious and complex issues of law in the United States, is suddenly afflicted by ignorance or lack of understanding when it comes to the matter of simple financial disclosure rules applying to themselves.
  14. Without looking back through all 14 pages, I seem to recall that the majority of vaccination experiences recounted on here have been just fine. For myself personally, I haven't had anything other than a little soreness and slight fatigue after any of my Covid shots (four of them so far). I've never had any significant problems with any of the other many, many vaccinations I've had in my life, either.
  15. I guess everybody's different. I've driven my MG ZS on a number of long drives (typically, over 700 km at a time) and found it eminently comfortable. Much more so than the Isuzu SUV that I used to do the same kinds of trips in before. Never needed a cushion and nor did anyone else travelling with me (I usually have three other adults in the car).
  16. @ozimoron posted a link earlier that pointed out Harlan Crow sits on the boards two organisations (CCI and AEI) that have filed at least 11 briefs before the Supreme Court, with Thomas involved. In every one of those cases, Thomas ruled in their favour. Which at a minimum, means that Thomas was being a tad disingenuous when he stated that Crow had never had any business before the court.
  17. Once again, you're giving an example of what you think is woke which completely fails to demonstrate your point. Saying that Hitler was reprehensible and should not be romanticised does not meet any definition of wokeness that I've ever heard. If you think that Adolf Hitler does not deserve to be admonished or shamed, then I don't think it's the AI's opinions on the matter that need to be called into question.
  18. That doesn't mean there's zero risk however. According to all the scientific literature, any mammal can carry rabies. And since rabies is 100% fatal if left untreated, I certainly wouldn't want to take the risk.
  19. You said the AI was displaying "wokeness" in reference to a question about who Dick Cheney shot, when it's obvious that it doesn't have a problem with answering a properly-composed question on the matter. Also, I'm not sure how the fact that the AI won't agree with your views on the world, or won't say what you want it to say, means that it's "woke."
  20. Not sure where you're seeing "wokeness" here. The AI obviously has no problem with, or bias against answering the question completely and accurately, if it's posed in a normal, straightforward manner that it can understand.
  21. It's apparently not pseudoscientific nonsense. According to the article below from PubMed Central: Rabies: The Lethality Since Antiquity
  22. As I already pointed out, if you ask it the more normal, straightforward question of, "How many people did Dick Cheney shoot?" it gives a straightforward answer as to the details of who he shot and when, etc. Framing the question as if it is about Liz Cheney is at a minimum, confusing.
  23. While any death is tragic and to be avoided, as far as I can tell the number of 38 deaths per day is actually lower than the normal daily average. A report on Sky News from a couple of years ago stated the average number of road accident deaths per day in Thailand was 62. Although in the article itself, it said there were around 20,000 deaths per year which is actually 54 deaths per day. Last year, according to the article below, there were an average of 40 road traffic deaths per day. 14,737 lives lost on Thai roads in 2022 Whatever the true figure, the average death toll for these three days is still below it.
  24. I don't think you need to do anything. The message you got is the standard, automatic reply that is generated any time an attempt at an online 90 day report fails. Since you didn't need to do a 90 day report in the first place, there's no need for you to report to immigration.
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