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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. You honestly believe that the mobile phone industry can somehow suppress reports from every single fire department and accident reporting authority in every country throughout the entire world? I'll have some of what you're smoking.
  2. It's not a question of what I believe. The facts show (as stated in that article) that no fire or explosion caused by a phone at a petrol station has ever been documented. I didn't say that it's 100% impossible that it ever could happen, but the urban myth that you quoted (which I was countering) was saying that an explosion had been caused by a person simply receiving a phone call - something that has never been known to have happened.
  3. That's an urban myth. No such explosion has ever occurred. As the "How Stuff Works" article below states: Will using a cell phone at a gas pump make it explode?
  4. You seem to have missed (or are deliberately ignoring) the post where the owner of the vehicle in question clarifies that the battery was not damaged, didn't need replacing and the replacement cost he had been quoted was wrong anyway.
  5. International Detention Centre or Immigration Detention Centre?
  6. It can be done because they can simulate the charging, discharging and recharging cycles involved in normal driving, in a laboratory setting.* Which is exactly the kind of thing that manufacturers of all sorts of different consumer products have always done, to come up with scientifically accurate, estimated life spans of their products. Do you really think that every manufacturer that announces a ten year life span for their newly-released product, has waited ten years since manufacturing the first one, before doing so? *The article on the link below explains this in more detail Electric vehicle battery testing
  7. Or call them and ask them to call you back. In my experience of UK government agencies, they're happy to do that.
  8. Because what Russia is doing undermines the very basis of international law and global stability. If larger and "stronger" countries can just invade, conquer and annexe parts (or all) of any neighboring country simply because they want to, then the global stability of the entire world is in serious danger. For instance, as many people have pointed out, if Russia can get away with this, China will feel emboldened in regards to taking more aggressive action against Taiwan - possibly up to and including invasion. And as some of the videos from Russian state media posted just recently on this thread indicate, Russia already has ambitions towards other former Soviet states and if successful in Ukraine they will be even more likely to actively pursue those ambitions. Not opposing Russia now will almost inevitably lead to more and more problems in future, some of which may be even more intractable.
  9. They don't all wear them - according to the report below, as of 2023 only 7 US states had made body cameras mandatory. Body Camera Laws by State 2023 And for some reason in a number of high-profile cases they seem to have been turned off or "not working" at the relevant moments. Just one example is: However as mentioned in the article below, according to the police the cameras were not switched on at the time the shooting occurred. The failure of police body cameras
  10. If you do find it, post a picture of the stamp on here. There are people who can translate it and tell you exactly what it says.
  11. Of course they searched near where she fell in - multiple searches were done but as the police have said, in some places or was almost impossible to see anything because of the amount of underwater debris. And the body wasn't found especially close, it was found about a mile downstream.
  12. It can take a while for bodies to surface, after immersion in water. True, it usually takes less time than this but it can take longer (or in fact, the body may never even surface) if it's trapped by underwater branches.
  13. Well, in my experience police are a suspicious lot and would always tend to take an interest when someone they have reason to believe is a criminal and on the run internationally, is in their area.
  14. When it comes to fiscal responsibility, I think you'll find have your parties backwards. At least since the Reagan presidency, Republicans have consistently increased the federal deficit, while Democrats have regularly reduced it. According to the figures in the article below, which come from the Research Division of the Federal Bank of St. Louis, Reagan took the deficit from $79 billion to $152 billion. Bush 41 took it to $255 billion. Clinton got it to a surplus of $128 billion. Bush 43 took it from a surplus, to $1.4 trillion deficit. Obama more than halved the deficit to $600 billion. As of June 2019, Trump was on course to get it back to over $1.1 trillion. Here's how the deficit performed under Republican and Democratic presidents, from Reagan to Trump In fact, Trump left the White House with the largest peacetime budget deficit in American history and a national debt exceeding 100% of the economy for the first time since World War II. So the idea that the Republicans are better than the Democrats at finding ways to pay for government spending is just completely wrong-headed. The figures also show that Labour Governments in the UK are much better at running the economy than the general perception. As the article below states, "despite the 2008-09 recession taking place on Labour’s watch, the party has only overseen seven quarters of recession in the past 100 years compared to 17 under the Conservatives." Labour are much better at running the economy than voters think
  15. I think the idea is that the rural poor living in agricultural households (who are the majority) will be able to switch to a more lucrative cash crop. As a World Bank report on poverty in Thailand states, "79 percent of the poor remain in rural areas and mainly in agricultural households." Rural Thailand Faces the Largest Poverty Challenges
  16. Not with any of the four accounts myself and my wife have (two Kasikorn and two TTB) if using an ATM or online banking. You can take the bankbook in and have it updated if you want, but it's not mandatory.
  17. Can't read the Times article as it's paywalled but here's an Australian report on the same story. US dismisses ‘utterly false’ report on Nord Stream pipeline bombings It's perhaps worth noting the following comment from that article:
  18. It was not retracted - in fact it has been repeated and expanded on by Pentagon officials. However part of the additional information given is that the previous balloon incursions were not detected at the time (which also explains why various Trump officials were not aware of them). So to be fair, it would be a little harsh to blame Trump or his administration for not doing anything when they didn't even know it had happened. It does point to a bit of a failure by the DoD, though.
  19. Even if it was (and there are things called eating utensils, you know) you should always wash your hands thoroughly after going to the toilet, and before preparing or eating food anyway. Don't you do so? As we learned during Covid (if we didn't know already) 20 seconds of thorough hand-washing with soap and water is enough to kill pretty much any germs you might have on your hands.
  20. The whole point is that it is a new and revolutionary re-design of the ICE. For one thing, it can run on hydrogen rather than fossil fuels. So in a sense yes, very modern.
  21. It is interesting and seems like a technological tour de force but it's been around for nearly ten years now and for whatever reason doesn't seem to have made any real inroads into the automotive industry. Aquarius Engine
  22. It seems the "many" people you know in the UK are firmly in the minority. According to the survey reported on in the article below: Just 1% of EV owners would definitely return to ICE says survey The graph of the responses is as shown below.
  23. Isn't drowsiness the exact "side effect" we're looking for here?
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